You can do this and dont be afraid to lean on those here for support!
That's is super impressive! Congrats!
Having lost a bit of weight I can tell you that time will help...your young and some of the skin will rebound on its own. The advice here is great to workout and try to build the definition and bulk - but I would say try not to focus on the look of the skin but be proud of how far you have come, how much you have…
Tie #6 and current
22.5% smaller thank I thought...Cool website!
Stunning transformation! Congratulations!
My mother used to call me her 'cow -girl' and said it was a good thing I was so sweet tempered or no one would put up with me - Now she calls me her little cow - and tells me that I am not nearly as sweet as I was when I was heavier, but its okay because now that I was not AS fat I could get away with it - Unfortunately…
I started at 386. It is not a quick road or an easy one but I have lost around 200 pounds. You can do anything you put your mind too! Good luck!
Still feel fat, i still see that 386 pound girl... maybe I need to go buy a new mirror...maybe mine is broken...Nope still a fat girl. But working on changing it every day!
That's great! Its amazing the things that we can accomplish when we put our minds to it! Keep up the great work!
That is so inspiring! Way to go!
What an inspiration you are! You look like a new woman and I hope that the you see the beautiful girl that you are! keep up the hard work and know that we are all looking up to you!
That is absolutely amazing way to go!
Welcome to the party!
Still working on it....on the left about 180 on the right about 340 [img] Uploads/3a7000fd-4815-401c-8fdf-e18cc5b10c53_zps86c1f4ad.jpg[/img]
THAT IS AMAZING! You look so happy, healthy and strong! Keep it up!
199 pounds (damn that 200 mark is elusive) 386 5'10 1100 (ish) 1-3 times a week mix of Gym, Yoga, some weights...more weights now as the weight has come down 8 years (but most was lost in the last 16 months)
You should feel guilty, you killed the sandwich...
Now I know that we are going to be life long friends ...since our boobs are headed on retirement together
I think I might belong...Crows feet, stretch marks, Love a good beer/drink, Lost my boobs with the weight but I might still qualify....perhaps...???
Welcome! I am sure that you will find lots of support here and with your wit you should find some friends too :-) Welcome to the site! P.S. I have heard of cheekbones...but I don't think that I had them installed at birth, but who knows they be hidden in the squish yet!
Ask why he was mad at me since we had only just met
18 months...partly by choice, partly not...
Take it one meal at a time and know that you can do anything! Best of luck and I know that we will be seeing you in the "look at how sexy I am now" before and after forums in no time at all!
Growing mine back out...but really if you can rock short hair do it. I donated 15 inches last August and I miss my long hair.
Truly Amazing! Thank you for sharing!
Anger :-)
AMAZING! Way to go!
Washington State...
I did monthly at first (for about 6 months) then I went to every 6 months after that.