ambie35 Member


  • Also a note for anyone viewing this,I wasn't implying a discussion to ensue afterwards. Just hoping for a few friends requests or perhaps an inbox.
  • Thomas's post came up after.
  • I went into a coffee shop at 7 am after working night shift and asked if it was too early to get breakfast. I couldn't figure out till an hour later why they stared confused at me,
  • Jllian Michaels is the only celeb body I aspire for. Jlo is way curvier then I'll ever be and Nicole Richie is way thinner and less muscular then I would ever want to be,
  • I second the trail mix idea. Things like nuts,avocado,and cheese are high in healthy fats.They help boost your cals,and you don't have to eat s lot of them
  • whoops,I just realized I forgot to add the sugar to the ingredient list.... that will probably raise the counts up a little. Itd 1 and 1/3 a cup of sugar
  • you have beautiful cheekbones,and they look happy to be shown off on your new slimmer face. Doing a great job!
  • make a cup of tea,it takes up some time and drinking it takes time too. Maybe go for a walk to distract yourself.
  • make a cup of tea,it takes up some time and drinking it takes time too. Maybe go for a walk to distract yourself.
  • MId week check in. I've logged only 1 day so far (yesterday) which means to reach my goal of 5/7 I have to log everyday for the rest of the week. My weigh in was today. I didn't lose any weight this week,I stayed the exact same as last week,which makes sense with a party saturday,last breakfast with my sister sunday (she…
  • I used mfp from January 23rd to July 1st religiously and lost 23 pounds and reached my goal weight and maintained for a month. Then July and August I took a mfp vacation then september and October were a living hell for me. The biggest motivation right now for me is knowing that I did it once,it can be done again. So glad…
  • Great idea,this is just the sort of thing I need. My goals this week are 1. Stay under calorie limit at least 5/7 days 2.Work out at least once this week 3.Go easy on the halloween candy They may seem less than ambitious ,but I've had so much derailment the past three months that's structure for me right now.
  • I'd like to be 5 pounds lighter (back at my goal weight) for Christmas and be back into a regular 4 X a week gym routine. Life has been way too crazy the past 3 months.
  • A square of dark chocolate dipped in a teaspoon of peanut butter. (approx 140 cals) A jello mousse temptations cup (60 cals)
  • 1. Visiting my sister in the Uk 2. Visiting my sister in Vancouver 3. Meeting my boyfriend ( were over 3 years now ans going strong,and funny enough I met him thanks to my sister)
  • I started at 141,lost 8 pounds with weight watchers then signed on to mfp in late January of this year and lost another 23 pounds to put me at 110. After personal issues in my life the past three months I havn't been on,and have gained back six pounds. I am back and ready to go!
  • Second time with mfp,looking for some new support. Ill add you :)
  • I like Haddock and Sole. I put some lemon,a drop of olive oil and some spices on a peice,wrap it in foil in bake it in the oven. Try healthy alternatives to breading (I've heard of people using whole wheat crackers,high fibre cereal etc)
  • My smoothies are usually more like milkshakes. My favourite is the "Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie" 1 small banana ( can be fresh or a defrosted frozen) 1 Tablespoon of Peanut Butter 1/4 cup skim milk 1/4 cup Greek yogurt 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla 1 Tablespoon of chocolate protein powder (Or hot chocolate powder for flavour and…
  • I always gave myself a number not to go over. I always said I didn't want to be over 140 unless I was pregnant. I hit 141 and lost 8 pounds with weight watcher. I kept that off for a few months but realized I still wasn't "in shape" like I have always started and then joined mfp
  • If you "quit" your probably not going to lose any weight. Let me just say also that first time around on mfp for me I only lost 23 pounds total and I had 2 three week plateaus along the way. Try switching up your exercise if you can and eat lots of superfoods to boost your metabolism
  • bump,sounds great. wonder if they would taste okay with hemp protein instead of flavoured protein. I may have to make a small batch and test.
  • Now that I am finally getting m energy back ( will be 13 weeks thursday) I was wondering if anybody can reccomend a good 2nd trimester workout or workout plan. I want to make the most out of my time before it gets hard to workout. I think I lost a lot of muscle strength first trimester :(. I have heard squats and lunges…
  • I think the hardest thing for me is kicking the caffiene habit. I am down to 2-3 caffienated drinks a week,from 1-2 a day. But Im proud of myself .
  • congrats! I am due with my first in April. I signed off for a while from mfp but just came back today. I've been having some trouble keeping on track so while I probably wont food track religiously anymore I find mfp is a good environment to be a part of to foster a healthy lifestyle. Hope everything goes well for you!
  • I used mfp starting in January and by June I had reached my goal of 110 and lost 23 pounds. I used it on and off over the summer,and a few weeks ago found out Im pregnant. I signed off for a few weeks,but realize what a great support mfp is,it helps to keep me in a better healthy mindsetI had created another thread and…
  • thank you,I find the search feature on mfp to be so finicky I never find the links Im looking for
  • All I can say is THANK YOU for stating this and letting everyone know. I am so tired of hearing "Real woman are this" we are all women and we come in every shape and form.
    in Anorexia. Comment by ambie35 August 2011
  • hey not that Im taking it too personally,and being a member of a few threads for shorties,I think its great that you want to find people more similar to you. That being said the term "vertically challenged" is actually a little bit discriminating. By using the word challenged you are implying that our height gives us a…
  • herbal tea should be okay to count but definitely not coffee or regular tea. These have caffeine,which is a dehydrator ,so it does the opposite of what you put water in your system for.