
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    so how does the challenge work exactly? do we actually post everynight or just do the challenge?
    You can work the challenge in whatever way works best for you. Some of us check in daily, some of us just a couple of times a week to stay on track. Some post their goals, and we never hear from them again (Where have you gone Bunny393?:sad: ) But really whatever works for you, works for us. We're not so much about structure, but really big on support and encouragement.:flowerforyou: So think of some goals that you would like to focus on and post, and there you're a mini-goaler!:drinker:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Goals for this week (10/30-11/05)

    1 - Be more aware of my food choices & keep my water intake up
    2 - Workout 4-5 days each week
    3 - STAY FOCUSED on the benefits of what making healthier changes is doing for me!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had!

    Sunday Check - iin

    1. Did well today regarding choices , probably should of eaten more cals but it simply didn't work out that way.
    2. Didn't log a workout today or hit the gym but did do some Youtube vids that were pretty fun! Dancing and such..:laugh:
    3. Focus Focus Focus, need to be dropping these pounds a wee bit faster to hit my Dec. goal!!:grumble: :tongue:
    4. Checking in just to say I did!:tongue: I love this goal, it's my most favorite! It keeps me on the right track plus I can't slip up and not post if I plan to keep this goal. :smokin: :bigsmile

    A couple more things to finish and off to bed:yawn: ..back to my regular gym workouts Tomorrow (Monday).

    :drinker: Cheers for a great week for all and particularly our newbies that have decided to join in week! :drinker: :smooched:

  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Sunday check in
    1. 6 am workouts of my choice - did another day of 30DS level 3
    2. Get in 4 after work workouts.
    3. Be more aware of my food choices - don't just eat to eat. - Had brunch buffet this morning. Made ok choices. Did pretty good at dinner
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) - I'm working with my friends cookie company to create a new cookie and had some taste testing to do. Hopefully I get this cookie figured out soon so I don't have to do too many test batches. Though it is a lot of fun!
    5. Water, water, water - more water less other beverages - did pretty good with my water today.

    Have a great Monday! :smile:
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I'm ready for a new week! I took a break from logging over the weekend; it just gets too hard to get on the computer in between housework, shopping, family etc. I don't think I was too bad though.

    For this week my goals are:

    1) 3 serv fruit/veg - I can feel this becoming more of a habit so I want to keep it up!
    2) Pack a lunch every day (except today) - Ate out way to much last week so I need to plan and bring a lunch this week!
    3) Watch sodium and sugar - Extremely bad with sugar lately; I need to start looking at this (well - processed sugar anyway).

    My unofficial goal is the water, water, water!!! Not to much of a problem really, I can usually get in at least 8 glasses. I'd like to push more though!
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member

    usernamekelly: Is slim in six an exercise program? Logging in all calories was such an eye opener to me.

    Yeah, it's by beachbody (they did p90X, Insanity) I really like it, you start out using the start it up dvd (30 mins) and then you move on to ramp it up (50 mins) and then burn it up (over 60 mins), you work out 6 days per week. I really like it, should be on Ramp it up but was unwell last week and did not exercise so doing a few days of the first before moving on mid week. After two weeks my trousers feel lose on my legs ( it's squats, lunges, push ups, sit ups etc stuff).

    Yeah the calorie thing was a big one for me, I had been gaining until I joined a 90daygoal on reddit, I stayed the same for the first few weeks, a lot of people kept mentioning MFP so I joined and since then I've lost7lbs in just over two weeks

    This is the first challenge I've joined, do we use this as a thread to chat and get motivation etc? I find that if I interact then it helps me stay on track!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Monday check-in:

    1- Follow Chalean X schedule + one cardio: rest day today, and whoa are my hamstrings's a great feeling, though!

    2- 8 glasses of water/day - done!

    3- 5 fruits/veggies per day - done!

    4- Find another stretching video (recommendations welcome!) I love Chalean's recharge, but I'd like to add a second one. - done!

