lezerlies Member


  • I feel your pain. I'm a runner diagnosed with degenerative disc disease (currently have three herniated discs). I keep my runs to under five miles, get in at least 10,000 steps a day don't do any heavy lifting (I keep my strength training to body weight and weights 10 lbs or less) and do a lot of Pilates. Pilates has been…
  • Insanity isn't THAT crazy. I did it when I was on maternity leave with my first kid. I completed the program with no real problems (and I'm not THAT fit.) You're not supposed to do be able to do the whole thing full throttle, that's why they show the models tapping out throughout the workouts. That being said, I burned an…
  • I read articles like that every month even though I know what's happening. Helps me get through it? I tend to gain about 3-5 pounds every month during my period. Not leading up to it, but during my period itself. And the crazy hunger hits me at the end of my period. Doesn't make sense scientifically, but it's pretty…
  • I tried it once when a BB "coach" was trying to get me to buy some. Tasted okay but did nothing to satisfy my appetite and made me gassy as all hell. I found a formula on amazon (raw protein) that was a fraction of the price with almost an identical nutritional make up. What really chaps my *kitten* is when these "coaches"…
  • I run twice a week, work out with a trainer twice a week and do pilates twice a week.
  • THIS. I was never into fitness before I did P90x and then Insanity. Those programs led to running, which I still do along with working with a personal trainer. I plan on doing another program if I start to get bored with what I'm currently doing. For someone who has never been athletic, hates the gym and (used to think)…
  • You might want to get checked out for a disc issue. I have three herniated discs and what you're describing sounds exactly like how I feel when they're acting up. Walking is okay, but sitting and sleeping becomes painful. It's worth getting checked out (I'd do it before lifting again) because you do NOT want to make it…
  • The point was the OP was specifically asking about Beachbody programs. Your response of "use free weights at the gym" wasn't very helpful. At all.
  • That's something I've noticed when watching videos of people doing cf workouts (why do cfers always post videos of themselves working out?) some of the form they exhibit make me cringe and the trainer is just standing there relaxing with a clipboard not saying a word. That's what's kept me from even trying it.
  • I had about 30 to lose and people started noticing when I was halfway there
  • I like eating a quest bar about an hour before strength training. If I'm running I'll eat a banana about 45 mins before.
  • We've got a very similar schedule. I work out with a trainer 45 mins tues and thurs, Pilates on wed and sun and run about 3 miles on Saturday and Sunday.
  • I usually eat more on the weekends so I make a point of exercising more so I still end up with a deficit. Not a big one, but one.
  • I'm terrible. I forgot my Fitbit after a massage last month so I didn't have it for almost 24 hours. I about had a panic attack.
  • I was referring to your dismissive and pejorative tone. You know, the same one you used in the above quote. Not that big of a stretch to assume you think they're not an awesome idea, given you said they're a "fad" and touted the "billions" of people who don't use them and still lose weight. You seem nice.
  • Except you're still burning calories. I did the hoopla hoop thing for fun to see and I was feeling it afterwards for sure. Also, stand with your weight in your heels and bounce fast with your pelvis slightly forward. Get some awesome steps as well as rock hard calves. ;)
  • It actually tracks your pelvis. Seriously. Try moving your waist like you're hula hooping. Watch the steps start flying. I swear to god, try it right now. My Pilates instructor taught me that little tidbit.
  • I've heard that too but it hasn't proven true for me. The majority of my steps earned on the weekends are from me pushing my daughter in her stroller on long walks. Tracks every step.
  • Billions of people never log their food either, does that mean it's not beneficial? Just because something isn't necessary for better health doesn't mean it's a bad idea. That said, I LOVE my Fitbit. I'm both a data junkie And highly competitive so having data about my physical activity and calories burned all day long…
  • What kind of cardio are you doing that burns 800 cals?!
  • I allow myself a splurge meal every once in awhile. I couldn't imagine living my life without ever just letting go and enjoying myself for a meal, that's an easy way to burn out really quickly. Hell, I've allowed myself "cheat" weekends before. I'm not pigging out all day every day, I'm just eating what I want, when I want…
  • I think it's dark urine that means you're dehydrated. The lighter your urine, the more hydrated you are. I always shoot for clear urine.
  • I'm planning on being good for the rest of the day outside of the actual Christmas dinner. It's Christmas! Time to enjoy yourself.
  • Okay, things like burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, plyometrics and kettleball swings are HORRIBLE for someone with serious back problems. The whole point is to avoid a lot of impact.
  • I have the same back issues. I've heard, excersise bike (which is hard on my back as well since it compresses the spine), elliptical and swimming for cardio. Personally, I power walk on the treadmill
  • I make it a general rule not to follow any diet fad. No one ever got thin and stayed that way off of a fad.
  • I'm 5'4, 154 lbs and have it set to 1490 calories. I had to adjust it manually, it tried to put me on 1200 a day but I can't go that low, I start getting hangry and I tend to binge eat when I get hangry enough, which is counter productive. I'm steadily losing at the 1450 setting.
  • I always weigh a MINIMUM of 5 pounds more on a doctors scale in the afternoon than I do at home, first thing in the morning, naked, which is how I track my weight normally. You can easily fluctuate 5-10 pounds based on time of day, time of the month and individual circumstances. Please don't panic off of one scale reading.…
  • I'm Lezlie, I'm 36 and have a 2 year old, trying for another. I gained 70 lbs with my pregnancy and lost it all doing Insanity. Then I went back to work, stopped exercising and started eating lunch out every day again, slowly packing 10 pounds of it back on. I'm small framed so 10 pounds is VERY noticable on me. Working…
  • Hey everyone :) I'm on my second week of Beta and really prefer it to Alpha. Probably because there's strength training, which I've always preferred to cardio. Speed 2.0 is no joke, though! It was nice to feel sore again, I always get concerned when I'm not sore after working out hard, like I didn't do quite as much as I…