
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    I am also a little late to joining this, but I LOVE the idea of a one week challenge - I think the "baby steps" is the only way for me to get back in shape. This week I want to:

    1. Drink more water
    2. Work out on my elliptical at least 3 mornings
    3. Lose one pound (I know that doesn't sound realistic, and that weight can fluctuate, but any step is a positive step to me!)
    4. Utilize this site everyday by journaling my foods and exercise
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    I am also getting Married in 2012; I want to be AT GOAL before my wedding!!!!!

    YOU CAN DO IT!! I just got married a couple of months ago and never before have I been so motivated in my life. I got over halfway to my goal and felt amazing (and got a huge load of compliments on how great I looked)! When is the wedding/when do you want to reach your goal?
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes. Wish I could say iwas all better. But sadly I am not. But I'm planning on going back to work tomorrow

    Tuesday check in:
    1. 6 am workouts of my choice. 0/6 :(
    2. Get in 4 after work workouts. Didn't even go bowling :(:(
    3. Be more aware of my food choices - caved to comfort food for dinner. Had pizza, the husband didn't feel like cooking and I didn't feel like arguing over what to eat (I think I need to take a page from Ittee's book don't let the husbands terrible eating habits drag me down, I know they do) . Then my mom brought over cupcakes I wish I had said no. :(:(:(
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) - logged it all.
    5. Water, water, water - more water less other beverages - lots of tea again today.

    Turning in early have a great Wednesday everyone. Hopefully I start to feel better soon and can really check in with you all. But know I'm reading all your posts and cheering and laughing :laugh: right along with you. HUGGS to you all!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Tuesday night check in
    1) Sodium under 2000mg: 1181 2/7 (have NO IDEA how THAT happened)
    2) Monitor macronutrients to hit Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 51/18/31 (slightly better today)
    173) Achieve a 3500 calorie deficit for the week between food and exercise 756/day & 1158/week
    4) Three Zumba workouts this week: 1/3

    KrisPage--OMG! I'm so sorry to hear about your latest calamity. I'm so glad that you weren't hurt by your fall. That sounds like a ride at 6 Flags gone terribly wrong. Hope you're on stable ground for the rest of the week.

    la_nanita/Hearts/Ittee--Glad you guys appreciate my blue humor.:tongue: I love a good reaction, although, it does encourage me, so I'll try not to get out of hand. :laugh:

    btw...la_nan--Congrats on foot shrinkage, however, make sure NOT to take walking lessons in your new shoes from KrisPage. That could be a little disastrous. (Glad the 20min rule is working for you too! I've had a couple of occasions recently where I SHOULD have used it, but didn't. That's the big problem with my wonderfully sage advice...I can never follow it as well as I can give it. Imagine that. Ask Ittee, she'll tell you I give great advice, but personally, I'm a mess.:tongue: )

    MAK--Sorry to hear your ick is still keeping you down physically. Hang in there, and keep chugging the hot tea.

    sandykw1--congrats on your walking so far! Welcome to the group; glad you found us!

    ladygloria--I know your OOT trip is coming soon. You'll do great; baby and hubby will do great, and just think how much they'll appreciate you once your back. (They'll never take care of each other as well as you do.):flowerforyou:

    arwaleenah--good luck with managing those seconds; that is definitely a tough one. You're rocking those exercise goals though! Good for you!

    aleenaz & seoki--Great goals; welcome to the group! Check back in as often as you like to share your progress with us:flowerforyou:

    userkelly--oh, lasagne, how I love it so. I have only had it once or twice since starting MFP. Its cheesy, saucy, sodium crazy yummy-ness is almost too much for me to resist. That's one of those foods that I really have such a hard time eating a "healthy" portion. Glad you're having such great success with the cooking AND the exercising!

    Papillon--I bow to the fruit/veggie queen! Hey, that counts as stretching, right?:laugh:

    danlyn--I love your attitude towards your speed bump day. You are so right...tomorrow is another day, and I'm sure that you are going to bust through it like la-nanita's old feet through her new skinny shoes!

    stufie--Welcome Welcome! Love the wedding dress profile adorable! Welcome to the group and good luck with your goals this week.

