Am I the only one who gets fatter on low carb diets?

Ok so here's my most recent experience:

I was doing find on my weight loss journey, slow and steady, but eating a high grain diet with plenty of green veggies, some whole fruits, and lean meats. But my trainer and dietician (who are in biz together), who I just started seeing INSISTED that I cut out the grains and up my animal protein. They said if I followed that plan, and continued to work out 3x week, in a month Id be down 10lbs.I really did not want to: I am all about cutting out junky processed foods but I really dont believe in cutting out food groups. But everywhere I turned, trainers were telling me I had to do this paleo style diet...So I did and Well, Im up 10!

I followed their plan to a T. I noticed that I felt kind of gross during the diet, which they insisted was my body detoxing of grains. I felt like I was eating way too much meat relative to what I would normally eat. I was always hungry, not in belly hunger way but in a weak hunger but I persisted. And I felt like my body was storing everything I put into it. I would go to bed and wake up feeling fatter.

Ofcourse now they are alleging that I mustve been "cheating" w grains the entire time. I think thats funny bc I was LOSING on grains, NOT gaining. I only gained the 10 I lost on this paleo diet.

My questions/comments are
1) do people actually get fatter on paleo? Its NOT muscle I had my body fat checked again AND I am def fatter
2) could it be that my body thought it was starving & started storing
3) I did NOT CHEAT, I would not bother posting if I was secretly eating twinkies in the closet
4) why is everyone so obsessed with killing carbs, dont we need them?


  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    1. You can get fat on any diet, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The name of the diet doesn't guarantee results
    2. If you're starving, then what is there to store?
    3. This is a statement, not a question
    4. People obsessed with killing carbs fall into 3 groups: real medical conditions, perceived medical conditions, or derp.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    you can put on weight on any type of diet - it just depends on how many calories you eat.

    btw, detoxing is pseudo-science, as is going low-carb, which can also mean reduced energy. if you're not crazy about your trainer, i'd consider switching. btw, i've never found a trainer who knew anything about nutrition. i used a couple different trainers to help me with form when i first started working out, but even then i knew they were full of it when it came to the silly diet plans they suggested.

    carbs are a normal part of our diet, and we're designed to eat them. if you have insulin resistance or diabetes it makes sense to cut down to 30 grams per meal (as per my dietician), but otherwise carbs are great to give you sustained energy for your workouts. just keep your calories at a deficit and you'll lose weight (unless you have medical metabolic issues) whether you eat carbs and protein and fat or only meat or sugary snacks. sure, eating only meat or sugary snacks isn't healthy, but if you burn more calories than you eat, you'll still lose weight.
  • MelaniaMadison
    1. You can get fat on any diet, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The name of the diet doesn't guarantee results
    2. If you're starving, then what is there to store?
    3. This is a statement, not a question
    4. People obsessed with killing carbs fall into 3 groups: real medical conditions, perceived medical conditions, or derp.

    thanks, love. what is derp?
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Bottom Line - If it is not broken, do not fix it. It sounds like you were doing better on your own. Save your $$$ on the scams! I find the whole "stop eating grains, wheat, dairy, meat, whatever" are like new religions, constant pressure to "join the bandwagon".
  • MelaniaMadison
    Bottom Line - If it is not broken, do not fix it. It sounds like you were doing better on your own. Save your $$$ on the scams! I find the whole "stop eating grains, wheat, dairy, meat, whatever" are like new religions, constant pressure to "join the bandwagon".

    me too ! I agree on all accounts! thank you
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Did you count calories before going grain free?
    Did you count calories after going grain free?
    Were you eating the same number of calories on both diets?

    I don't eat grains because most of them make me feel like crap but I do count calories because otherwise I eat more than I realize and gain weight. I would say that if you feel better on your old diet and it was working for you then forget what the "experts" have told you and go back to what was working.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    I personally added body fat (went up a few %) a few years back when I was 100% paleo. (I did the diet with my son, who was on it for medical reasons).

