Pregnancy - September 2011



  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    Oh and disclaimer- I realize that Avery is only 4 weeks old and this could all be a huge fluke! But I like to think that what I am doing is working :smile:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member

    I feel ya, momma. I feel alot smaller this time around, but sometimes I look at my gut in the mirror and go "god, I look like a cow." And then wear my sweatpants, tshirt and messy ponytail all day. lol

    Haha i do the EXACT same thing, and sometimes i end up eating most of the contents of a bag of m&m's becasue I figure I cant feel much bigger today :laugh:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Rachel- im sure it is your good work :smile: It all sounds like excellent advice and i'm going to try the same thing when my LO arrives. Have the four weeks seemed to go really fast?
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member

    I feel ya, momma. I feel alot smaller this time around, but sometimes I look at my gut in the mirror and go "god, I look like a cow." And then wear my sweatpants, tshirt and messy ponytail all day. lol

    Haha i do the EXACT same thing, and sometimes i end up eating most of the contents of a bag of m&m's becasue I figure I cant feel much bigger today :laugh:

    LOL I usually sit around and eat cookies and milk on those days. And.....they are usually the days that I don't exercise. :blushing:
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    28 weeks today where has this year went.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Holy cow! I feel like crap for not seeing it sooner! I didn't see that julz gave birth already. lol Congrats, momma! Get some rest and I'm so looking forward to your birth story!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    Rachel- im sure it is your good work :smile: It all sounds like excellent advice and i'm going to try the same thing when my LO arrives. Have the four weeks seemed to go really fast?

    I suppose looking back they went fast... but the first two weeks were really hard and really long! I had some troubles with breastfeeding, and since I started supplementing as well as breastfeeding things have improved dramatically. It gets easier each day. :smile:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    Rachel- im sure it is your good work :smile: It all sounds like excellent advice and i'm going to try the same thing when my LO arrives. Have the four weeks seemed to go really fast?

    I suppose looking back they went fast... but the first two weeks were really hard and really long! I had some troubles with breastfeeding, and since I started supplementing as well as breastfeeding things have improved dramatically. It gets easier each day. :smile:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    Congratulations Julz!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I have a few minutes, so I thought I'd try typing up our birth story. ... wow, it's long! :wink:

    I'll start on Wednesday. It was a stressful day, lots of things seemed to go wrong, but I tried to adjust (like when I couldn't swim I walked down campus instead), and the good thing was that the contractions had pretty much stopped. I remember wondering if that meant my body was gearing up for something, but I dismissed it because I didn't want to get my hopes up. It was also my daughters 13th birthday, and we had family over, which added to the stress, but I wanted to focus more on her than me. By the end of the night I was tired but too wired to settle down for sleep, so I stayed up till midnight reading.

    I woke up at 2 am, with a strong urge to go to the bathroom, which was kind of odd since I usually don't need to get up for several more hours. But I made it just in time for a small gush that I was sure wasn't pee. When I wiped there was bloody mucous, so I figured it was a bloody show. I also thought the gush could be my water breaking, but it wasn't that much, so I wasn't sure. My pj's were a bit damp from before I got to the bathroom, so I thought it might be something else. But I couldn't just go back to bed either, so I decided to read some more, alternating between sitting and lying down. I wasn't having any contractions, but I figured if it was my water, they'd start soon.

    An hour later there were still no contractions but a few more gushes of fluid, especially when I changed position. I figured there was a good chance it was my water, and I'd better call my husband even if there weren't contractions. I called him just after 3 and told him I thought my water had broken, but that he didn't need to really rush, I was doing fine. Fortunately, his supervisor and co-workers knew I was close, and were prepared for if he had to leave mid shift (My husband works a graveyard shift). While I waited for him, I got dressed, washed my face, and gathered the last few things for the hospital bag (stuff like a toothbrush, that I wanted to keep out until we left). It's amazing how different a morning routine (getting dressed, washing face and putting on lotion, etc) helped me feel ready for what could be a long day ahead.