    Oh my Ittee--I'm not nearly as clever when you're not around to inspire me and remind me of when I'm being funny. You were always my best audience. How I miss you. Sigh. :cry: (Our poor group, having to listen to us whine like estranged lovers, I feel for them, but I don't care! I miss you too much to care!):sad: However, I'm VERY proud of you for keeping up with Chalean and regaining your power over Southern Food!

    WHEW! That's a lot of chatter for one post! If I missed anyone, please forgive me. Let's all have an AMAZING WEDNESDAY, can we please?!? And HEY, no more accidents, falls, illnesses or mishaps! Goodnight everyone...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    To myself: My goal tomorrow is to do the elliptical and burn 550 calories. I've no idea how much longer this will increase my time. I simply want the calorie burn goal!

    danylyn: sounds like you made up for Monday with Tuesday, good job! It's hard for me to get going in the mornings too for whatever reason, and I'm a morning person!

    stufie: what a beautiful pic. Losing one pound sounds like a perfectly acceptable goal, especially if you are staying active and journaling everything.

    MAK: sorry you didn't have your normal stellar day, don't forget that once you feel better, you'll come back with a vengeance. You're so active, it's good to rest and feel better so you can get back to it.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    MId week check in.
    I've logged only 1 day so far (yesterday) which means to reach my goal of 5/7 I have to log everyday for the rest of the week.
    My weigh in was today. I didn't lose any weight this week,I stayed the exact same as last week,which makes sense with a party saturday,last breakfast with my sister sunday (she is moving to another country) and then halloween monday.
    BUT I did go to the gym yesterday,so thats one goal complete.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Does anybody know what happened to littlemount?! I was trying to message her and I saw that she deactivated her account :frown:
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    Wednesday check in:

    1.) I did drink more water today (and had tea with honey instead of coffee with cream and sugar)
    2.) I did work out this morning
    3.) I didn't eat all that well. I have a horrible cold and couldn't be bothered to cook supper so when my husband offered to buy us chinese food for dinner, I gleefully agreed!

    Philosohoe & Ittee - thanks for the compliments! pretty proud of how hard I worked to look like that on my wedding day. Still not there yet!
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    Wednesday Check-in
    1. 30 DS - level 2. day 2 done
    2. Do 2 Billy Blancks workouts. 2 done
    3. Drink no less than 8 glasses of water: 11 glases today
    4. do 3 cardio workouts. Walk away the pounds 5 miles done
    5. eat more fruits and vegetables: done
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Sorry you're not feeling well MAK :frown:

    I know Littlemount was getting discouraged. Maybe it's just a break and she'll start up again soon.

    Check-in for Wednesday:
    No impulse eating today, but I have decided to make life easier I'm going to eat the same breakfast and lunch from now on. I just think it will be better and then I may feel more creative at dinnertime. Haven't walked yet this week. My co-worker who I walk with has pneumonia so hasn't been at school. It's ridiculous that I need someone to walk with, but clearly I do. I hope she's back soon :smile:
  • fitnessmonthly
    fitnessmonthly Posts: 68 Member
    Hi folks I guess I can't stay to long away from all of the minigoalers. Well went through some emotional turmoil of gaining weight and my silver anniversary approaching,kind of anxiety of getting old so I took few HOURS off I could go a day off without being on MFP. So came back again with new user name. I will join the mini goal challenge again after 1-2 weeks. . Hi again to MAK_01. Papillon22,Danlyn,Hearts desire,Kris page,34again, lttee , ladygloria,Philosohea,La_nanita.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Hi folks I guess I can't stay to long away from all of the minigoalers. Well went through some emotional turmoil of gaining weight and my silver anniversary approaching,kind of anxiety of getting old so I took few HOURS off I could go a day off without being on MFP. So came back again with new user name. I will join the mini goal challenge again after 1-2 weeks. . Hi again to MAK_01. Papillon22,Danlyn,Hearts desire,Kris page,34again, lttee , ladygloria,Philosohea,La_nanita.

