cleansing/ or fasting???

Lyndo3 Posts: 2
I'm new here, & I'd like to kick start me weight loss a little to give me more motivation...
I eat till I feel the need to vomit, but I do not..
So I thought if I did a fasting? or a cleanse my body would slowly get used to less food?
Or I can mentally see that thinking of food every second of my life is not normal, & I' can finally feel mentally that food doesn't have to take over my life, & if I feel the grumbling in my stomach, it doesn't mean to eat eat eat...
I don't know what else to do, Ive tried psyllium husk to make me feel full, green coffee bean, ketone raspberry, name it... even loads of fiber, protein....nothing helps me feeling full.. :( Help


  • maybabier
    maybabier Posts: 32 Member
    Personally I find protein and fat more filling than carbs (even fiber). I think of food ALL THE TIME :) it's normal.
    I used to eat without portion control until I'm super full, now I look at portions and eat till I'm satisfied. If you're not sure how much is "enough", I'll start with 450 - 500 calories for lunch/dinner, 200 - 400 for breakfast. Eat only when you're hungry (grumbling is the sign), not when you're mentally hungry.

    One thing I will never do - cleanse. If it's something you cannot consistently do for the rest of your life, don't do it! It will last as long as you do it for. It shouldn't be a diet or quick fix, it should be a life style :)