Let's have your best memories!

vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
edited October 4 in Motivation and Support
Had a great little reminder of a brilliant memory yesterday, and we're all feeling the Winter approaching a bit...so have a really good think - what's the real good stuff for you? Top 3 moments ever, doesn't matter what they are :-)


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    1) Meeting Avril Lavigne by winning a contest my sister and I worked so hard for
    2) Seeing John Mayer in concert
    3) Summer vacation to Seattle with my dad and sister
    4) Winning first place for my dance solo at competition
    5) Swimming with beluga whales and getting to watch one being born
    6) Rescuing one of my dogs

    Ok...that's 6, haha, but couldn't pick just 3! I have SO many, but could fill up a whole thread. :)
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    1. Visiting my sister in the Uk
    2. Visiting my sister in Vancouver
    3. Meeting my boyfriend ( were over 3 years now ans going strong,and funny enough I met him thanks to my sister)
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    The best memory I had was on a Christmas morning when I was 10 or so. My sisters and I woke up early to find lots of presents by our beds. We opened up a present and they were radio headphones. I had a blue one and she had a pink one. We turned them on and at ended up on the same station listening to "Feliz Navidad". Till this day I remember that Christmas. Also we got a Super Nintendo ;-P
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    1. Qualifiying and competing for a National swimming competition
    2. The day I got my braces off (I'm a big smiler)
    3. All my swimming memories - I miss the sport
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    1. Wedding Day
    2. Having both kids
    3. Walking off the carrier and seeing my husband waiting for me on the pier after being deployed for months.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    1) There was an electric storm when I was at uni and we all went outside to lie on the grass and watch it. Then the rain came and most of the rest of the colege went in to watch through the windows. My friends and I didn't. Instead we went out to a field and stripped and danced (etc) in the rain... An amazing night!

    2) Getting to the top of Mount Fuji and seeing the amazing cloud formations.

    3) Holding my lovely son for the first time.

    So many to choose from! Thanks for reminding me of how blessed I have been :happy:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    The best memory I had was on a Christmas morning when I was 10 or so. My sisters and I woke up early to find lots of presents by our beds. We opened up a present and they were radio headphones. I had a blue one and she had a pink one. We turned them on and at ended up on the same station listening to "Feliz Navidad". Till this day I remember that Christmas. Also we got a Super Nintendo ;-P

    hehe I have loads of good memories like this one!

    Great idea for a thread Vanessa :) Here goes, in no particular order:

    1. The first time that my favourite gym instructor at my old gym pointed me out in a class and said I was 'fit as buggery' and commented on my technique. She was a world aerobics champion so it really meant a lot to me :)

    2. On honeymoon in Fiji, we stayed in the 'royal villa' where Prince Charles stayed when he visited which kind of meant we were the guests of honour. Anyway, on our last night we got back from a day trip, exhausted and the restaurant phoned us and told us they were saving a table for us. When we got there, they told us there was a traditional dance show on that night so they saved us the table at the front :) It was very sweet and unexpected - and it was a great show enjoyed with a couple of delicious cocktails and the best curry served in a whole coconut :)

    3. This one is kind of random but it always makes me laugh if I think of it. At university, I was friends with this guy from Africa and since my parents were total racists, I was very naive about any kind of culture etc. Anyway, we went into his room to listen to some music. Before we went in, he said just let me check the room doesn't smell because I had my rugby clothes in here before. The first thing I saw when I came in the room was this piece of toilet paper with what looked kind of like dog poo on it. Obviously, I thought that was really creepy but I didn't want to say anything in case it was some kind of culturally accepted thing. Then it seemed like he was trying to hide it, like a couple of times his foot was right in front of it when he was changing the song. Anyway, when he eventually found it he was mortified - but more so when he realised I had already seen it and not said anything! We both had a good laugh! It turns out a group of the girls had melted down a caramello koala - looked pretty real!! hahaha
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    1. Watching my brother being born (I was 13 @ the time)
    2. Swimming in finals @ Nationals over the years
    3. Swimming with dolphins in Mexico last Spring

  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Awww these all made me smile, thanks! I've got too many of my own, but really enjoying trying to pick 3 :-)
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Awww these all made me smile, thanks! I've got too many of my own, but really enjoying trying to pick 3 :-)