    Welcome back! Feel free to send new friend request too :)

    Papillon!! She's back!!:bigsmile:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    welcome back, hope you feel recharged!

    My check in:
    Chalean, six times this week: 2.5, no, lost all motivation but to drag myself through the motions of keeping kids/myself going today.I actually sat at one point in the day for 3 hours. I never do that. I told my husband he better drag my butt onto the floor and do abs with me tonight when he gets home (a very different scenario of my usual physical request from him). I need to do something.
    3 fruits/veggies: yeppers
    Within calories, protein being higher than fat: nope, and I'm under, which I never do, and I don't care today.
    Don't let my family drag down my eating habits: yep, accomplished this one at least
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies,

    Just a quick check in today. Conference is going strong. Tomorrow is the last full day so I’ll thankfully leave here by lunchtime and recover the rest of my food for Friday. Although, I did walk for several hours from conference destination to conference destination and then did some shopping. So hopefully I worked off the splurge.

    In other news, I BOUGHT NEW JEANS TONIGHT AND I’M DOWN ANOTHER SIZE SINCE 6 WEEKS AGO. I actually fit into a size 16 pant. I don’t remember when the last time that occurred for me. Hehehe, can’t wait to show these jeans to my hubby.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi everyone. Just wanted to check in real quick. Had a rough couple days; very tired. My baby is not sleeping well so mommy is not sleeping well. :yawn: :yawn: So of course I've had rough time trying to stay focused on the food and exercise. But I got in a good workout today so I feel better. I think for the most part I've met my goals for the last 3 days:

    1) 3 serv fruit/veg - 2 out of 3 days down
    2) Under sodium/sugar - uh -no. sodium has been ok but sugar is still bad.
    3) Bring lunch every day - Yes, except for Monday which was our Halloween luncheon. Managed to only have one little pumpkin cheesecake bite for dessert. :bigsmile:

    I'm doing better with water, I've had at least 9 glasses this week and today I'm at 10 already. Yay! Anyways, I'm off to bed. Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Awesome NSV ladyG!!
    Fitnessmonthly so glad to see you have a new account. We will be here mini goaling away when ever you are ready.
    Ittee keep on rockin (loved your comment about the ab video).
    Philo you had me laughing with your comment about you and Ittee going on like estranged lovers, my throat hurts from laughing (and the dog is giving me a weird look).
    Bhurley sorry to hear your little one isn't sleeping well. Hopefully you can get some rest tonight.
    Ambie35 Sorry to hear your sister is moving away. That must be tough. HUGGS!
    Stufie I'm right there with you ordering out Chinese. That's what the hubs and I had too!
    Jennyph2006 WOW your doing fantastic!! How's level 2 treating you?
    Danlyn sorry to hear your walking buddy is sick. Hopefully she'll be back soon so you can get back to walking. I pack pretty much the same breakfasts & lunches all week long. Makes things easier in the morning just grab and go no thinking required (and I'm usually half asleep getting myself out the door so the less thought required the better!)

    Huggs love and support to all the mini goalers. Keep up all the hard work!!

    I am the worst sick person ever! Work really wore me (and my voice out).

    Wednesday check in:
    1. 6 am workouts of my choice. 0/6. On a positive note I am not beating myself up over this. I know I need to get better.
    2. Get in 4 after work workouts. 0/4
    3. Be more aware of my food choices - over all did pretty good with food today
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) - logged it all.
    5. Water, water, water - more water less other beverages - lots of tea again today. did get some water in as well.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Weds Check-in