    I don't have any adverse reactions to potatoes, rice, or grains, so I see no need personally to remove them from my diet. I prefer lower fat and higher carb macros myself.
  • HeidiGrrrl
    HeidiGrrrl Posts: 81 Member
    The only way you would be putting on weight that way is if you're still eating too many calories, or if you're still eating too many carbs. Are you eating more fruit than veggies? Fruits are high in carbs because they're loaded with sugar. Remember, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash are all fruits. If it has seeds in it, it's a fruit. Avoid it. Are you eating starchy veggies (root vegetables, beans, peas, legumes)? Those are also high in carbs. You should be eating cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, peppers (technically a fruit, but lower in carbs) and salad greens. Are you eating a lot of dairy, like yogurts and cheeses? That is also high in carbs. You need to make sure you're getting plenty of fiber (or things won't "move along" correctly on a high protein diet--you could just be "holding on" to "stuff"), and no more than 20gm carbs per day.

    My guess is that if you're gaining weight, you're doing something wrong. The weight should just be falling off of you. Either too many calories, but far more likely too many carbs.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    The only way you would be putting on weight that way is if you're still eating too many calories, or if you're still eating too many carbs. Are you eating more fruit than veggies? Fruits are high in carbs because they're loaded with sugar. Remember, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash are all fruits. If it has seeds in it, it's a fruit. Avoid it. Are you eating starchy veggies (root vegetables, beans, peas, legumes)? Those are also high in carbs. You should be eating cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, peppers (technically a fruit, but lower in carbs) and salad greens. Are you eating a lot of dairy, like yogurts and cheeses? That is also high in carbs. You need to make sure you're getting plenty of fiber (or things won't "move along" correctly on a high protein diet--you could just be "holding on" to "stuff"), and no more than 20gm carbs per day.

    My guess is that if you're gaining weight, you're doing something wrong. The weight should just be falling off of you. Either too many calories, but far more likely too many carbs.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    The only way you would be putting on weight that way is if you're still eating too many calories, or if you're still eating too many carbs. Are you eating more fruit than veggies? Fruits are high in carbs because they're loaded with sugar. Remember, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash are all fruits. If it has seeds in it, it's a fruit. Avoid it. Are you eating starchy veggies (root vegetables, beans, peas, legumes)? Those are also high in carbs. You should be eating cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, peppers (technically a fruit, but lower in carbs) and salad greens. Are you eating a lot of dairy, like yogurts and cheeses? That is also high in carbs. You need to make sure you're getting plenty of fiber (or things won't "move along" correctly on a high protein diet--you could just be "holding on" to "stuff"), and no more than 20gm carbs per day.

    My guess is that if you're gaining weight, you're doing something wrong. The weight should just be falling off of you. Either too many calories, but far more likely too many carbs.
    Really? Avoid fruit? Welp, that's enough internet for today.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    carbs are so yummy and filling and healthy if you pick the proper ones. Gluten isn't going to kill you, sugar isn't the enemy, and you won't get "grain brain". :noway:
    I BRIEFLY tried a paleo diet, did I lose weight? YES! I lost a CRAP TON of water weight in a week, and gained it all back once I started eating any salt. I was moody, I didn't enjoy it and ask someone who really doesn't enjoy meat it was sorta hell for me.

    I eat a ton of carbs, I'm healthy. No Diabetes (EVERYONE on my dad's side of the family either has type 1 or 2 diabetes, my mother was adopted but she has bad diabetes), no thyroid issues. I've got considerable muscle for my size, no fatigue issues anymore, I've slowly fixing my fertility issues, etc etc. I've lost 12lbs just this month, Having experimented (more than just briefly) with a vegan diet, vegetarian diet, raw foods diet, paleo diet, high protein diet, and others I've learned it comes down to calories and the amount of effort you exert in a day.

    CARBS DON'T MAKE YOU FAT. Processed crap does and over eating.

    ps.. today alone i've had like 200g of carbs and intend to eat more for dinner. If you want you feel free to message me and we can talk at length about it. I still get tons of protein, and enough fat to be healthy.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    1) do people actually get fatter on paleo?

    Absolutely. Paleo/primal forums are filled with people who struggle with weight gain. It is *extremely* easy to over eat on a low-carb diet.