  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    1) meeting my husband, I asked him out and he turned me down because he was seeing someone at the time. I was so embarrassed that I stayed away from the store he worked in for a month. I finally went into the store again and he told me "I've been waiting for you to come back in! I broke up with my girl friend that night you asked me out". We've been inseparable ever since!
    2) holding my kids for the first time
    3) every memory I have of my dad is wonderful. I lost my dad this past January and I have so many good memories of him. I'm so thankful for all of the wonderful times we had.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    1. When they gave me my son just after he was born. I'll never forget that little face!
    2. Universal Studios in California
    3. College
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Awww these all made me smile, thanks! I've got too many of my own, but really enjoying trying to pick 3 :-)


    1) Having my lovely baby boy - he's 20 now. I'm not the clucky type, but ohhh I melted. Love my Daughter to bits too, but I was stoned when I had her and don't really remember it (got to love those labour drugs!)
    2) Watching my best friend who dearly didn't want to be single anymore marrying Mr Right on a beach in Zanzibar
    3) Sitting on a cliff in Cornwall last year watching the dolphins swim in the bay whilst the sun set

    Happy happy happy!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Proposing to my wife. I'm a pudgy little D'bag from Ohio, and it's not very often that a guy like me gets to step up and be a prince. When you take out that little box and get down on one knee you get to be that guy, even if it's just for a minute.

    College graduation day. 3 years of night school while working full time. Climax of the most difficult and important thing I've ever done.

    Births, of course. Daughter. Son. Grandson. I've welcomed a lot of loved ones to the world.

    I'm the richest man I know. :smile:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I'll avoid the obvious ones.

    1987. Lost my job of 11 years. Girlfriend has just broken up with me. Told me I was to immature when I proposed to her. Things looked very bleak. Just about to get kicked out of my apartment.

    I had made up my mind that my only opportunity to get through this period would be to re-enlist in the Marine Corps. I was 32. Made an appointment to sit down with the recruiter. Talked my brother, Steve, into going down with me. Went down to Recruiters. Didn't really go well. Don't remember too much about the recruiter, but afterwards, my brother and I went to a local Mexican Restaurant for lunch. Around noon. Sat in the bar for hours, nursing a couple margaritas. We were both pretty broke.

    My brother was gay and our differing lifestyles didn't lend itself to getting together often. I don't rmember what we talked about or many details of that afternoon, but I will always remember spending that entire afternoon with him. I moved to Portland within months of that afternoon. Steve was diagnosed with AIDS and died in 1994 - 1 year after Holland was born.

    That afternoon helped me through one of the darkest days. I have rarely felt as close to a person as I did to Steve that day.
  • janarmac
    janarmac Posts: 45 Member
    What a great idea! I love the positive energy :)

    1) Meeting the love of my life. A random night at the bar on campus 3 and a half years ago, I was feeling pretty down so a friend set out on a mission to find me someone special. He took me around the room looking for, as he said, "Mr.Right". He tapped this tall guy on the shoulder and said "Hi, if you aren't single and looking you should be. This is my friend Jana and you'd be lucky to know her". We've been together ever since and we have my friend to thank

    2) Meeting my adopted nephew for the first time. He is the most incredible, genuine and happy person I have ever met. Whenever I'm feeling down all I need to do is think of him and he reminds me of all the good in my life and all the good still to come.

    3) Being on the Dean's list for highest average in the Sociology/Anthropology department at school. I spent 3 years at school on Academic Probation before they finally kicked me out, I swore I would never go back and that I wasn't good enough for University. On my parents and boyfriends advice I went back and took a full course load with a new perspective and came out with better grades than I could have ever imagined. I will graduate in 7 months and if I can continue at this pace I will have 1st class standing and marks that will earn me a place in Graduate School.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    Proposing to my wife. I'm a pudgy little D'bag from Ohio, and it's not very often that a guy like me gets to step up and be a prince. When you take out that little box and get down on one knee you get to be that guy, even if it's just for a minute.

    College graduation day. 3 years of night school while working full time. Climax of the most difficult and important thing I've ever done.

    Births, of course. Daughter. Son. Grandson. I've welcomed a lot of loved ones to the world.

    I'm the richest man I know. :smile:

    My husband has told me about the feelings he had when he proposed to me. Different way than you described but the same idea. Cool memory!
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