    Lttee and MAK: thanks for the recommendations. For now, I just searched hatha yoga on youtube and found full videos for free! I'll give one of those a try.Oh, MAK, let me know if you need help with the cookie tasting! I'm sure you can overnight me a box! :wink: I promise I'll be very professional!
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    Monday Check-in
    1. 30 DS - level 2. day 1 done
    2. Do 2 Billy Blancks workouts. 1 d one
    3. Drink no less than 8 glasses of water: 11 glases today
    4. do 3 cardio workouts. Walk away the pounds 5 miles done
    5. eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Monday check in:
    Walked 1.1 miles.
    Recorded everything that passed these lips.
    I am on schedule.

    Thanks for the great mini-challenge!! Everyone is so supportive. Great job every body!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Happy Halloween everyone!

    La_nanita, love that dedication! Great goals! You will get it back!

    Hearts Desire, thank you! You are so sweet. Great goals! We are going to have a fun time this week.

    Usernamekelly1, welcome to MFP and the thread. Great goals! You will rock them this week, I know it! P.S. I can’t really cook. What kind of food do you normally cook from scratch? Hope you’re feeling better. Oh yes, and we love to support one another so use us as it works for you. :)

    Papillion, how’s the lean for life phase going? You are rocking it girl! I am trying to figure out when I’m allowed to go back to it, if it should continue with lean or start over. I really want to get through lean before going back. What are your thoughts? Looking forward to another week together. As for stretching videos, I also have turbo fire and she has some intense stretching ones of various lengths in there (10, 20, 40 and probably a few more). Of course, there are a lot of good yoga dvds that will do the same kinds of things for cheaper than buying a high energy cardio program.

    IamBrande, I’m glad your custody battle is over and I hope that things work better now for you and your children. It’s hard to go through emotional battles such as these and keep the weight off. I wouldn’t worry one bit about what he thinks though—old news. You are going to rock your goals and I’m so happy to hear you’re doing it all the healthy way.

    Philosohoe, chicken sausage? How does it taste? Sodium is so high in processed meats that I rarely get them. I had no idea there was such a thing. BTW, so proud of you for planning out your day and getting it all right. I need to become as focused as you in that area. Sadly, my food choices as of late haven’t been as disciplined in the micronutrient department.

    Arwaleenah, welcome and great goals! I’m impressed with anyone who survives the shred. You will do great! Also, don’t beat yourself over going over. We make changes in small doses and you got the fruit, so that counts for something! Plus, Jillian will have you whipped into shape in no time. If nothing else, you’ll be too tired to go over by that much tomorrow!

    Mak, you are always inspiring to me so I’m glad I could return the favor. As you know, with sitting being easier now, I’m able to get back to supporting my girls and participating at least at this level. Hope to be back up as yours soon. Are you looking for another new program?

    Chellie346, welcome and your goals are great. There is no right or wrong to this…we just want to help make your large goal of weight loss and healthier living more manageable by supporting everyone through the small steps. I hope you find the support you need to master your goals here!

    Ambie35, you can definitely do it! I took a mini-vacation briefly in the beginning, thinking that I had learned exactly what I was doing but found that I need the accountability of remembering my logging that this website provides. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to take logging vacations when I’ve reached close to my goal and don’t even think twice about avoiding the temptations that got me into this situation in the first place.

    Danlyn, as always it is wonderful to you have. Were you the one who posted the link on sugar cravings being fixed by various veggies and dairy products? If so, tell me if that works for you. I am not a veggie fan, but I force them down anyway. If there is an improvement in the sugar and chocolate cravings, then I want to make sure I get the right ones. Good luck on your goals this week!

    Lttee, missed you too. So glad to hear about your off days with strength from CX. You kept increasing your days so I wasn’t sure what you were doing and wanted to make sure your arms didn’t fall off. LOL! You are rocking it girl! Go heavy or go home!

    MsALMill, welcome to the group! Are you a counselor or teacher? Your picture makes it look like you might be. Great goals! Can’t wait to see you master them this week!

    Bhurley1424, welcome back! I struggle with sugar. I’m now at a point where I try to get below the recommended levels in processed sugar and don’t fret too much about the natural. Then again, there is only so much overage I will tolerate. I used to try to balance that over with a carb under, but lately my micronutrients have been terrible. You will find a way to make it work though, I know it!

    Jennyph2006, great job on your goals. Is Billy Blanks the Tae Bo guy? If so, how do you like it? BTW, you are an exercise machine! I bow to you!

