What should I eat for breakfast/lunch?



  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    English muffin + peanut butter
    Protein drink
    Instant oatmeal in microwave (I often eat in the car on the way to work)
    English Muffin pizza

    You just need to get creative. Lots of quickie stuff if you look around on the internet and this site.
  • randymarshx
    Oh i see I forgot about protein shakes, the only supplements I use are mesomorph which is ofcourse a pre work out shake.

    What are some affordable protein shakes?
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oats are great for breakfast, I soak mine in apple juice overnight and add yoghurt and dried fruit in the morn. Put it in a pot to take to work. Pasta salads, houmous and veg, soups, etc, are all things that you can make the night before to grab in the morn, or soup you can take in flasks. Its all about MAKING time. I love rice cakes, and my gross yet delicious favourite snack is crab sticks :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You can change you metabolism by changing your food.

    Bread and meat are bad for you, and will keep you fat.

    What dosage will cause bread and meat to make someone fat? You have no idea what the OP's energy requirements are nor do you know the quantity of the above items nor do you know the remainder of his diet.
    Filling your blood up with animal fats will slow you down.

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Oh i see I forgot about protein shakes, the only supplements I use are mesomorph which is ofcourse a pre work out shake.

    What are some affordable protein shakes?


    I would recommend that you head over here:

    and start reading this thread:

    Secondarily and most importantly: what are your goals?
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    You can change you metabolism by changing your food.

    Bread and meat are bad for you, and will keep you fat.

    What dosage will cause bread and meat to make someone fat? You have no idea what the OP's energy requirements are nor do you know the quantity of the above items nor do you know the remainder of his diet.
    Filling your blood up with animal fats will slow you down.


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Filling your blood up with animal fats will slow you down.

    I think Sheldon Cooper puts it so very well...

    Thats alot of Hocum
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I have a sandwich for breakfast on the way to work and 2 sandwichs for lunch, all them are multi grain bread and just chicken loaf as it's easy to make on the move.

    Also, my metabolism is extremely slow, tips on making it faster?

    You answered your own question. You can change you metabolism by changing your food. Eat fruit for breakfast and lunch. Bread and meat are bad for you, and will keep you fat. Filling your blood up with animal fats will slow you down.

    Fruit is really easy to grab and go, too. It's the most convenient food out there. No prep necessary.

    So all this time my turkey and chicken sandwiches made me fat?? That's so great to know and I will promply avoid everything except fruit! Such a fountain of knowledge
  • cristaine
    cristaine Posts: 87
    If you are needing to boost your calories throughout the day, protein bars are great and so are some dried fruit and nuts (very easy to travel)

    Cooking in bulk (spend an hour and cook several chicken breasts in under an hour!) takes very very little time. Less time in fact than writing on a forum ;)

    We can all find ways to reach our goals if we want it bad enough. Do your research and then do what it takes, when it stops working, re-evaluate and fix. That and don't believe everything you simply read on the forum. We all may mean well, but it doesn't mean we all are correct. =)

    The link Sidesteal gave was a good one (thanks for that!) , so I would start there and then make the small amount of time you need to go after your goals and get it done.
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    Oh i see I forgot about protein shakes, the only supplements I use are mesomorph which is ofcourse a pre work out shake.

    What are some affordable protein shakes?

    I use Champion Pure Whey Stack chocolate mixed with water and 1 tbps of flavored coffee creamer + LOTS of ice. I have one at 6AM on my way to work and usually don't need anything again until about 10AM when I have a snack (fruit, PB toast, granola bar). I buy the 5 gallon tubs paying about $42 as I recall. Lasts me a long time at 1.5 scoops per shake.
  • randymarshx
    My goal is 189lb
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member

    Yeah I kinda don't have any free days, saturday i have football literally all day, sunday is my only day off and im busy as!

    Failure to plan is planning to fail!

    Do you have the desire to make the time commitment to work our better food choices for breakfast? Seems like you are already making excuses for not doing so. Like those people who make excuses for being too busy to go work out!

    My answer is - sorry, there is no miracle bar to eat in the morning that is going to make the pounds melt off.

    Perhaps get up 15 minutes earlier to make something decent for breakfast as you are eating waaaaaay too much bread!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    What makes you think your metabolism is slow, have you had a full medical and do you have a diagnosis? Do you know what your bodyfat percentage is not just your weight? Really the amount of daily activity you are doing with a physical job and sports your metabolism should be running well because physical activity boosts the metabolic rate. Four hours in the afternoon is not too long to go without eating if you have a substantial lunch but try to get a snack in during the morning. Just tell your boss you need to eat and will make up the time, don't make up childish excuses.

    Your sleep is an issue, that puts the body into a state of stress which encourages poor food choices and encourages weight gain around the waist. Work to resolve your sleep issues and be honest about what you are putting in your mouth (track real quantities not guesstimates, if you have a smartphone do your diary at every meal and snack not at the end of the day when you have forgotten stuff). The truth is that research suggests overweight people tend to underestimate the amount of calories they eat and overestimate the amount of exercise they do - and since many Westerners are or have been overweight that likely means a huge percentage of us underestimate what we eat.

    What nutrients are you low on, protein, omega-3s from oily fish, vitamins, minerals from fruits and veggies? Aim to eat real wholefoods that look much like they came off the plant or animal and a wide variety not the same thing day after day. Think about having different types of protein at each meal (meat/ fish/ eggs/ dairy), fruits and vegetables from all the colour groups (green, yellow/ orange, red, blue/ purple) and different carbs not just wheat (barley, oats, beans, lentils).

    Numerous healthy foods are easy to carry if you have tupperware and a can opener. Nuts or seeds, any dried fruit, some fresh fruits, hardboiled eggs, hard cheese, individual yoghurts, any canned beans and lentils, cooked chicken portions, any canned fish. Many vegetables can be eaten raw with something tasty to dip or cover them in (broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, asparagus tips, spinach, bell peppers, baby corn, carrots, snap peas, scallions, celery etc). If it is hot where you work get a small cool bag and some ice blocks to keep your food fresh.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I make a large pot of steel cut oats once a week takes about one hour and I split it up into 2 serving containers and put them in the fridge again it only takes one hour. I grab one microwave for 2 minutes boom a nice breakfeast and keeps me plenty full. Only takes one hour a week. If you cant fit that in your schedule then I think you are too busy. Myself I work full time wife works full time 2 kids in school and what ever activities they have going and a house hold to take care of. Please dont tell me how busy you are.