a dish for a man, but calories for a woman! low carb

taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
3 animals in one dish cant bet any bettter than that!!
Low cal (ish), high protein, low carb!

I don't know what I'll call this yet, I need a good name. Fish, Fowl, and (f)pig?

hahaha I don't know,
For now Ill settle for creamy Bacon wrapped Chicken with shrimp.

I made this yesterday, form some other recipes that I just chucked together. I've seen it done before.. somewhere


My recipe serves 4

But macro nutrients depends on products used, and obviously, if you don't use sauce

This entire meal- veggies, sauce and all- around 400 cal.

Without the veggies (sauce Included)- 296 cal , per serve 7/1/39 C/F/P

So its pretty easy, and easy to modify too.


4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
4 slices low sodium bacon
36 shrimp, cooked ( 8 each, but you can do more or less)

Rinse the chicken under the tap to get all the yukky stuff off it. Place it on a tin foil tray (or non stick if ya have one)
Wrap One piece of bacon around each breast, pin in place with toothpick if you want, I didn't.
Place in convection oven at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. if you prick it with a fork no blood should come out, but open one up anyway just to make sure.

One cup fat free milk.
2 sliced cheddar cheese (the pre-cut ones) or 1/4 cup shredded cheese (you can also use reduced fat, but i didin't have nay in the house, changes macros)
2 oz philly fat free cream cheese (not neccesarily needed, but yummy)
1 tablespoon of some form of flour (white, brown, whole, whatever)
Salt and pepper to taste.

Warm milk to just before getting it to boil
Add cream cheese and normal cheese and stir until melted,
add flour, and keep stirring itll get thick really quick

(basic white sauce recipe)

presto! yums!!
