ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
edited October 4 in Motivation and Support

Focusing on one week at a time, when the big picture seems to overwhelming. Small changes can bring on big results!!

FOR THE WEEK OF: October 30, 2011 to November 5, 2011

Choose one of more things you want to work on for just this week. Don't set it too high or unreachable!!

Please, make your week the week that works for you. Sun to Sat or Mon to Sun, whatever is YOUR week!

You can reach your main goal if you break it into small actionable steps. It’s could be as easy as 1-2-3!

1) Choose something you know you can do easily.
2) Add more difficult tasks to your plan.
3) These small steps will get you started, motivated & help build routine for long term success!!

Anyone interested in joining us for another week, or a first week, or a get back on track week? All are welcome!


  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    My goals for this week:

    1. Continue recovery from this car accident injury and get through PT like a trooper so I can get back to real exercise.
    2. Survive my out of town conference at the end of this week in the land of food and in the land of seperating from my child for the first time EVER in the 3-years that I've been blessed to have one.
    3. Exercise lightly at least three times this week (yoga, recumbent bike, etc are allowed).

    In other news, as of today, I offically reached ONEDERLAND! WOO HOO!
  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    Count me in Chickie.
    Here are my goals for the week;
    1) not let any... And I mean ANY Halloween candy pass my lips
    2) find a Zumba glass or DVD and try it at least once
    3) take stairs rather than elevator

    Thanks for doing this Gloria..
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 208 Member
    I'm in!

    I want to :

    1. Exercise Mon-Fri
    2. Drink 80+ oz of water a day
    3. Get back into the "zone"

    Sounds basic i know....

    Im have a very difficult time, "keeping" the motivation going.... I am hoping this challenge will Help me get my MoJo back... one week at a time, I will get there.... Eating is not my issue... my biggest issue is working out REGULARLY and getting enough water... WTF is my problem! (LOL)
  • Great idea-one week challenge! I can't seem to stick to anything longer than that which leads to feeling like a failure. I am in!! Thanks!

    I want to... I mean I WILL: exercise at least 5 days this week.
    I WILL: track everything that I eat everyday.

    CW: 190.6
    GW: 150.0 by April 2012
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    ladygloria: I think you are amazing and congratulations on the awesome victory!! I still remember the first time being separated from my baby, good luck with going out of town on both levels!

    My goals are mostly a repeat of last week's:
    Chalean, six times this week: abs count as .5, and hoping since I increased the number to 6 it'll force me to do another one other than the push circuit and ab burner only
    3 fruits/veggies: didn't quite make this enough last week
    Within calories with protein being higher than fat: For whatever reason I'm struggling with this in my new home
    Don't let my family drag down my eating habits: need this to become a habit if I'm to ever stay healthy and fit.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Great idea,this is just the sort of thing I need. My goals this week are
    1. Stay under calorie limit at least 5/7 days
    2.Work out at least once this week
    3.Go easy on the halloween candy

    They may seem less than ambitious ,but I've had so much derailment the past three months that's structure for me right now.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    welcome sandykw, what're your goals?

    welcome IamBrande, exercise is one of my struggles, glad eating isn't one of yours!

    biglovelovesme: nice to see you here, absolutely zero candy is a steep goal, hope you reach success with it!
  • Count me in....i have been wanting to get healthy for quite some time but kept falling off the wagon. Now I have 2 1/2 months until my anniversary trip to Jamaica and my sister is getting married in June....this may be the extra push i need.

    1) Exercise 4 times this week for at least 30 minutes.
    2) Stay with in my caloric allowance.
    3) Eat more veggies.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    My goals for this week:

    1. Continue recovery from this car accident injury and get through PT like a trooper so I can get back to real exercise.
    2. Survive my out of town conference at the end of this week in the land of food and in the land of seperating from my child for the first time EVER in the 3-years that I've been blessed to have one.
    3. Exercise lightly at least three times this week (yoga, recumbent bike, etc are allowed).