    Sandykw1, very impressed that you recorded everything that passed your lips. Sometimes that is the hardest thing to do. Speaking of, gotta go log this candy…ugh…

    My goals for this week:

    1. Continue recovery from this car accident injury and get through PT like a trooper so I can get back to real exercise.-ugh, missed PT today due to a fire that blocked off all roads exiting downtown towards my house. So, yeah, need that adjustment tomorrow.
    2. Survive my out of town conference at the end of this week in the land of food and in the land of separating from my child for the first time EVER in the 3-years that I've been blessed to have one.—going to do this one. I am.
    3. Exercise lightly at least three times this week (yoga, recumbent bike, etc are allowed).-hmmm, not today. Going to do a lot of walking towards the end of the week at this conference. Will hit the recumbent bike tomorrow though before packing for my trip.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    sandykw1: great job in making your goals thus far.

    jennyph: every time I see your Billy Blanks workout, makes me want to to do it.

    Papillon: lol, you'll be professional, I'm sure. Yummy sacrifice.

    usernamekelly: come on in here to interact and/or motvation as much as you want. I find that most of us just log in once a day. I love the beach body Chalean extreme (what I'm doing now). Glad you already see results with your workout.

    bhurley: I'm struggling with sodium right now, and sugar for certain today. It's Halloween, I need to forgive myself and move on.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    Chalean, six times this week: 2.5, did ab burner and push 2 today. Liking the push circuit so far.
    3 fruits/veggies: made 2 today, so not quite
    Within calories with protein being higher than fat: not even close, fat percentage much higher and over calories
    Don't let my family drag down my eating habits: failed, and then a coworker of my husband's furthered my downspiral later in the day
  • arwaleenah
    arwaleenah Posts: 42 Member
    Monday check in:
    For some reason i end up eating more than 1400 calories and for that reason I need to add a new goal of staying within my calorie limits. i thought eating small meals would help eliminate binge eating thus not going over my allotted calories but i was wrong i.e. my definition of a small meal isn't quite right since i keep going back for seconds
    i ate 2.5 fruits, did day 1 of shred am still sore and need to rest up for day 2.
    Thank God the day is over.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Monday Check In:

    1) Exercise 1/5
    2) Log 1/7
    3) No food after 8pm 0/7 - had a late dinner because of trick or treating, but I did not have any snacks

    Food for thought thought: I put on ankle weights, three pounds per foot, and walked to the gym. I was very off balance. No wonder I am so clumsy, all of the extra weight I am carrying around!
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    This is a great idea ! I am so in ..

    My goals :

    1. Workout 4 x a week
    2. Do Abs workout everyday
    3. No eating after 8 pm except for fruits
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Goals for this week (10/30-11/05)

    1 - Be more aware of my food choices & keep my water intake up
    2 - Workout 4-5 days each week
    3 - STAY FOCUSED on the benefits of what making healthier changes is doing for me!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had!

    Monday Check-in

    1. Another pretty good day!
    2. Water workout and Zumba before the gym and for about an hour tonight ... youtube version.:wink: Had Fun!
    3. Keeping my eye on the prize....
    4. Checking in and then sign a bit of paperwork then off to ~~~>:yawn:

    Good Tuesday to All:drinker: :heart:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Monday check in
    1. 6 am workouts of my choice - got sick last night so no working out today.
    (LadyG - I'm thinking Turbo Fire will be next I get it back Wednesday)
    2. Get in 4 after work workouts. 0/4
    3. Be more aware of my food choices - don't just eat to eat. - did ok today wasn't super hungry. But was craving comfort foods. Husband offered to get me what ever I wanted for dinner. I ended up getting a salad from Mcdonalds. Thought that was pretty good (in the past I would have gotten nuggets, or a burger, fries, the whole 9 yards).
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) - didn't do any test baking (Papillion I'm making French Macarons your box will be in the mail :smile:). I did have two pieces of Halloween candy both were logged. All in all not too bad today.
    5. Water, water, water - more water less other beverages - didn't do so good with water drank a lot of hot tea