    Bottom line: if you eat at a caloric surplus, you will gain weight, no matter how many or few carbs you eat.
  • maybabier
    maybabier Posts: 32 Member
    It's not about what diet you're on, it's more about how much you're eating.

    It'd be really helpful if you show us what you're eating. I personally eat more meat and cut out processed carbs only because I feel full longer with protein and normally end up eating less calories that way. So in a sense, I'm trying to eat the same amount of calories while maintaining higher protein/fat % and lower carb %. I know people enjoy more of a farmer diet vs hunter diet.

    I also am guilty of trying to not eat starch all day until late night so I can have a scoop of ice cream :)
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    1) do people actually get fatter on paleo?

    Absolutely. My mum did. It was slow, but one full year of paleo type eating, plus zero wheat, grains, soy, and dairy (I guess that IS paleo-ish, definitely a very low carb lifestyle), she finds herself up 20lbs. Yep, calorie surpluses can happen with any type of dietary preference.

    OP--regardless of your calorie deficit (or lack thereof), your post hints that the paleo eating is not for you. No ONE diet type is right for anyone. Proceed as you wish, but "regular" eating sounds as if it was working just fine for you. You don't have to fix what wasn't broken, no matter what others' successes with paleo have been.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    The only way you would be putting on weight that way is if you're still eating too many calories, or if you're still eating too many carbs. Are you eating more fruit than veggies? Fruits are high in carbs because they're loaded with sugar. Remember, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash are all fruits. If it has seeds in it, it's a fruit. Avoid it. Are you eating starchy veggies (root vegetables, beans, peas, legumes)? Those are also high in carbs. You should be eating cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, peppers (technically a fruit, but lower in carbs) and salad greens. Are you eating a lot of dairy, like yogurts and cheeses? That is also high in carbs. You need to make sure you're getting plenty of fiber (or things won't "move along" correctly on a high protein diet--you could just be "holding on" to "stuff"), and no more than 20gm carbs per day.

    My guess is that if you're gaining weight, you're doing something wrong. The weight should just be falling off of you. Either too many calories, but far more likely too many carbs.

    If she's gaining weight, it's because she's eating more calories than she's expending. End of story. It's not too many calories or too many carbs. If she's low carb but eating too many calories and zero carbs, she'll gain weight
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    You get fatter when you eat too much. It has nothing to do with your low carb diet. That said, 10 pounds gained in one month? And that's following a diet that, if you're truly keeping carbs low and exercising frequently, would leave you glycogen depleted and down a few pounds of water weight from that alone... well, consider me skeptical.
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    I started dieting with a low carb, hIgh protein diet and found myself gaining 10 pounds while all the other women in my gym class on the same diet were losing weight.

    Since then I've been playing with my macros (ratio of carbs, fats and protein). I find I lose weight well eating carbs (100-200g) and keep my protein moderate (60-80g).
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Sounds like they are full of ****, I never believe in diets where I have to eliminate something. That is a sure sign it is something someone out there made up.

    I personally eat grains all the time including about 450 Cal of granola most every morning.
  • maybabier
    maybabier Posts: 32 Member
    1) do people actually get fatter on paleo? Its NOT muscle I had my body fat checked again AND I am def fatter

    Btw, paleo is not necessarily low carb.
    On a low carb diet, you are not allowed to eat too much veggies, fruits or any sweet potatoes. Paleo on the other hand, you can eat as much as you want.

    Either way, you're probably consuming too many calories. The key is to eat anything in moderation and be under how much you burn, you will lose on any or no diet. Definitely try to track them first, because you'll be surprised some food so little amount contain so many calories.
  • MelaniaMadison
    oh I def was eating too many calories bc even with fruits and veggies, my meat consumption was much higher and meat is so much more calorically dense than grains.

    for example I used to eat a meal that was
    brown rice (200 cals), chicken (200cals), salad (200cals)
    and I would feel full and satiated

    but on this grainless diet, in order to feel full id end up eating
    salad (500 cals) meat (500cals)

    and Id still feel tired and weak