    1. hm... interesting choices today, good thing I had a ton of burned cals. :blushing: :wink: I gave the food thought before I ate it and then ate it anyhow. But I love being past the idea of simply stuffing food in my mouth and not even being aware of what it is. Ohhh that sounds horrible, but I think some of you probably know what I mean when I say that?:laugh: I see progress..:happy:
    2. Great workout, water aerobics class and water jogging after... felt great!
    3. Though I might make different choices food wise a bit today I do feel focused. Also I am grateful that if I pick food that might not be the most nutritious at times, I'm now about to jump back on board rather than go days (:blushing: weeks, or months, um, or years like in the past...what a great feeling!) continuing on with the less healthy food. It's as if my body wants the good stuff back ASAP ...good stuff being healthy foods, greens, fruits etc. I crave them after eating junk. Most definitely progress there! :drinker: YAY ME.:tongue::laugh:
    4. Checking in a bit late and likely missed many of you, I'm looking forward to jotting down a note to each of our posters like I did a few times in the past. I really enjoyed doing it, helps you get to know others better plus if feels so awesome when you feel acknowledged on here.

    I think that's what makes our group as special as it is.. :love: The personal touch and the friendliness!:love:

    Hm... let's see what else is new... oh yea, got the flu shot Monday.... got the flu now! :smokin: :grumble: :noway: :sad: Mostly a light cold but need to remember to pick up a box of Puffs Plus tomorrow, my nose is begging me too.

    Feel free to remind me to pick up the Puffs Plus, I get home and had to blow my nose with TP and it sure doesn't feel like Puffs with Lotion. :bigsmile:

    Hugs all around! Fitness Monthly:smooched: I sent you a friend request when you're ready to jump glad you didn't stay away from us too long:flowerforyou:

    Night All xo
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Quick Wednesday night check in
    1) Sodium under 2000mg: 1199 3/7
    2) Monitor macronutrients to hit Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 46/26/38
    173) Achieve a 3500 calorie deficit for the week between food and exercise 691/day & 1849/week
    4) Three Zumba workouts this week: 2/3

    Just a quick one tonight. I'll check in more tomorrow. Have a great Thursday everyone!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    In other news, I BOUGHT NEW JEANS TONIGHT AND I’M DOWN ANOTHER SIZE SINCE 6 WEEKS AGO. I actually fit into a size 16 pant. I don’t remember when the last time that occurred for me. Hehehe, can’t wait to show these jeans to my hubby.

    Amazing LadyGloria!! Love it!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    bhurley: hope your lil one starts to sleep well for you. Good job keeping on those goals even sleep deprived and glad you got a workout in.

    MAK: glad you aren't beating yourself up about resting, I'm quite sure you need it. And I think tea should count as water, especially if you're sick.

    HeartsDesire: what a great check in, I needed to read some positive outlooks. I'll remind you to buy tissue.

    Philosohoe: glad you're rocking the zumba, I couldn't be more proud of you!! Have I told I'm becoming a b$%^& towards a female friend of mine on her whole weight thing? Yeah, you aren't here to sensor/talk some sense into me. (BTW, Shaun misses the hell out of you.) I care about her, she's so nice, so I want to help her. And I need to let it go and back off. I would say you're always the angel on my shoulder, telling me to be good, but I can recount too many times where you've always been wearing the horns, encouraging me to go with my more natural inclinations.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Congratulations Lady Gloria, great news about the smaller pant size :drinker:

    Felt good today because I figured out my breakfast and lunch choices for at least the next couple of weeks. I think that's going to make a big difference in stopping my impulse eating.

    Everyone sounds like they're doing a good job this week, even with the illnesses that some of you are suffering from. I have a bad feeling that this is going to be a tough winter. Have a good night!!
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    Thursday Check-in
    1. 30 DS - level 2. day 3 done
    2. Do 2 Billy Blancks workouts. 2 done
    3. Drink no less than 8 glasses of water: 8 glases today
    4. do 3 cardio workouts. Walk away the pounds 5 miles done
    5. eat more fruits and vegetables: not very good today :(
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    Thursday check in:

    1.) I didn't drink much water today :( mostly juice
    2.) I didn't work out this morning - no energy!
    3.) I still didn't want to cook, so I didn't eat very well.

    I think I'm almost over this darn cold so hopefully tomorrow I'll be back on track.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    Chalean, six times this week: 3.5. Today was really a good day in the beginning with energy! I did push circuit 3 in between the 40 minutes I drop off my 7 yr old and then 16 yr old. I went to the gym and burned 562 calories on the elliptical (I've only ever burned 500). And I did some ab work (small amount) at the gym, but I increased the weights held to 8 lbs while doing slow crunches. I'm thanking my husband for this, he started my day in a very enjoyable way. To top it all off, I then came home and cleaned one story (I've three) of my house.

