w2bab Member


  • I love, love, LOVE our elliptical. Probably the best $300 we ever spent. We added a recumbent stationary bike a few months later. My husband and I each lost 100 lbs last year with these two pieces of equipment (plus a couple of sets of dumbbells). Now I run outside sometimes, and he has been biking for the past few weeks.…
  • As you lose weight, buy clothes that fit you, even if they come from thrift stores and clearance racks. Wearing baggy clothes that aren't flattering won't let you appreciate the "new you". Feeling good about how you look will inspire you and help keep you motivated.
  • I check my HRM every couple of minutes when I mow. My lawnmower is not self propelled and the lawn is on a hill. My heart rate stays up around 140 the entire time I'm mowing. It seems reasonable to me.
  • Okay, a few tips: DO take "before pictures" and progress pictures, even if you don't share them with anyone else. Looking back at them will help keep you motivated along the way. DO take and record your starting measurements. They will also help keep you motivated when your weight loss stalls. DO realize that your weight…
  • Absolutely.
  • I don't use any salt when cooking, and add a little at the table if I want it. Fresh, frozen, or no-salt-added vegetables are out there with no added sodium. I compare labels a lot too. It's surprising how much the sodium varies between brands. I usually keep mine below 1200 mg per day. I use Mrs Dash too, but my husband…
  • My husband and I consistently lost 3-5 lbs. per week for the first five months or so. I think it depends on how drastically you change your eating and exercise habits. We went from very sedentary and eating really badly to working out every day and eating very healthy. It did slow down after the first several months, but…
  • We have found several things we can eat at a variety of restaurant by trying to make healthy choices and then seeing how it affects the scale the next day. (yes, we weigh daily). The main thing for us isn't so much the calorie content (grilled meat and veggies is pretty much grilled meat and veggies no matter where you eat…
  • It works for us. My husband has been maintaining since June, and I have been maintaining since September.
  • Really watch your salt intake over the next few days. It will make your weight drop faster. Everything is so loaded with sodium that you don't even realize how much you are taking in. When I do that, limiting sodium for a few days helps me get back down to normal weight a lot faster. Even though it's mostly psychological,…
  • Great progress. . . and totally off subject, CUTE SHOES in all three pictures!
  • Okay, first weigh in since I joined the group yesterday: April 13: 186.0
  • And this is why I never eat salad, potatoes or bread at the buffet. I don't eat the quantity that my husband does, but I go for the meat. What I give up in quantity, I make up for in quality. Lol.
  • Hi, Everyone. I've lost 105 lbs. so far (at my lowest) and I've been bouncing around the 100 lb. mark since early September. I weigh every day and log it in a spreadsheet, so there are daily fluctuations of a pound or two, depending on my sodium intake. I'm almost where I want to be. My "fat jeans" are size 8. A year ago…
    in Welcome Comment by w2bab April 2014
  • Abuse is abuse. Period. Emotional and verbal abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse. Sometimes it's even worse because it's masked as humor, concern, or (in the case of my ex-husband) "venting". I was married to an abuser for 9 years, until I left the relationship 18 years ago. He used to call me a fat cow, and…
  • By choice? Good Lord, no!
  • I get up at 3:30 or 4:00 every morning, and workout at 5:00. That gives me "coffee and facebook" time before I work out. My evenings are short though. I usually head for the shower at 7:45 and I'm in bed by 8:00.
  • We always work out at home. We bought an elliptical and a stationary bike last year, and I have weights. Best investment in ourselves we ever made. You can find used equipment pretty cheap if you look around.
  • If you have access to a gym, or the funds to buy your own (which is what we did) you might try an elliptical. We use it every morning. I love it because it gives a great cardio workout, and if you're really pushing it, it works the muscles in your legs too, but without the stress on your knees that you get from running. A…
  • Standing in line at the grocery store many years ago, a woman in line suddenly put her finger in my baby daughter's mouth because she was teething and fussy. Totally freaked me out.
  • You can do it. In January 2013 I wore a size 20. Since September I've been wearing size 6-8-10 pants (depending on brand and cut) and size 12 tops. It's not easy, but hang in there and keep at it. Good luck on your journey! You can add me if you like, but I'm not a very active poster.
  • Bless you! 52 and expecting my 9th grandchild.
  • Hector Elizondo (when he was young, of course)
  • great post! I'm 52, so a little younger than you, but not much. My husband will be 58 tomorrow. We've taken this weight loss journey together and are each 100 lbs lighter than we were a year ago. You've got this!
  • I only record losses on here, but I weigh every morning and log my weight in an excel spreadsheet with a graph. That way I see the daily fluctuations and the overall trend. It helps me remember that weight increases aren't the end of the world and peaks this month are lower than the peaks last month.
  • You can do it! My husband lost 100 lbs. last year and I lost 93, with 20 more to go. Just keep your eye on the prize!
  • My guess is that, even though the number on the tag went up, you look smaller in it.
  • My husband and I would drive your doctor crazy! We weigh every day and keep charts and graphs of our progress, and discuss and compare them (and yes, I also track my TOM on mine). But hey, it's working. Hubbie has lost 100 lbs. since last year, and I'm working toward 120. If we had a "normal" relationship with food, we…
  • I started at 282 in January 2012, started again at 270 a year ago. I'm at 177 now, with about 20 more to go.