    We got to the hospital a bit before 4. The nurse checked and I was dilated to 3 cm and probably about 80% effaced. She shifted the baby's head, and there was a HUGE gush of fluid (I had high fluid levels anyway). She said the baby's head was kind of like a cork and holding it in, but my water had definitely broken and I was staying. Still only a few very milk contractions, but she wanted to give me time to progress on my own before they thought about any meds to assist. Within an hour the contractions were definitely stronger and about 5-10 minutes apart. I was doing okay, breathing through the contractions and resting in between. Then, some time between 5 and 6 am they changed. They were a lot more intense and a lot of back pain, and I only had about 5 seconds between the end of one and the beginning of the next, so I couldn't relax between. We called the nurse to see how far I was (if I was almost there, I could hang on, but if we had a while to go I wasn't sure). I think this is when she said I was at a 4 but fully effaced, and that baby was posterior. At this point I decided to take an epidural - I didn't know how much longer this was going to last, and I wanted enough energy to push him out, which I wasn't sure I would have if I had to spend hours dealing with the intense contractions. The anesthesiologist was with another patient, so I had to wait about half an hour before he could get in and get everything set up and ready. This was the time when I was really glad I had my husband there, but I think I almost took his hand off a couple of times. :laugh: There are some questions the anesthesiologist has to ask, making sure I understand the risks, etc, and I remember answering them impatiently, thinking - I know, I know, I've done this before just give me the darn epidural!

    Once he got the epidural in and I laid back down again (which wasn't easy at that point, it hurt so much), the nurse checked again and said I was at 9! But after a shift change not much later, the new nurse said I was only at a 6, but very thin, so I was glad to have taken the epidural. The big issue was that there was one spot on my left side that it wasn't really doing much for, just taking the edge off. I'd been lying on my right side for a while, so the nurse helped me roll, both to see if it would help, and to encourage baby to roll. The pain persisted, but I was able to doze anyway until the epidural started to wear off (about an hour and a half later, which seems really fast). The "extra" button didn't help any, either, so they brought the anesthesiologist back in for another dose, then the nurse rolled me back to my right side. The baby had turned partway, so he was facing my side. Another hour or so and it started wearing off again! The nurse checked me and had me push a couple of times, then said I was ready. She called the doctor, who said to go ahead and start pushing, so they got everything set up for delivery. The nice thing was, once I had hit that ready point, the pain all went away. I was still contracting, but it was the pushing contractions, not the transition, and much easier to deal with.

    I pushed 3 times, and at the beginning of the 4th the nurse said to stop. She called the doctor again, and he got there in 5-10 minutes. Since I didn't have an urge to push, there was no issue with waiting. The nurse wasn't sure if baby had finished turning or gone back to posterior, so she wanted to make sure the doctor was there. When he got there, I pushed once, and then on the 2nd, his head was out, and the rest came right after. I saw him in the mirror as the doctor clamped the cord and let my husband cut it, and I said "he's so small!" Then they put Soren on my tummy and we rubbed him with a towel. He was squirming and making little noises, but not really crying, and still rather blue, so after a minute the nurse took him to suction out his airway and give him some oxygen. He pinked right up, but then they wanted to weigh him and measure him and do all those other things, and it seemed like forever before they gave him back and I could try nursing him.

    After all of that was done and the doctor finished with me (no tears, yay!) everyone left us alone with our sweet Soren. We had an hour or more, just the 3 of us, to bond and try breastfeeding. It was wonderful. My husband took pictures and texted everyone to let them know Soren Thomas was born at 10:07, 6 pounds 4 oz, 18 inches, (he WAS little) and we were all doing well. Then, I got to carry him up to the room before he went to the nursery for bath, etc. My right side was still very numb, and my leg was completely useless, but I had some control on the left, so they shifted me to a gurney and rolled us up that way.

    Breastfeeding was a challenge to start. Soren has a recessed chin, and it was hard to get him to latch on. But I stuck with it and kept trying every time he fussed. When he did get on, it would only last for a few minutes, and the nurse was concerned. Fortunately, he had enough wet diapers that I could easily say no to the suggestion of a bottle and she didn't argue. (Trust me, it would have been so much easier to just give him the bottle, but I knew that could well be the end of it for nursing and wasn't going to do that). Finally, he settled down to a serious nursing that night, although we started all over again the next day. Soren's been like that all along - fussing and just taking little bits most of the day, then really going at it for a while to catch up.