    In other news, as of today, I offically reached ONEDERLAND! WOO HOO!

    Congratulations on Wonderland.
    I'm in....
    Drink 32 oz water while at work
    Get in 30 minute average walk per day
    11-6 do my 5K!!
  • chikachic817
    chikachic817 Posts: 55 Member
    I like this as the long term goal seems too far off, so tackling it in small steps might help me out. I have trouble keeping up with my exercise when I have some days off when I can't go.
    My goals for this week:
    1. exercise at least 5x this week
    2. try and net close to 1200 calories (I'm usually under by 200-300 cal)
    3. drink 64 oz of water/day
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 208 Member
    I am also getting Married in 2012; I want to be AT GOAL before my wedding!!!!!

    come on Brande..................get with the program, dang it!!!

    It sounds as if quite a few of us, have the same Mental Block---as far as staying motivated!!! Lets beat it, we can win this war of the mind................................

    It is mind over body..............The Body will Win!!! =)
  • Hey there, I'm on! I like the week-segmentation (is this the right word?)!

    My goals for the week (Mon - Sun)

    1. Eat no more than 5 tiny sweets a day until Friday.
    2. Lose 500 to 800 grams until Sunday. If I am really good, 1 kg.
    3. Do sports 3 times within those days. Not too hard so I won't lose motivation.

    Good luck to you!! =)
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Biglovelovesme, glad to see you here. This is a great group for support and we love to have newbies. You will enjoy the positivity here. :) Great goals, although your candy goal this week intimidates even me. I know I will let some pass these lips, I just need to account for all of it in my diary and make sure I pick the lower calorie options (such as tootsie rolls) or ones that I can suck on for as long as possible to distract me. This reminds me though, I haven’t picked up candy yet. Eeek!

    IamBrande, congratulations on the upcoming wedding. You can meet your goals! Water and exercise will help, especially since you said food is not the problem, which then has me assuming you’re netting at least 1200 calories a day and are now working on the other piece. The key to exercise is finding something you like. It took me 11 years to do that, but now I’m a huge fan of exercise. In fact, I’m suffering exercise withdrawals with my recent car accident injury and am working on ways to sneak it in easier than what I had been doing.

    Sandykw1, welcome to the challenge! You will find that it’s easier to meet goals that are set for one week at a time then looking at the big picture. Also, this group is very supportive, so if you need encouragement, feel free to drop in and ask for it. We all fail our goals sometimes and that is okay, what matters is that we get back up and keep trying.

    Lttee, are you taking the every other day breaks between strength training circuits to give your muscles a rest? While you don’t have to do nothing, your muscle fibers need time to rebuild so that you can increase strength faster. Maybe on the alternate days you could do the cardio and yoga she sets out. I had it set like this: Monday-Push 1, Tuesday-Burn Intervals, Wed-Push 2, Thursday-Burn it Off, Friday-Push 3, Saturday-Extra cardio+Recharge, Sunday-full rest day. I couldn’t do the ab one, but if I did I would have put them on the strength days. Your abs are muscles too and need that every other day of rest, even if it’s active rest as I know you don’t like to have full rest days that often.

    Ambie35, welcome to the group! You will find we’re super supportive around here. Personally I think your goals are great and allow you the freedom to live and not be perfect. That’s the hallmark of a lifestyle change versus a diet. You can do this!

    Surfrgrl1, thank you. :) Welcome to the group! I like your goals. So often at work I used to forget to drink anything so I think 32 by the end of the day is doable and will keep you out of the bathroom all day. LOL! Good luck on your 5K next week!

    Chovest81, welcome to the group! Keep coming back. You will find great support here. We all live and as a result of it, fall off the wagon from time to time. We just hope that with each fall, we learn something and that it’s not so huge that we can’t recover from it. Good luck on your goals! You can definitely do it!

    Chikachic817, welcome to our group. Just take it one week at a time and don’t starve yourself (or else you’ll go back to normal food levels and skyrocket back up). Remember that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Your body needs the fuel. You need to look hot. Everything in moderation will get you there. :) Great goals, by the way.

    TheBestRevenge, sounds like the right word to me. Welcome to the group! We have a great support system here and always love to have new people. Sounds like great goals! You must have a sweet tooth like me. Good luck!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Hello to all the Newbies and Oldies! Glad to be able to join the party this week!!! I missed you guys last week.

    This week's goals (M-S)
    1) Go to gym 5 times - I have 2 months to lose 19 lbs, I am hoping that going back to what I was doing before takes me there.
    2) Log everything I eat - I reallly need to get back to doing this!
    3) Do not eat after 8pm on weekdays.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Goals for this week (10/30-11/05)

    1 - Be more aware of my food choices & keep my water intake up
    2 - Workout 4-5 days each week
    3 - STAY FOCUSED on the benefits of what making healthier changes is doing for me!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had!

    Great to be starting a new week, another party with the old gang and the new members here as well!bliss.gif

    Going with the same goals as last week since they are benefiting me quite well.

    Thanks for being the thread starter this week LadyGloria!:smooched:

    Welcome to all the new members of our MINI GOAL ONE WEEK CHALLENGE it's a great group to be a part of, lots of inspiration and warmth and the most positive group around these parts! :wink: :drinker:

    Here's to everyone having a fabulous start to their brand new weekballoons.gif

    ETA: :heart: exciting to have entered the land of Wonderlandloveshower.gif great job being persistent happy you must be!:love::flowerforyou:
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    Okay I'm in, joined MFP recently, this week I've not been well, skipped all my exercise, lost my appetite for first half of the week, now I'm better but I've just had tea and it wasn't that great, chicken kiev, chip & peas most of my plate was brown. I normally cook from scratch but my energy hasn't return yet!

    My mini challenges are ;

    1) Log all calories
    2) Slim in Six 6X
    3) Drink water 8X daily
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    YAY! Another week together!
    Welcome newbies! :flowerforyou:

    As for saturday/sunday, check on all of the goals!
    For this week,

    1- Follow Chalean X schedule + one cardio

    2- 8 glasses of water/day

    3- 5 fruits/veggies per day

    4- Find another stretching video (recommendations welcome!) I love Chalean's recharge, but I'd like to add a second one.
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 208 Member
    IamBrande, congratulations on the upcoming wedding. You can meet your goals! Water and exercise will help, especially since you said food is not the problem, which then has me assuming you’re netting at least 1200 calories a day and are now working on the other piece. The key to exercise is finding something you like. It took me 11 years to do that, but now I’m a huge fan of exercise. In fact, I’m suffering exercise withdrawals with my recent car accident injury and am working on ways to sneak it in easier than what I had been doing.

    Food is definitely not my enemy!! I start this Jouney back in 2004, My heaviest weight WAS 240(or more) pounds, I worked my *kitten* off for 5 years to get to my goal. No Dr's, no Surgeries, no intervention...just myself, and my own determination to GET THERE!! I finally got there, and my "now" exhusband couldn't handle the "skinny me"......we ended up Divorced, after 13 years

    its been 2 yrs since we split, and I finally have my children in a great mind frame, they are finally stable, the NASTY custody battle ex and I finally "get long" it's my turn again... I dont know if he giggles at my weight gain, because it is OBVIOUSLY noticable........ 135 v/s 169, YES its noticable... I want to get back DOWN to my goal weight........... I want to feel GREAT about myself, and feel sexy again...

    So here is to a week of DEDICATION on my part.......... I will be active in this group, and I will diligent in my determination to add some kind of VIGOROUS exercise back into my life.