    I hope I can shake this soon! Have a great night. I'll be checking in with you all tomorrow.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Monday night check in
    1) Sodium under 2000mg: 1948 1/7
    2) Monitor macronutrients to hit Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 50/17/33 (too many sweets today)
    173) Achieve a 3500 calorie deficit for the week between food and exercise 402/day (not bad considering it was nearly a 2000 calorie day:blushing: )
    4) Three Zumba workouts this week: 0/3 so far; on the menu for tomorrow though

    MAK--GET BETTER NOW! (did that help?)

    ladygloria--Chicken sausage tastes like regular sausage only less greasy too me. Not all sausages are created equally (as most women know:tongue: ) but most turkey and chicken kinds have less fat than traditional pork and/or beef versions. Sodium is a killer in most of them. The Amylu Apple and Gouda Chicken Sausage from Costco is 110 calories, 450mg sodium, 5g fat, 13g protein per link. They are pretty tasty when bbq'd. My main strategy for eating them is to not think about it too much(another trick many women employ, you know, from what I've heard.:laugh: )

    Ittee--Hunny of COURSE he's not going to figure out the relationship between missing quota and getting more man-thing duties. He's male, and I don't think it ever crosses his mind to think about causal connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena. Good for you for exploiting his un-analytical weaknesses. It keeps the species strong or something, right?

    la_nanita--welcome back from your trip! I'm glad you had a great time, and only indulged to your level of comfort :) I know that you will rock your BD goal, so hang in there, stay tough, and work it girl!

    Happy Halloween Everyone! Hope everyone was able to survive the day without too much drama and/or trauma. Hugs to all for the Tuesday Sugar Crash!
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    I think this mini goals.thread is awesome :)

    Mini Goals for the week:

    1) Exercise at least 4 times is week
    2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    3) Start to cut out diet soda from diet
    4) Wake up early to get a workout in so its done with no excuses toward the end of the day
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Not all sausages are created equally (as most women know:tongue: ) ...... My main strategy for eating them is to not think about it too much(another trick many women employ, you know, from what I've heard.:laugh: )

    OMG ... ROFL

    Thank you!!!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    sadly joining late this week, I had a horrible end to my week, while digging in the attic trying to find more Halloween decorations stepped off the boards on the ceiling joices and fell hip deep on 1 leg into our living room Sunday night, No injuries but 1 huge mess to clean up and now a cealing patch repair job in need of a good drywall person. After the start of my weak with wreaking my van I finished the week right on par for how the remainder of the week had been.
    Oh well on to a new week
    Goals :1 Walking 10 miles this week,
    2Getting at least a 750 calorie deficit according to BMF armband
    3Getting 10 c water daily minnimum
    Monday 1. no walk, 2. over 250 calories, 3. 9 cups, FAIL
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member

    Usernamekelly1, welcome to MFP and the thread. Great goals! You will rock them this week, I know it! P.S. I can’t really cook. What kind of food do you normally cook from scratch? Hope you’re feeling better. Oh yes, and we love to support one another so use us as it works for you. :)

    I cook all different stuff we had Lentil Soup tonight, some of our family favs are Chicken casseroles, Shepard's pie, lasagna, fish pies, salmon fishcakes, chicken & spinach balti, refined bean wraps, enchiladas etc...I just have to have smaller portions now ;)

    On the mini goal front, the cold is trying to take hold and is going on my chest so exercise is a no ATM, I have walked four miles today so at least that's something, I keep forgetting about the water, so that is one thing I'm working on tomorrow.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member

    usernamekelly: come on in here to interact and/or motvation as much as you want. I find that most of us just log in once a day. I love the beach body Chalean extreme (what I'm doing now). Glad you already see results with your workout.

    I've got turbo Jam next (after slim in six) I've got a few BB workout collections. I like Charlean's bubbly personality so I'm looking forward to doing it!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Ladygloria: I actually re-did two weeks of the lean phase (because I had two weeks when I was a complete mess), and just started the lean for life phase today. In this phase, you do videos from the previous phases. Today, it was burn circuit 1, next will be push circuit 2 and so on. I decided to redo it because I'm anal and like to do things *properly*...why hide it?! :laugh: I was actually glad to see that I didn't lose strength during my "break", so maybe you'll feel the same way. Just do what feels right for you! :happy:

    MAK: macarons!!! those little stinkers are so good, but have a gazillion calories each! watch out! You can overnight me a box of those as well. Thank you very much! :laugh:

    KrisPage: what a week indeed! the good news is that it can only get better from here! Here's to a quiet, accident-free week for you! :drinker:

    Tuesday check-in:

    1- Follow Chalean X schedule + one cardio: burn circuit 1 (lean for life phase). I expected it to be easier after months of having done it for the first time, but kicked my butt!

