maybabier Member


  • It normally is a 4day a week program that can be modified to 3. Look up smolov Jr. I gained 35# on my 1RM BS and improved on DL (30#) in 3 weeks. Gained 1" on each thigh and glutes with only 1# weight gain. Make sure you eat a lot of protein and carbs! Muscle size will come when you build strength properly.
  • Stretch for a few days and see how it is. If you're still having trouble bending, see an ortho. Doesn't sound like you're in too much pain, so it shouldn't be fracture or disc rupture. I hurt my back 2 months ago and still recovering, but I was in bed rest for a day, had muscle spasms and could barely bend for 4 weeks.…
  • I'm sorry this must be super frustrating. I used to run a lot on hiking trails, consistently for 5 hours+ a week. You would think I'd be skin and bones, but surprisingly I wasn't. I logged and did not eat back calories, I weighted my food and had 900+ calories deficit but weight still stayed the same. Now I'm doing…
  • Stress has a lot to do with weight loss too. Maybe take a week off and just don't think about logging or exercising? Don't give up! Check with a doctor maybe its thyroid problem, or get a heart rate monitor to properly track your calorie burned. It sounds like you're stressing a lot on this. Here's a great article you can…
  • Btw, paleo is not necessarily low carb. On a low carb diet, you are not allowed to eat too much veggies, fruits or any sweet potatoes. Paleo on the other hand, you can eat as much as you want. Either way, you're probably consuming too many calories. The key is to eat anything in moderation and be under how much you burn,…
  • It's not about what diet you're on, it's more about how much you're eating. It'd be really helpful if you show us what you're eating. I personally eat more meat and cut out processed carbs only because I feel full longer with protein and normally end up eating less calories that way. So in a sense, I'm trying to eat the…
  • Keto works very well in men IMO. People with lots to lose also tend to get better results. My body works better with a little carbs and less fat, result on me is not worth eating like that. My bf's body works perfectly with Keto and gets great result with that diet. Few suggestions to your diet: - lose the chicken breast.…
  • You're chinese? Ask your mom to make you tendon stew. Just look at the protein count on beef tendon, it's ridiculous. Breakfast: eggs, bacon, ground bison to make scramble, spinach Lunch/Dinner: chicken breast, turkey, white fish, shrimp, egg, mix your rice with quinoa (not that much protein in quinoa, you're better off…
  • Personally I find protein and fat more filling than carbs (even fiber). I think of food ALL THE TIME :) it's normal. I used to eat without portion control until I'm super full, now I look at portions and eat till I'm satisfied. If you're not sure how much is "enough", I'll start with 450 - 500 calories for lunch/dinner,…
  • Agreed. They taste like cardboard. And all that carbs and protein I can get from real food. Real food is cheaper. Want good protein, get it from 100% whey, chicken breast, fish. Want sugar? Eat some damn sugar or fruits. Dark chocolate or just a small piece of candy is a lot less calorie than that bar.
  • 1 egg + multiple egg whites with lean protein, or bacon. 2 slices only 80 cal.
  • Thousand Island is good, but it also makes me wonder HOW they made it so low cal....
  • Cashews buttery deliciousness are very evil, i can't keep my hands off those little evil *kitten*, especially kirkland brand - world's most addicting cashews. I go on cashew rehab once in a while, but that's all worth it when I have cashew binge. and yes pistachios are amazingly delicious as well. Almonds are just meh.
  • NUTS!!! especially cashews and pistachios. Watermelon Blueberries Plums
  • Food-stalking my friends :P
  • THIS sounds amazing! I might just make half the recipe as a snack!
  • THIS sounds amazing! I might just make half the recipe as a snack!
  • Any meat + any veggies + 1 tbsp of bottled teriyaki sauce (kikoman) or my latest favorite Kung Pao sauce from Panda express (sold at supermarkets) = stir fry. Top it with an egg = easiest fastest dinner I make for myself after gym.
  • EAT when you're hungry, not when you're bored. Always listen to your body.
  • 1. Try a class they offer. Spin, kickboxing, yoga, zumba, weight lifting. 2. Get outside when the weather is nice. I find it much easier to run 10 mi outside than half a mi on treadmill. 3. Watch netflix! I once watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy on stairmaster. You are more stationary on stairmaster than treadmill or…
  • Stir fry with Teriyaki Sauce and veggies of your choice, on top brown rice. MY FAVE!
  • Run as far as you can. If your goal is to finish, at least try to achieve "running the entire race" then walk if you need. You will be surprised what your body can handle. I signed up for a 10k but accidently got onto the 1/2 marathon path, I wasn't mentally prepared I also never ran more than 9. I ended up doing run/walk…
  • Remind yourself how awesome it'd make you feel and how much you will regret if you don't get up!!!! Endorphins > Sleep!!!
  • No 1. Eggs & Bacon No 2. 80/20 hamburger patty with american cheese and BACON No 3. Rib Eye!! No 4. Salmon I can't get enough of these LC foods!!!!!
  • Also you can cheat once a week, that should make you feel better. But cheat clean! Natural sugar like fruits, honey, try to limit intake on fast food, do whole wheat pizza dough (you can buy at whole foods), brown rice, potatoes, raw chocolate, etc.
  • There are a lot of keto friendly bread, muffin, pizza crust online you can find (try flax seed recipes). I recently have the craziest craving for bread and ice cream so I found keto version of these things and was able to stay low carb still. I can't seem to trust those "low carb" products they sell at the super market,…
  • Awesome THANKS!!!
  • I try to do under 20g of total carb, recently been taking in a ton of fiber. Had carb up day yesterday and felt like yuck... :(