

  • I'm on week 8 and have only lost about 6 lbs, but I agree with you that I've had some inches lost and my cardio endurance is a ton better. I'm trying not to get discouraged and am bound and determined to see the program through. Weird part is that I'm not as hungry with this as I have been with other programs, not sure if…
  • On my "recovery" week 8 this week, although 45 EZ didn't seem much like recovery this morning - LOL. Haven't missed a workout yet and am determined to finish the whole program. No weight loss this week :( I'll measure and weigh next Monday so hope to see some progress again.
  • I'm on week 5 of TurboFire if you want to add me. I'm not super active on here since I primarily use my BodyMedia for tracking burn, but still log my food. I love the program and can't believe how much more energy I have than 4 weeks ago. I'm hoping for at least 3 months, if not the full 5 of following it to a "T". Month 2…
    in Turbofire Comment by jwkime January 2013
  • Thanks for the input. I'm feeling like maybe my body won't take heavy weights and running together the first couple weeks. Maybe I'll focus on getting comfortable running the first few weeks and pick up the weights again after that. I appreciate your insight!
  • Great NSV and congrats on the Bix!!!! It is only about 40 miles from my house and I've never done it (I'm scared ;) ) , but I have a lot of friends that do. Tough race - nice work!!!!
  • Scooby had me at around 2400, my BMF has me averaging about 2600 (with some pretty wide ranges depending on what I do for the day). I think it is probably pretty close to accurate to use as TDEE. I haven't been on the scale since I started using mine, but plan to do so next week (I only weigh every 6 weeks or so for…
  • Last year I was working out very similar to your first schedule (1.5 hours/day) and I burned out and fell of the band wagon HARD. There were other issues that compounded that, but the short story is that I gained back 15 lbs of the weight I worked so hard to lose because I was over training and undereating. I'm now at 3…
  • LOVE my Trek Hybrid, got it last spring. Great on the gravel roads and trails here in the Midwest! Have fun with it!
  • You can add me as well!
  • I agree with the advice to go with the heavier weights. I have a set up to 35 lbs. and am in the process of buying more to get some heavier ones. When you do leg work, you'll definitely want more than 35 lb. dumb bells in my opinion....
  • THIS!!!! I have issues and had an eating disorder when I was younger due to how I was brought up around food and my parents obsession with crash dieting and being the "right" size. I'm proud when my kids say "Mom you eat so healthy!". You are setting a great example for them by fueling your body properly!
  • This to me too, "makes sense". I was one of those 1200 calorie a day plus 2 hours of exercise people last year (burning way more than I was taking in) and was tears constantly about why there was no change. It was hard on me mentally, emotionally, and also hard on my family since I was completely obsessed with getting the…
  • My BMF and HRM vary by a couple hundred calories for cardio (HRM higher).....right now I'm using my BMF to see if my HRM was overestimating calories burned and thus not getting a true picture of what my TDEE was for the day and therefore setting my calorie intake too high. I'm going to give it a month or so and see if…
  • Thanks! As of my first two weeks my average TDEE is about 250 higher than Scooby. I'm going to give it another week or so of wearing consistantly before I adjust my calorie goal to make sure these weeks are representative. I appreciate the insight!
  • Very inspiring! Thank you for taking the time to post (and respond to my questions via message as well)! Awesome, awesome work!
  • Awesome results! Thanks for sharing your success!!!:happy:
  • Awesome work! I'm in week 3 of Phase I....I love it, all except the lunges, I hate lunges! - LOL!
    in NSV!!!! Comment by jwkime June 2012
  • I got on the scale last Friday (6 weeks in). I initially gained 5 lbs, was down a whopping 0.8 since then - ha, ha. However, my measurements have stayed the same, although in my pics my lower tummy is noticable "poofier" and I seemed to have stopped gaining. I'm hoping I'm near the turning point for all this. The big…
  • I'm at week 5 too, AND scale free :) I'm thinking I may weigh and measure on Friday to see where I stand. Not sure I want to, but I finally feel less bloated....I guess we will see then.
  • I'm right there with you two ladies....started 3 weeks ago and am still pretty miserably full, I was bummed last night when I logged a large dinner and still had 400 calories left to meet my BMR (who would have thought - ha). I'm also incredibly bloated and KNOW my measurements have gone up, cause I can feel it in my…
  • Bump for later.
  • Thanks Ladies! I thought that was what I was supposed to do, but then was confused by other info that said weight training calories were over estimated by HRM's so I should kinda ignore them..... Guess I need a snack before bed - LOL.
  • Grew up just south of Madison, transplanted to Iowa, but still less than 3 hours away :)
  • [/quote] Hey lady, We are almost the same height and my goal had always been 140lbs- 145lbs...well I want to tell you to, please keep an open mind to the weight amount and focus more on your goal size...reason I say that, with heavy lifting, I have more muscle mass now so I am around 154lbs...well anywhere from 154lbs to…
  • I upped my calories two weeks ago to 1500 (from 1200). I tried to ease into it because the scale has emotional power over me - something I need to work on. Even though I "tried" to ease into it, I'm weighing in today 5 lbs heavier with no change in measurements, so I figured wth I may as well jump in with both feet now.…
  • Wondering if someone would check my work as well (calculations from a couple websites): BMR: 1400, 1457, 1460, 1502 (used 1460) TDEE: 2170, 2287, 2318 (used 2287) TDEE-15%= 1944??? Is this what my base should be? I'm set at 1200 now in MFP. I currently work out 5 to 6 days/week, ST and Cardio, burn around 700 cal/day +/-…
  • I have 3 kids under the age of six and work full time, plus have a husband that works nights. 4 a.m. is the time I fit my workouts in, if I wait until the end of the day, I find too many excuses (tired, laundry, work, etc) to blow it off. I started AM workouts last spring and actually feel guilty missing them now. It takes…
  • As a wife of a police officer, thank you for posting. Few people know what risks they take everyday in both large cities and small towns. Even in a small town in the midwest my husband has run into burning buildings to pull people to safety and had guns pulled on him during confrontations. My heart goes out to the family…