    2- 8 glasses of water/day - done!

    3- 5 fruits/veggies per day - done!

    4- Find another stretching video (recommendations welcome!) I love Chalean's recharge, but I'd like to add a second one. - done! I just need to actually do it!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    ladygloria--Chicken sausage tastes like regular sausage only less greasy too me. Not all sausages are created equally (as most women know:tongue: ) but most turkey and chicken kinds have less fat than traditional pork and/or beef versions. Sodium is a killer in most of them. The Amylu Apple and Gouda Chicken Sausage from Costco is 110 calories, 450mg sodium, 5g fat, 13g protein per link. They are pretty tasty when bbq'd. My main strategy for eating them is to not think about it too much(another trick many women employ, you know, from what I've heard.:laugh: )
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :smokin: You're hilarious:devil: :tongue:
    I love chicken sausage too! I've tried 2 kinds so far Trader Joe's Apple Chardonnay and another one of theirs, Mango Chicken Sausage. Tasty? YES! But you got that sodium deal right, it's high.... but so yummy. Don't eat them too often but the Apple Chardonnay is my favorite of the 2 I've tried thus far.

    The Gouda Chicken sausage you mentioned does sound good.. Yup I gotta want one bad to give up 1/3 of my sodium for the day. Or plan really really well that day!:laugh:

    Tues. Check-in

    1. Pretty good day... have 1 carb left.. hm, what to do, what to do...:noway: :laugh: :wink:
    2. Worked out, water Pilates today, whew...I knew I should run after that class for extra cals..forgot how little Pilates burns.. EEK..thus the 1 carb left.:ohwell:
    3.Still got my eye on the Tiger!
    4.Checking in early what with the 1 carb and all.... :grumble: :laugh:

    Anyone else a major fan of Trader Joe's? My favorite store, along with Bed, Bath, Beyond, Dollar Stores (I'm such a KID:blushing: ) & some others that don't come to mind at the moment.

    Brrr... really cooling down here already.. we went from a couple sunny days in a row to tomorrow being lower 40's if it makes it that high. Then back up in the 50's and 60's for awhile. YAY!:drinker:

    Hump Day coming up!! :smooched:

    Oh... scale says I gained 22 lbs. overnight... hm, maybe time to change the battery? Cause unless I was eating in my sleep, hm, let's say an entire salt shaker it can't possibly have happened and I don't have salt so... no wonder I've been getting bummed about not being able to move my Bday ticker... stupid stupid stupid Scale:angry::grumble: :tongue:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    Chalean, six times this week: 2.5, no, day of rest, did the elliptical with a friend (just not motivated to chalean's cardio solo).
    3 fruits/veggies: 4, made up for yesterday :smile:
    Within calories, protein being higher than fat: yes, but my goodness is the fat going to throw out my whole week's percentage from yesterday
    Don't let my family drag down my eating habits: today totally in control, yay :happy:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Wow our little group has grown so much! I know its because we are the best party in town week after week. I am going to be as supportive as possible to everyone because I find that as I praise you guys I see all of the wonderful things achieved and obstacles overcomed and it lets me know that I can do it too no matter what!

    I would like to start by saying WELCOME to our newbies! Are all still all ladies in this group or do we have any gentlemen?

    Hearts – Great Monday check in! An hour of Zumba is awesome! Always keep your eye on the prize. LOL.. by the time I posted this thing you had done your Tuesday check in too. Had to edit! Great day again. I cant stand Yoga its just not what makes me want to continue so I can imagine that doing Pilates is the same! But being in the water must make it more fun! I imagine it is in an indoor pool. BURRR

    MAK – I hope you are feeling better! A salad at McDonalds is an excellent choice when you consider the options!