    We came home Saturday afternoon. I had told my husband and kids I really wanted to come home to a clean house, and I wanted them to get the vacuuming and dishes done, and they did! It was really nice (I knew it wouldn't happen if I didn't say anything, that's why I did). My milk came in Saturday, and nursing has been much easier since. We're all settling in, although to the other kids, it's still like having a new toy - they keep asking to hold him, keep touching his head, etc. Hopefully when that wears off they won't be tired of him. :tongue:
  • That's so great, Julz! Glad everything went well for you! Congrats :happy:
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Now that I am finally getting m energy back ( will be 13 weeks thursday) I was wondering if anybody can reccomend a good 2nd trimester workout or workout plan. I want to make the most out of my time before it gets hard to workout. I think I lost a lot of muscle strength first trimester :(.
    I have heard squats and lunges are good to help prepare your body for birth,what else have you guys been up to?
  • Congrats on your beautiful baby boy Julz! Good for you with sticking with the breastfeeding. I'm glad that it's getting better for both of you and happy to hear your other children are enjoying him. I bet they'll be lots of help I was 10 when my little sister was born and helped my mom a lot

    Rachel. those are excellent sleeping tips I did all of those things with my children and my son who was very fussy and colicky slept 12hrs through the night by 9 months and by 3 months only woke up once to nurse then right back to sleep with my daughter she slept through the night by 4months but was much calmer than ds Congrats on your weight loss you're doing awesome I see that you have Avery in a wrap I'm getting a mei tai made to carry my little girl in makes life so much easier I'm not sure how old baby has to be in the wrap but when you're able to carry her on your back it will make it easier to do things like wash dishes and cook dinner

    ScorpioMom. that is so fantastic that you're able to have a home birth I'm so tired of my dr.s and all their interventions but I wouldn't be allowed to have a home birth because of my gd I hope that it is a wonderful and peaceful experience for you
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    How far along were you when you went into labor, Julz? It's going to be strange to not see some of you on these monthly threads anymore, other than popping in to say hi.

    Is anyone dressing up their bump for Halloween? I want to and I came across this cute idea for a homemade costume
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Caperfae – I’m glad your BPP went well.

    Melissa – Sounds like your fiancé is going to be a great BF support! I definitely hear you on the “fat days.” Some days I think my belly doesn’t look that big, and other times I think I’m looking huge all over.

    Ronya – You’re getting so close!

    LindsayChick – Hopefully you can hear the heartbeat this week. The first ultrasound was really early.

    FitMommyLuv – Yay for being six weeks along! Hopefully your nausea isn’t too bad.

    Scorpiomom – Great job on all that cleaning! I’m still waiting for the nesting to kick in. I want to dress up my bump this year but I don’t know what to do. My DH wants to paint it like a jack-o-lantern.

    Rachel – Thank you for sharing your tips! I’ll definitely have to try that one my LO is born.

    Stacy – Congrats on 28 weeks!

    Julz – Thank you for sharing your birth story. It sounds like went pretty smoothly even though the epidural didn’t last all that long each time. I’m glad your kids are excited about the new baby. Good luck with breast feeding!

    Ambie – I would definitely recommend some light weight training. I still try and get to Body Pump at my gym twice a week. As I got further along I’ve stopped using weight on my lunges but otherwise I’ve been able to keep up. Then I try and do at least 30 minutes of cardio a few days a week (either the elliptical at the gym or walking my dog).
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Scorpiomom - I was 38+2 when I went into labor. I think it's kind of funny that the nurses seemed a bit amazed that I progressed quickly on my own with no pitocin, etc. Maybe they're used to seeing a lot of "stalled" labors.

    Ambie - I mostly walked during my pregnancy, usually carrying a 20-ish lb backpack. I am a college student (again) and take the commuter light rail, so it's a nice walk from station to class and back, and occasionally home from the station, too. When the weather was good, I also swam. I highly recommend swimming when pregnant. It relieves pressure and can help with swelling, and can be a good workout to stay in shape and tone muscle.

    As far as breastfeeding, I knew I wanted to do it for benefits to baby, me, and pocketbook, but if I hadn't successfully breastfed before it would have been harder to get through those first few days. It would have definitely been easier, in the short term, to just give him a bottle. But once my milk came in, and his appetite appeared, it's gone better. He's a "cluster" feeder - he'll want to nurse a whole lot for several hours, then be content to go a long time in between (where I have to even wake him after 4 hours, especially since he's so tiny). So I encourage you who want to BF to stick with it!

    I don't know if I mentioned it before, but wanted to remind all you ladies who are planning on an epidural or other pain meds to still take a birthing class and practice the breathing techniques, etc. You may not always get the epidural right when you ask for it (whether the anesthesiologist is busy, or you aren't progressed far enough) or it may not fully work, and it's good to know how to cope in the mean time!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    grr, silly internet. double post
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    lilibe- I'm just glad I got it done. lol There were so many piles of clothes and there needed to be some deep cleaning done. Since I'm planning a homebirth, I need to keep the bathroom bleached out and the bedding changed out more.

    Julz- