

  • My Favourites:…
  • Could it be attributed to IBS? Many people have both IBD and IBS concurrently. I have battled with similar symptoms on and off for the last few years. Some things to try: - Digestive enzymes - Not drinking any liquids with, or 20 mins before or after meals (so as not to dilute your body's own digestive juices) - Avoiding…
  • I make sugar free Jam (jelly) with them: Just substitute maple syrup with stevia for reduced sugar And Pancakes: I substitute the coconut flour with half a mashed banana and…
  • I think it depends on what symptoms you have... when I am in the midst of a bad flare, all of my joints ache and so high impact exercise is out of the question, but gentle walking every day helps a lot with energy/digestion/bloating etc. I just stick to walking.
  • Hi, I am in Melbourne and am a definite clean eater... I make absolutely everything from scratch, including my own almond milk and kefir :-) Love researching and trying out new recipes . I have just, as of today, started recording my food/exercise in the blog rather than the food diary as I am getting close to maintaining.…
  • Hi Dee, how are you going with the SCD? I am seriously considering trying this very soon.... Like you I had initial success with low-fodmap but then crashed and burned, and had to go on corticosteriods for my UC. Have you followed it 100% including bone broth and yoghurt? I would love to hear your thoughts.... Bianca
  • Mix some cashew butter with vanilla extract, liquid stevia and a little bit of water and you have cashewnut cream! It's delicious on pancakes.... Slice up some banana to put on top ;-)
  • Melbourne.... feel free to add me :-) Also just to let everyone know, there is a group called Aussie Aussie Aussie with hundreds of Australian MFP-ers, look it up, it often has some useful threads!
  • Juicing is great as you get the enzymes without the fibre, however sugar is known to be inflammatory, even natural sugar, so I would be careful about having just fruit juice. Google anti-inflammatory juices and you should find some great combos.... GINGER is the best for digestive issues and inflammation. here is a low…
  • Sounds painful!! I can't help with polyps unfortunately, but in terms of fruit and veg, how about making soups with vegetables that are completely blended, avoiding cruciiferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and onion and garlic (gas producing foods) one that helps me in a flare is carrot, parsnip, sweet potato and…
  • How about a 'naked' burrito (I.e. no tortilla) ask them to hold the cheese and sour cream and put the guacamole on the side so that you can just eat a little bit....
  • I have just recently cut out Gluten (2 weeks ago) as well as gone on a low Fodmap diet... too early to tell yet, but I will keep you updated..
  • Hi suffered from the same thing a few years ago, chronically for 12 months, below is a summary for what helped me BUT it is really a personal trial and error thing: - Cut out wheat and dairy (excess calcium in general and cow's milk more specifically is highly constipating) re-introduced them slowly when I was symptom free…
  • Well, depending on how 'saucy' you need it to be, as a replacement for tomato paste and puree for pizza bases and to stir through pasta I usually do the following: Single serving: tsp olive oil 5-7 cherry tomatoes 3-4 tbsp water tbsp fresh chopped basil pinch salt cracked pepper to taste 1/2 tsp sweet paprika (or hot if…
  • Feel free to add me :-) I have been eating pretty clean for a while now, and am about to kick it upa notch by going dairy/gluten/soy free and low fructose due to all sorts of auto immune issues that I've recently been diagnosed with... Always looking or more clean eating friends and support!
  • Hi there, I have just joined this group and I have also just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism/UC/ waiting back for confirmation on celiac from biopsy and I have fibromyalgia and am currently in a flare up.... All of these auto immune issues surfacing suddenly is difficult to get my head around, especially when the…
  • So glad to find this thread! Just been diagnosed with colitis.... Waiting to see if it is ulcerative or infectious, also waiting on coeliac confirmation... Have just been researching dietitians versed in FODMAPS luckily I live in Melbourne, so once I get me biopsy results I think i will be joining ranks :-) have had IBS…
  • What about including things like Hommus with your carrot sticks, flaxseed oil on salads, tahini paste ( ground sesame seads) and honey on bread, lots of pulses like lentils, chickpeas and beans... Roasted chickpeas are a great snack. Get creative with homemade dips and spreads :-) oh and curries or stir fries made with…
  • How about water aerobics or running in a hydrotherapy pool? These combined with swimming changes up workouts, uses different muscles and is still low impact... But yes you burn a lot of calories swimming!
  • I'm on here everyday (sometimes more :-) ), my diary is open to friends, and love supporting people- feel free to add me
  • Put it into a food processor for around 4 minutes, stopping every 30 seconds or so to push the chunks close to the blade and it turn into creamy banana soft serve! I sprinkle cinnamon in too :-)
  • I have fibromyalgia and lupus, I am currently in a flare up and I have found that a few weeks of serious rest, including no exercise( apart from a slow gentle walk to the shops etc.) sleep (where possible) good healthy diet- no dairy and gluten helps me- and physio and remedial massage appts have really helped me get past…
  • I had to do the same thing 6 years ago for 12 months when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, it takes some getting used to but like anything else it becomes routine. One book that really helped me in terms of recipies and brands was Sandra Cabot's 'Healthy Liver and Bowel' book. I also used to go to the health food store…
  • MFP doesn't distinguish between natural sugars (contained in fruits and vegetables) and added sugars, contained in processed foods, baked goods, sodas etc. An average sized apple has 15 grams of sugar, which is more than half of the daily goal on MFP. Vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin and beetroot are also quit high in…
  • Plateau's are common, as others have mentioned here it doesn't mean that your body isn't still working to lose weight. This happened to me a month ago, 2 weeks with no changes in the scales, then all of a sudden I dropped a significant amount in two days. If it is really upsetting and you don't want to wait it out, try…
  • Feel free to add me! I am also a new member based in Melbourne looking for support :-)
  • Hi everyone, another Melbournian here! I joined mfp a few weeks ago, I am loving it! but I am at the stage where I would also like some support... and happy to help in return! Anyone feel free to add me :-)