    Philo – I am always so amazed at the level of detail for your goals! Great job. BTW have been putting the 20min Philo rule to use!

    Seokie – Great goals! Good luck with achieving them.

    KrisPage – I am glad you have joined us this week, it doesn’t matter if it is late. It shows how strong you are because no matter what has happened you have CHOSEN to be here and stay committed to you journey and we are all the better for it. I hope that things go smoothly and quietly for you this week.

    Usernamekelley – You made my mouth water! I too love to cook but have been so lazy about it lately… I will get back on track with it because it is the key to controlling my calories. I too have Slim in 6 and P90X but have not been able to complete either workout!

    Papillon – Great job in meeting your daily goals! Now get to stretching! Hahaha

    Lttee - Way to go on taking control and not letting your family drag you down!

    Tuesday check in:
    1)Exercise – 2/5 (I am counting it although I have not gone yet! :blushing: I already have my gym clothes on but I just ate and I am waiting for 1 hour before I go.)
    2)Logging 2/7 – So far so good. I have logged everything I ate and drank. Which BTW I need to do better with my water!
    3)No food after 8pm 1/7 – I have already had dinner and am not planning on having anything else tonight besides water… Although I still have 30mins, hmmm plenty of time to use the Philo 20!

    NSV - I am actually losing weight from my feet!!! Not that long ago I was in a size 7-1/2 even to an 8!! Now all my shoes are lose on me and I am constantly in danger of busting my *kitten*!!! LMAO
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    arwaleenah: yeah, eating small meals is sometimes easier to add up on the calories, though I'm not as hungry and don't feel the need to eat as much in one sitting.

    la_nanita: I'd feel off balance with ankle weights too. And I was ROFL with her comment as well. Thanks for re-quoting it so I could again enjoy. Weight lost in the feet? Amazing NSV, if somewhat dangerous tripping hazard. What a great excuse to go shoe shopping!!

    aleenaz: what abs workout do you do? I'm focusing in on my abs.

    HeartsDesire: so smart how you youtubed zumba. 1 carb left is such a perfect number to hit, grats!! Love pilates and yoga, despite them both not burning a lot of calories. And I'm a huge fan of Trader Joe's. The weather has also been fluctuating like crazy here, and considering I'm still getting acclimated, makes for a horrible allergy time.

    MAK: for Halloween, you did phenomenal on BLTS. Absolutely amazing

    Oh philosohoe: your comments crack me up. Miss your wit.

    Seokie: welcome to our group! Excellent goals

    KrisPage: what a rough week you're having. I'm so sorry. I'm with papillon wishing you a more peaceful upcoming week.

    userkelly: cold and still four mile walk?! Holy cow you're determined. And I love her bubbly personality too!

    papillon: what did you find for stretching? Can you share the link if you like it?
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    FYI: I just went on a friend deleting rampage!! I might have deleted you by mistake, I did want to keep my friends from this group. if I did and you want to keep me as a friend just send me a request and let me know you are in this group. That goes for any one else too, if you want to be my friend that is. :blushing:

    I just found that my thread was full of people that were not being that supportive to me even though I have continously been supportive to them. So I had to say Bye-Bye!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Hi All!
    Complete failure yesterday as far as goals and even logging, which isn't usually a problem for me. I may not have gone over calories, but I have no idea because I just picked at things all day and did taste a few of the mini candy bars that we gave out for Halloween :frown:

    Anyway, onto today (Tuesday):
    I did not eat impulsively today - YAY!
    I had 4 servings of veggies - YAY!
    I didn't walk today - shame on me, I just can't get my butt in gear in the morning lately!

    Lady Gloria- I wasn't the one who posted about veggies and sugar, but I'd love to know what veggies would help curb a sugar craving!!

    Keep up the good work everybody!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    "The link above is definitely worth checking out... it talks about food cravings and what our body is really trying to tell us. It's a neat little chart about all sorts of cravings. "

    Here it is! :flowerforyou: It twas me that posted it:wink: .... has anyone printed it out? I went to try and couldn't for the life of me get the left hand margin on the page fully....:sad: Even sizing down to tiny it won't show, plus I can't read tiny so that won't work anyhow.:laugh:

    Any hints???
This discussion has been closed.