    Thank you for having me in your group!!!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Good morning Mini-Challengers!:glasses:

    It's always great to see new and returning folks to the most supportive and encouraging group in MFP-Land :flowerforyou:

    Saturday check in from last night:
    1) Monitor macronutrient ratios with goal of Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 53/22.5/24.5
    2) Sodium under 2000mg: 2218 (unplanned dessert pushed me over a bit, but worth it)
    3) Culrpit item of the day: sodium went over, and technically it was the "Warm Delights" dessert that did it, but highest sodium item of the day was of course chicken sausage. However, I was able to budget 2 links into my dinner without going over, so that means, I had a pretty low sodium day up until then.
    4) Reach a total calorie deficit of 3500 calories for the week: 665/today; 4267/week.

    New goals for the week Mon-Sun:
    1) Sodium under 2000mg
    2) Monitor macronutrients to hit Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%
    3) Achieve a 3500 calorie deficit for the week between food and exercise
    4) Three Zumba workouts this week

    I will check in later today with my Sunday check in to close out last week. Hope everyone has a great week achieving new goals or old goals or just having fun. I think we all deserve a little fun now and then, don't you? :laugh:
  • arwaleenah
    arwaleenah Posts: 42 Member
    My goals for this week are
    1. do 30 day shred
    2. eat 2 fruits/day
    3. eat small meals every 4 hours
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!
    Welcome to the new commers and weclome back to all the returning mini goalers!

    LadyG- WOO HOO on making it to onederland. So happy for you. All your dedication and hard work is so inspirational! Thanks for getting us up and running glad you are coming back from the accident.

    Papillon22 - Not sure if you know anyone who has P90X that you could borrow it from, but the X Stretch workout is fantastic.

    Goals for the week:
    1. Since 30DS is offical DONE :happy: need to figure out whats next. This week I'm going to start doing am workouts again (except Tuesday) - so 6 am workouts of my choice.
    2. Get in 4 after work workouts.
    3. Be more aware of my food choices - don't just eat to eat. (Thanks for being my inspiration on this Hearts♥Desire)
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips)
    5. Water, water, water - more water less other beverages

    I feel like I'm getting the hang of the exercise part of my new healthier lifestyle. Now I need to work on the eating aspect. Let's have an AMAZING week everyone!
  • chellie346
    chellie346 Posts: 84 Member
    I am a newbie to this so let me know if I am not doing this right. my goals are :
    1. stay under my calorie goal
    2. exercise 4 times
    3. more water
    I struggle so much with food and hate it but I'm looking for anyway possible to overcome this.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member

    Ambie35, welcome to the group! You will find we’re super supportive around here. Personally I think your goals are great and allow you the freedom to live and not be perfect. That’s the hallmark of a lifestyle change versus a diet. You can do this!

    I used mfp from January 23rd to July 1st religiously and lost 23 pounds and reached my goal weight and maintained for a month. Then July and August I took a mfp vacation then september and October were a living hell for me. The biggest motivation right now for me is knowing that I did it once,it can be done again. So glad I only have 5 pounds to lose this time instead of 23.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    I'm in again :love: since this is the most supportive and encouraging group that I've found. :smile:

    Welcome back to the regulars and welcome to those just joining us this week. Best of luck to everybody :drinker:

    Goals for 10/31-11/6:
    1. More veggies and less sugar.
    2. Walks.
    3. Plan ahead so no impulse eating.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:

    Chalean, six times this week: 1 (recharge). LadyGloria: I do weight training only three times a week, with an every other day break. It's the cardio/stretching aspect I want to start incorporating more. I do the ab burner video about 4 times a week.

    3 fruits/veggies: made it :)

    Within calories with protein being higher than fat: Yes I did :) and for once in a long time, even my sodium is low again :love:

    Don't let my family drag down my eating habits: husband cooked all day (love days like that). I demanded blueberry pancakes in the morning, they weren't as bad as I thought they'd be on calories. And then he offered to make steak and shrimp for dinner, which I then volunteered him for corn on the cob, and my daughter volunteered him for garlic bread (I skipped that, go me), and then I volunteered him for pumpkin pie (again, not as bad as I thought calories). Today, while somewhat influenced by family, was still quite healthy. Poor man, he works about 18 hour days, and most weekends additionally, and we volunteer him for all this and his "man chores" around the house on his one day off. Gotta love him! :heart:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    ambie: welcome! I think your goals are a fantastic start to a lifetime of healthy. Glad you've only got 5 lbs to lose (the most difficult part of the journey for some?).

    surfgrl: I love walking, it's so relaxing, so love the 30 minutes a day. Is it cold where you're at?

    danlyn: Planning ahead to not impulsively eat is such my issue at the moment. Moving across country seriously got me out of my routine, and now I'm quite impulsive.

    chovest81: eating more veggies is such a struggle for me. Good luck with that!! Jamaica, so awesome :)

    chikachic: glad getting to 1200 calories is a goal, under just isn't good, especially if you add exercise to the day. How tall are you?

    IamBrande: I love "the body will win". Wow we've a lot in common, my ex-husband also couldn't handle when I started losing weight, believed it was to look good to move on, and even when I put it back on, he wasn't happy from that point on. However, even after more than two years separation, we don't even come close to getting along. I'm envious.

    LadyGloria: so awesome that you're trying to still stay active even while recovering from your accident. Missed you a lot of last week! And I wouldn't be able to weight train every day even if I wanted to.

    la_nanita: glad you're back with us, you got this girl! 19 lbs to go!

    usernamekelly: Is slim in six an exercise program? Logging in all calories was such an eye opener to me.

    Papillon: any yoga is such a great stretch. I'd recommend a yoga video.

    Philosohoe: Glad you budgeted for the chicken sausage, and so happy you're doing zumba!! Did you hear what I put my poor man through? Of course, he's not meeting his quota, so I get a bit more demanding in other areas. Wonder if he'll figure out that trick. Love you!

    arwaleenah: so glad to see you back! Small meals rock, way better than large meals. I'm a grazer myself.

    MAK: goodness, is that working out 8 times a week then? Hope you get the food aspect down, you sure as heck have the exercise down!

    chellie: of course you have this right! Good goals.
  • chellie346
    chellie346 Posts: 84 Member
    so how does the challenge work exactly? do we actually post everynight or just do the challenge?
  • MsALMill
    MsALMill Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in!

    My goals:
    1. average 1900 calories for the week
    2. walk every day this week (25 minutes or more)
    3. get back to drinking more water ( at least 8 glasses each day)
  • arwaleenah
    arwaleenah Posts: 42 Member
    BIGLOVELOVESME: i tried out zumba last friday and it was UH-mazing. I never had so much fun working out as i did in that class.
    good luck and i hope you have fun
    Sunday check in:
    I feel horrible for over eating by 500 calories, i better be ready for Jillian Michaels workout tomorrow morning day 1 of 30 DS. Am anxious but at the same time can't wait to see the results at the end of the week or month.
    1 good thing though is that i managed to eat 2 fruits today i hope i can keep up with this behavior for a while.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Sunday check in to close out last week:
    1) Monitor macronutrient ratios with goal of Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 54.5/24.8/20.7
    Final average for the week: Carbs: 49.6% Protein 25.4% Fat 25.1% I've been tracking this for 4 weeks now, and this was my BEST WEEK! I don't want to jinx anything by saying that I'm starting to figure this out, but I'm happy to see that this week came out well
    2) Sodium under 2000mg: 1888 Yay! (Average for the week is 1909 so YAY again!)
    3) Culprit item of the day: no culprit item for today; don't think this day could have looked better if I planned it...oh wait, I DID plan it out! Imagine that. :P
    4) Reach a total calorie deficit of 3500 calories for the week: 326 today & 4593 final count for the week. No exercise today because I was doing homework off and on all day.

    Hope everyone was successful with your Sunday goals and prepared for the challenges of Monday! Have a great night friends!!
This discussion has been closed.