Is this really possible?



  • cdlaperle
    cdlaperle Posts: 2
    I lost 7lb my first week
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    I lose 12 pound over night on occasion.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    not unusal but don't be surprised if you plateu (sp?) for a week or 2. That happens to me...when i don't fall off the wagon and screw myself up anway...
  • mevvies
    mevvies Posts: 21
    I lost 5 lbs the first week, then 2 lbs for a few weeks now 1-2 lbs a week. I always used to be obsessed with the scales, but now do once a week and this is the only way I have been able to lose weight and keep it off. Well done and keep it up.
  • I had weight loss surgery in April so I have had extremely fast weight loss. I still have to watch my diet carefully and my exercise and water intake very carefully. Believe me it is NOT a quick or easy fix. I still takes work and dedication to succeed. Keep at it! :flowerforyou: We are all doing well or we wouldn't be here!
  • JoeyFrappuccino
    JoeyFrappuccino Posts: 88 Member
    A few people here have recommended weighing yourself weekly so I thought I'd give a different view. I weigh myself most days and it's just another part of my morning routine. Wake up>weigh>shower. Takes less than a minute. My weight regularly fluctuates up to 2.5 lbs in either direction day to day, as do most people's, so looking at a graph over the course of a week can look pretty crazy. If you weigh yourself once a week you may land on a day when your weight has spiked and assume you've gained or maintained weight, and then you may think you did something wrong for a whole week. If you're eating at a deficit, though, you will be losing weight so don't let it bother you.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    I started out at 317 and the first week, I lost about 10 pounds... I'd say at least 8 of that was water weight. After that first week, I've consistently lost between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds per week (a couple of weeks I lost less or no weight). So, I'd chuck it up to water weight and see how it plays out in the next couple of weeks. :)
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    My husband and I consistently lost 3-5 lbs. per week for the first five months or so. I think it depends on how drastically you change your eating and exercise habits. We went from very sedentary and eating really badly to working out every day and eating very healthy. It did slow down after the first several months, but by the time we were 5 months into it, he had lost 100 lbs. and I had lost almost 70. Everybody is different, and we all lose weight at different speeds. Just don't think you can return to your old habits. Stick with it even when it does slow down, and enjoy the journey.
  • Ronni66
    Ronni66 Posts: 43
    I don't want to discourage you , so i will throw you some of what i have learned from experience.

    The more you weigh the easier it is to lose weight in the beginning, so if you started watching your calories, and doing some exercise , especially if you have had a sit around kind of lifestyle , the weight will drop off.

    Yes, some is water ...but I do not believe it all to be water and no fat loss, some fat loss is in there too. WW fluctuates SO much it's insane, so i don't even bother with wondering if it is water or fat...i just smile at the scale and be done with it...besides..Water "weight" can be put back on by guessed it, water lol .

    Warning though, after a bit of super losing you will slow down and maybe even not lose any for a long while. That's when you increase exercise and cut more carbs/sugar out of the diet to kick start it again.

    BTW, if you are doing weight training...muscle burns fat as well. This is why men lose a butt ton of weight when they stop eating or drinking...or and it falls off them. it's because of their muscles...damn them! lol

    Good luck!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Thanks guys! So should I assume it is real (fat) weight I'm losing this week, or could it still just be water-weight?

    I'd assume it's water weight for now. If the loss stays consistent you'll know that it wasn't, but it'd be unusual if you didn't lose about that much water weight initially.

    I think it does vary by person. I started at 262 lb and lost only 1-2 lb the first week and 1-1.5 lb per week for months thereafter. No initial drop.
  • Guinness80
    Guinness80 Posts: 39 Member
    I lost 9 lbs the first 2 or so weeks so it was mostly water. But you know what? That was still 9 lbs that hasn't come back and I'm not lugging it around - so it was still all good. Weight loss has slowed down since.

    Personally I weigh daily. I'm now used to seeing the fluctuations and so it doesn't freak me out to see them as long as I see a downward trend overall I am happy.
  • JoeyFrappuccino
    JoeyFrappuccino Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks guys! So should I assume it is real (fat) weight I'm losing this week, or could it still just be water-weight?

    I'd assume it's water weight for now. If the loss stays consistent you'll know that it wasn't, but it'd be unusual if you didn't lose about that much water weight initially.

    I think it does vary by person. I started at 262 lb and lost only 1-2 lb the first week and 1-1.5 lb per week for months thereafter. No initial drop.

    I guess people who don't experience it don't really have a reason to mention so it could just be selection bias. In OP's case though I think it's safe to say that much of the weight was water.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    you do over an hour of cardio and weight lift and that's not a lot?
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    you do over an hour of cardio and weight lift and that's not a lot?

    a day?
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I don't care what "type" of weight I lose. I eat what I plan for the day, do my dance steps, and record my numbers. "Numbers" is the least important category of the three.