Back injury and weight loss/exercise

I injured my back about a month and a half ago. I cannot tell you how I did it.

All I know is that I was doing Jillian Micheal's ripped in 30 DVD, I felt my left leg hurting while I was doing the running man move each time. I got a little more sore each time I did it- so I took 2-3 days off of the workout regimen. On the third day I bent down to pick up my puppy from playing in his water bowl, came back up and had excruciating pain in my lower back that ran all the way down the side of my leg to my ankle. That level of pain didn't subside for two weeks.

Anyway- I was running before that. I was training for a half marathon at the end of June. I was doing Jillian's DVD for cross training so I could hopefully prevent injury (the irony is not lost on me).

I've been going to the chiropractor/PT for 4-5 weeks now. They have been giving me exercises to do and helping decrease the pain. They've cleared me for swimming and biking. Which I've been doing every week.

However, I've been unable to lose any more weight. I have been careful with my diet, and I've been biking 10-15 miles every other day. It just doesn't have the same effect as running does.

My docs hope to have me back and running by June (so no half marathon for me :( ), but I was wondering if anyone else has found ways to lose weight with an injury.

I know I'm limited- and I'm doing the best I can. I just can't seem to get the same calorie burn in the amount of time I have to exercise as I used to with running. Should I be doing more intervals on the bike? Different strokes other than free style in the pool? Any suggestions would help.

Thank you! Sorry for the long post :)


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    However, I've been unable to lose any more weight. I have been careful with my diet,

    Careful as in weighing everything with a digital scale? If not, you're probably underestimating your intake. :+1:
  • aub6689
    aub6689 Posts: 351 Member
    I would try to focus more on tightening your diet. You aren't burning as much calories swimming and biking (I am assuming from your lack of weight loss), so I would adjust your daily intake so that you are making sure you are in a deficit. You can lose weight without running and honestly diet is more effective. There are some studies suggesting intervals are more effective for fat loss, so you can definitely try incorporating those, but I would be really careful to not do anything that could prolong your recovery.
  • CrossfitOCRunner
    CrossfitOCRunner Posts: 61 Member
    Ive had back issues a few times. Graston and Active Release Therapy cured me and keep me healthy. I also have standing desks everywhere I work now. best of luck! train around it, get the therapy you need and dial the calories and carbs back. You can always be lean no matter what. #TeamNoExcuses Best of luck and hit me up if you want to. I know how mentally exhausting and discouraging back issues can be. I was down and out twice since 2009 and had to come all the way back. pun intended.
  • heatherkershaw8
    heatherkershaw8 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi I injured my back 13 years have a prolapsed disc I go swimming I do yoga to what level I know I can go to and go in the gym I do the cross trainer bikes walking on the tread mill and also just started a boxing fitness class and play golf as well best thing for me is a bought myself a sports back support to help me I need to lose 2 stone in weight but just take every day at a time and just do what I can
  • Dr1nkbleachndye
    Dr1nkbleachndye Posts: 441 Member
    as far as your injury goes, sounds like after you injured your leg, you obviously were not keen on putting weight on it, so instead of using good form which involves engaging your legs when bending over, u used your back primarily, which is what caused your back injury. It happens to almost everyone, just keep in mind if you get another leg injury that using your back, even during routine things like picking up stuff around the house could get you injured. You can hurt your back literally by getting out of bed, you dont necessarily have to be lifting anything. Always want to use your legs when bending or lifting, if you can't, try going into a lunge type of movement instead of leaning down.

    But as far as the weightloss issue. I dont know the intensity level you are doing when biking, but I would recommend spin classes if biking is an acceptable form of exercise at this point. With spin, you get out of it what you put it. Add resistance and follow the instructor and its guaranteed that you get a good workout. You also may want to re-check your cal intake. Seems like since your injury you may have become more sedentary, you could try lowering the cals by a few hundred and see if that makes a difference. I would try 300-400 for now.
  • lezerlies
    lezerlies Posts: 39 Member
    I feel your pain. I'm a runner diagnosed with degenerative disc disease (currently have three herniated discs). I keep my runs to under five miles, get in at least 10,000 steps a day don't do any heavy lifting (I keep my strength training to body weight and weights 10 lbs or less) and do a lot of Pilates. Pilates has been life changing. My instructor really knows her stuff and is constantly pointing out when I have improper form doing exercises I THOUGHT I knew how to do. She's taught me how to move the right way, even doing simple day to day tasks, and it's changed my life. I highly recommend it. I've also managed to lose 30+ pounds since being diagnosed.