    3 fruits/veggies: yay for this as well

    Within calories, protein being higher than fat: no, truly struggling in this! My fat percentage was way high because I went over to a friend's house (we're doing a twice a week shared dinner, so one day per week we don't have to cook). She's a great cook and I couldn't resist the biscuits that tasted just like Red Lobster's. Mmm, but now I'm disappointed.

    Don't let my family drag down my eating habits: Uh, I believe the friend counts. I should change it to "anyone".
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Quick Thurs night check in
    1) Sodium under 2000mg: 1372 4/7
    2) Monitor macronutrients to hit Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 42/24/34 (FYI--anything meat that is equal parts fat and protein has WAY too much fat) Stupid tasty ribs.
    3) Achieve a 3500 calorie deficit for the week between food and exercise 492/day & 2341/week
    4) Three Zumba workouts this week: 2/3 Skipped tonight to stay home and do homework. Can't you see me doing my hw RIGHT NOW!

    So I said I would check in more tonight, but since I actually still have 60 pages to read, I'm actually going to bail out quick and say HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYBODY!!!! This week seemed to go by really fast. I hope you all have much mini-goal success tomorrow. Good night!
  • arwaleenah
    arwaleenah Posts: 42 Member
    MAK- i hope you feel better.

    I haven't been able to check in the past 2 days but all is well. Jillian Michael is kicking my butt in 30ds, i missed going to the gym last nyt and tonight but made up for it by doing 30ds twice. I've been able to have 1 piece of fruit and added some veggies into my meal (veggie pizza for dinner last nyt)
    I've been struggling with having small meals but am glad that its getting better than day 1
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    My boss actully told me to go home easy and to work from home tomorrow. I'm starting to look only slightly better then death warmed over. BLAH!

    Thursday check in:
    1. 6 am workouts of my choice. 0/6 still not beating myself up over this. Though I do kind if miss my workouts... HEY who typed that?!?!?! Couldn't have been me! :laugh:
    2. Get in 4 after work workouts. 0/4
    3. Be more aware of my food choices - was doing okay until I got home from then not so good.
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) - logged it all again .... The good the bad ad the what the heck was I thinking.
    5. Water, water, water - more water less other beverages - lots of tea again today. did get some water in as well.

    Might need to add a no eating after 8 rule. Feel so blah when I do. Next week :)

    Have a great Friday my friends!!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi everyone! Well - I had a nice long post typed up complete with comments on prior posts and for the umpteenth time my computer just spontaneously decided it was going to go 'back' to the previous page so I lost ALL of it. I know I"m hitting some combo of keys withmy palm or something that makes it do this but it is SOOO Annoying - I'm about to tell my husband to take it back to the store or throw it out the window! :explode: :explode: :grumble: :grumble:

    Sorry - I had to vent! It drives me up the wall everytime it happens (which is at least once a night). Anyway, I'm sorry I'm too tired to go back and try to re-type everything. Need to get to bed.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Hi all! Here are my check ins: Hump day is my rest day and yesterday I did work out but did not log everything. I will check back tonight and hopefully all those 3's will become 4's

    1) Exercise: 3/5
    2) Logging: 3/7
    3) Eating: 3/7
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    Haven't check in for a few days, the cold took over and I have been a sleep for most of the time, my water intake is up as I've replaced cups of teas with hot water & a slice of lemon so yeah for that!, I've done Slim in six once this week but that's okay by me I'm too weak to do it and I'd rather get rid of this cold I have still been walking kids to/from school so that's still over 4 miles of walking a day, my last one was logging my calories which I've done all week my meals haven't been my normal food but I did make a lovely lasagna tonight and have nice HM meals planned for next few days. Pleased it is the weekend tomorrow and I don't have to take kids to school as I'm knackered!
This discussion has been closed.