running_mom Member


  • Thanks. I dont have a monitor now but am looking into one.
  • Staying with my ex husband for 9 years when he was physically abusive and cheating on me the whole time. I thought he would change or maybe i thought he would want to change. But without him i wouldnt know how strong i am or have the most amazing kids!
  • Thanks : ) i liked it and noticed it was easier on my knee. I tore it back in october and had to take it very easy ever since then. I did tell a difference. I just thought i was that out of shape!!
  • Either psycho or unfaithful
  • You look great! If it doesnt inspire you to lose those that pounds it sure has inspired me!!!
  • You have to do what you have to do! You should worry about you. I was in an abusive relationship for almost 13 years. I thought I could change him. He left me because I wasn't skinny. Not saying I was perfect in the marriage either. But, him leaving was the bset thing. I can live the way I want. And so can you. you deserve…
  • I was with my ex for 13 years. I felt the same way. By the time I came home from work, cooked, cleaned and took care of the kids I was exhausted. I wanted it like no ones business but I was too tired to initiate anything. I blamed hime for not helping out and he blamed me for not starting it. I liked the fact he wanted me…
  • My soon to be ex would always tell me how fat I was. I finally decided to lose weight and he wouldn't help in any way, shape or form! He wouldn't watch the kids so I could run. He wouldn't come to the gym with me. He would tell me it's only one meal when I wanted to make something healthy for dinner. But I guess that's why…
  • I had a best friend growing up until I was about 18. Then she decided to become a *kitten* and get all crazy! I've been going through a lot with my divorce and I wish I would have had someone close to talk to or just go to to get my mind off of things. I have coworkers that I talk to about things and I know they don't…
  • I get both sides of this. I wanted support from my exhusband when I first started going to the gym and eating right. But I got nothing. Not even him watching the kids so I could go! But I also don't think a grown man needs to ask permission to do something he wants. You are in a marriage and it is all about respect. Even…
  • My exhusband works in a factory and would come home and talk to me like he was with the boys. I don't care... its not like I don't swear either. My son uses swear words in the correct way too! Its funny but kinda embarassing when they say it in public. But, they hear it in public. I try and make an effort not to swear in…
  • I agree with all of you. I admitted that it was something that I was looking for in her reading to come true. I was only having fun with it. But, if it gives people a sense of calmness after a loved one dies or something positive to look forward to...why not?
  • I just think it is weird that she could be specific about things without knowing me. She also said that she could tell I have a heavy heart. I'm in the middle of a divorce- sadness is written all over my face! I think it's what I want to believe. I wasn't taking her seriously but once things started to happen it made me…
  • I was married for 8 years and am in the middle of a divorce now. It's better to deal with this type of situation now than later. My husband told me he wanted certain things and I fullfilled them. But, over time he changed his mind. Things got really bad and our marriage was not healthy. I am in so much pain right now. We…
  • I love Freinds! My sister and I have full converstations with lines from the show : ) I have soooo many favs.... the prom episode, and the bet, or the blackout. I could go on forever!
  • I know the feeling. Im in the middle of a divorce and one of the reasons my husband said was because I'm fat. He also said it was because things weren't working out. Weve been together for almost 13 years! And just now it's not working out? But you have to be happy with you. I am in the same boat. I can't be motivated…
  • I like the idea of love being a commitment. But what do you do when one person is commited and the other isnt? I am all for trying, working, doing whatever it takes. But sometimes the other person hurts you so badly you cant get through it. My husband physically and emotionally abused me. Not to mention cheated on me. I…
  • I cried when i read this. My husband dropped our divorce on me about 2 months ago. I told him I dont want it but wont beg him to stay. I know Im not perfect. Infact, I fully admit to putting our kids before him. We lost that connection as well. I believe both people have to want it though. This is the hardest thing Ive…
  • You look awesome... Im so jealous! I can only hope I look that good soon : )
  • Like many have replied you know what you have to do. I do have to say that I hate the idea of my husband getting all juiced up over a girl dancing naked on him. He knows that and still chooses to go. I am a complete b*tch to him when it happens. He wouldn't want me to go dancing with some guy and hang all over him clothes…
  • 1) How I Met Your Mother 2) NCIS 3) anything with the Kardashians (lame I know!)
  • Everything- my shirts are tight where I have the baby pooch, my pants will fit in the waist and not the length or fit in the length and not waist!
  • Watching anything on E! especially if it has to do with the Kardashians. I know... I'm lame and they are annoying. But, I just can't stop. Also, watching any and every NCIS. So I quess bad tv!
  • I'd say a 4. Never liked the way I looked. But the weight loss has improved my confidence.
  • I looove that movie! As for now I dont have a Huckleberry. Because of the situation Im in I have to depend on myself. But my family will help if I ask. Sometimes Im just too proud to ask!
  • Im trying not to be a downer! Ive been with him since i was 18. Hes all ive ever known. I think thats what scares me too. The truth is ive always had self image issues to the point my family had a little intervention. Thats why im here trying to do it right! Its like when i think with my head i should have left long ago…
  • I know the feeling. Lately I feel like all I've done is post depressing things. I am going through a divorce and it's really hitting me hard. My husband is the one who filed and even though I wasn't really happy I didn't want it to end. (the marrigage was not how a marriage was supposed to be!) I was willing to stick it…
  • I did the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon too! I was on pace to beat my time by like 20 minutes. But I ended up hurting my knee. I had to walk 4 miles. I now need a brace when I run because of it. Congrats on the accomplishments : )
  • I don't think people can change. I think that if it's in them it will always be in them. They may want to change for the person but like stated many times before.... temptation will always be there. If it stays there long enough how do you know they won't give in again? I've been burned by my husband cheating. So I'm a…