new to!

i am so new to all of this. i started walking in January...i started with 1/2 a mile and now i am up to 3 miles a day @ 3-3.5MPH...and i have started to LOVE it!!!! i never had GYM in school and no real history of exercise so this is quite a shock for me. i get up 1 hour early go to work and walk when no one is there but security. it is great. But now i think i am ready for another baby step....i just dont know which doctor told me to lose more before jogging because i tried that a couple of weeks back and....lets just knee had to have prescription strength NSAID for 6 days to get it to shut up. i want to start weights , i think, im not really sure. weights while walking? Please help! im slow to start but i am steady with effort.:flowerforyou:


  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    You could try weights while walking, but I would suggest something like the Couch to 5k program. You'll see it as C25k a lot. It's a progressive program and starts you off really slow--I believe the first work out is 5 min warm up walk, then intervals of 1 min run/1:30 min walk, then 5 min cool down. The best part is, you can go your own speed--which should be SLOW when starting off, and you can repeat days/weeks as often as you need to. I think it's a 9 week program, but it's be just as much of an accomplishment if you did it in 12 weeks.

    Of course, talk to your doctor and see what he/she says, but with the amount you have to lose (your profile says 40 pounds?) it doesn't seem like you should be restricted from running. I think if you take it slow, your body and joints will adapt. I have done the C25k program and loved it. I had gone years believing that I couldn't run a mile--now I can run 4-5!

    If you have access to a gym you may also want to start weight training. Look into the book the New Rules of Lifting for Women. Very informative.

    Congratulations on your progress so far!
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    the doctor restricted me jogging because it goofed my knee. she wants me to lose more before i really start to stress the joint. she says that the increase of walking everyday will strengthen the muscles around the knee and give a much more stable base to support jogging with out injuring my knee again.
  • HarleyQuinn26
    HarleyQuinn26 Posts: 158 Member
    I agree with trying C25K. I just started it day before yesterday and I am going very slow but I'm still going. I have 175 pounds to lose and have no previous running or exercise experience (my current weight is 325 pounds and I'm 5'7). Check with your doctor about it before you try it since you had a knee problem that needed medication.

    I like that you can take it as slow as you need and you can repeat days or weeks when needed. I plan on repepating every week 2 times just so my body can adjust.

    Also, start a beginner weight lifting routine. I know Pinterest has some good links if you search beginner strength routine or beginner weight lifting routine.

    Congrats on your progress!!!!! Your doing a great job and it's awesome you want to step it up in the workout department.
  • HarleyQuinn26
    HarleyQuinn26 Posts: 158 Member
    the doctor restricted me jogging because it goofed my knee. she wants me to lose more before i really start to stress the joint. she says that the increase of walking everyday will strengthen the muscles around the knee and give a much more stable base to support jogging with out injuring my knee again.

    Since you are restircited maybe you could try the C25K but instead of jogging when it says jog you could walk faster than you were before? Kind of speed walk for that minute and then walk slower when the minute is up.
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    If you have access to a gym, or the funds to buy your own (which is what we did) you might try an elliptical. We use it every morning. I love it because it gives a great cardio workout, and if you're really pushing it, it works the muscles in your legs too, but without the stress on your knees that you get from running. A stationary bike is another good option. We added one to our "home gym" a few months after the elliptical.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Try starting with some bodyweight resistance exercises. Squats and lunges will help you strengthen your knees. Planks will help your core, which is important for every day living. Push-ups are another great option. Check this out for a good starting point:
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    Since you are restircited maybe you could try the C25K but instead of jogging when it says jog you could walk faster than you were before? Kind of speed walk for that minute and then walk slower when the minute is up.

    I think this is a great idea. This would be a nice "baby step", as you requested!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    if jogging is off - I would go for trying to walk your route faster, or walk at your speed for longer, maybe alternating

    using c25k intervals to help you build this up might be helpful

    the goal would be to get your heart rate going and to get a bit of a sweat on, you ould also try combinations of swinging arms actively and or carrying something possibly 400g in each hand (like a tin of beans - or a bottle of water)
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    My recommendation is cycling. Years ago, I started my workout journey with treadmill walking. When I started maxing out on that, I added stationary biking. Then I got a real, out in the outdoors bike, and did that along with the walking. Eventually I kept losing enough weight that I could run. Slowly, and only for a little bit. Like, wayyyyyyyy slowly... MFP still called it walking. But it was running to me. Cycling and walk/running. That was my routine for years. I eventually added some light strength training, and even ventured into the pool every now and then.

    Next thing I knew, I was doing running races and triathlons. Race day came to validate all my efforts on the treadmill and bike. I always finished in the back. Still do. I used to joke, "If 500 people race my race, there are 499 other people who're glad I showed up." I may always be in the back. But I'm okay with that. At least I'm out there having fun.

    So that's my recommendation. Cycling. Stationary biking is great, but being on a bike out in The Great Outdoors? Priceless.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I wouldn't advise walking with weights if you're already having joint issues - they can throw off your form and cause more harm than good. I agree that starting to include some strength training would be a good idea and for the same reason your doctor gave you for walking for a while before running - it'll help with strength and stability. When I started running (something like C25K), I had some occassional knee and hip pain and found that if I did some strength training and stretching it really helped a lot.

    You can start with body weight exercises at home to help strengthen your whole body - squats, lunges, bridges, planks, push-ups, etc.

    Try mixing up your walks by including hills, stairs, and increasing your speed or at least speed intervals. All of these things will help once you're able to start running again. And make sure your shoes are right for you. I realized I was wearing the completely wrong shoe for running. They were supportive but designed for walking so it was really killing my speed and causing some impact problems. Once I got the right running shoe, I was much more comfortable and my speed improved. So when you're ready, look for a specialized shoe store and make sure to get properly fittied. Good running shoes can be pricey but they're totally worth it.
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    that isa great idea! i did start walking slowly.....just getting up and making myself walk. then as the endurance improved i stepped up the pace...and this is an easy way to increase my tone and endurance!! thanks !
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    great idea! thanks...i will check pintrest today:happy: