jutymo Member


  • Protein "fast" day today, i.e. trying for almost all protein to get my eating under control :( so today I had a protein shake at 6AM, scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese at 830AM and I'll have one more protein shake at 11AM. I often have a protein shake in the car on my way to work and then a small "breakfast" at about…
  • Yum!
  • I had RNY in 2002, lost 130 pounds and didn't get to goal weight. I gained back about 50 of which I have now lost 30. So I'm 20 lbs away from my lowest weight after surgery which was about 40 pounds higher than my true goal weight. Yes I lost a lot and I lost it fast. But I didn't continue to watch my diet carefully and am…
  • I made mine crustless in ramekins and 1/4 of recipe filled the ramekin to the top.
  • I like cottage cheese but I'd never guess that was the base for this recipe. It tastes much more like a egg base, hence the reference to quiche. Texture is much more egg like as well. I really liked it.
  • I made it in 4 ramekins and froze 3 of them. I reheated in the oven rather than the microwave and they heated up well. But I'd think they'd be fine heated up in the microwave as well. Tasted just fine.
  • I don't. I'm trying to eat as I will when I'm done with weight loss. My caloric intake is the maintenance level of the weight I want to be. So my plan is to eat my goal weight maintenance and when I hit goal, I won't have to change ANYTHING because I'll have been eating maintenance for the entire weight loss period. If I…
  • My every Sunday breakfast is 2 egg yolks poached over bacon on an english muffin (100 calorie muffin) with a side of hash browns and OJ. My weekly breakfasts are usually one of the following (all of which I think are ideal for me): Steel cut oats with almonds and brown sugar English muffin with PB and banana Breakfast…
  • REAL butter on my popcorn. Not movie popcorn, the really good white popcorn air popped in the microwave and then melted butter drizzled over it, YUM! I limit myself to one tablespoon and I only have it about once a week but I decided early on I needed to find a way to keep that in my menus and I've been able to do it so…
  • I always have something that can be used for "dinner" in my freezer. leftovers, stuff I cooked on the weekend knowing I'll need it later in the week, healthy frozen foods (i.e. Amy's cheese pizza in there right now). I label all the containers in my freezer so I can see what I have and I usually take something out of the…
  • Not necessarily. I have these and have had for the last 4-5 years and my potassium levels are on the HIGH side. No problems with low potassium for me. I think it's food related but I can't quite figure out what triggers them. I'll have none for 1-2 months and then have them every night for 7-10 days. There's no apparent…
  • [SIGH] I really want to like beets but they taste like dirt to me. I roasted them because I love roasted veggies but they still taste like dirt to me. Oh well...
  • ^^^ This... For example, I went almost a month with no loss and then lost weight each day for the next 3 days, and then again 3 days later. I'm now on day 6 with no loss but expect to see one tomorrow or the next day based on my loss history. Always in the past when I'd be eating poorly and gaining weight, I stopped…
  • Here's a recipe with an Asian flair. I have cukes cut up in my fridge almost all the time using this recipe. I don't care for pears so usually just do cucumbers only but it's good with apple too: http://justbento.com/handbook/recipe-collection-sides/cucumber-and-nashi-asian-pear-marinated-salad Recipe: Cucumber and nashi…
  • Here's something similar that I'm going to try. Can control the calories by the number of bites you have. http://www.emilybites.com/2012/03/banana-pancake-bites.html Banana Pancake Bites Source: adapted from The World According to Eggface Ingredients: 1 cup Bisquick Heart Smart Pancake & Baking Mix 2/3 cup skim milk ½ cup…
  • Lunch can be anything of course. I often "cook" my lunch before going to bed, pack it so it's ready to go. Here's some of my lunches: Asian lettuce wraps (skinnytaste.com) Seafood chowder (Amy's tomato bisque, one can clams, cut up shrimp) + Grilled cheese with bacon (sandwich thin, ff cheese, 1 slice bacon) Loaded baked…
  • Steel cut oats freeze extremely well. I actually use a frozen brand more often than cooking them (Good Food Made Simple brand). So make a crockpot full and portion out into ramekins or something and freeze. They cook up great in the microwave and so much easier and so portable.
  • I make them all the time and soak them overnight. I boil water, put in the oats, cook for 3 minutes, cover and let sit all night. Then I warm them up in the morning at work. I've made them in the crockpot before but ended up with a boiled over mess. And yes, put the fruit in LAST not first. If it's dried fruit, i.e.…
  • And for whatever crazy reason that I'm sure others can back up, seems like when I have a day or two of the crappiest food ever, I lose a pound or two the next day or within 2-3 days. Go figure.
  • I preplan all my meals, usually a week in advance in MFP. I search recipes and find ones I want to try, put them in the food log for a day in the future, fill in with veggies or sides, check frozen foods and leftovers that I have and plug those in. I do this for all meals and snacks. I try to shop on Saturdays after I get…
  • Mine is set up as BREAKFAST, SNACK (AM), LUNCH, SNACK (PM), DINNER, VITAMINS You can change the headings so it says whatever you want it to show.
  • I use Champion Pure Whey Stack chocolate mixed with water and 1 tbps of flavored coffee creamer + LOTS of ice. I have one at 6AM on my way to work and usually don't need anything again until about 10AM when I have a snack (fruit, PB toast, granola bar). I buy the 5 gallon tubs paying about $42 as I recall. Lasts me a long…
  • English muffin + peanut butter Protein drink Instant oatmeal in microwave (I often eat in the car on the way to work) English Muffin pizza You just need to get creative. Lots of quickie stuff if you look around on the internet and this site.
  • Geez then SPLURGE! I just had a big bowl of popcorn with real butter. Can't have it every day but I was low on calories and I refuse to eat popcorn (air popped by the way) without REAL butter. So that was my treat tonight. I'd rather my meals be lower calorie and well balanced which allows me to save a few calories for the…
  • I decided to change my eating habits and knew soda has no nutritional value whether it is diet or regular soda. I was also one that loved a certain soda (Code Red Mt. Dew) but couldn't drink it alone; had to have "something" with it. And it was never something good. So I stopped all soda and have had less than 10 total…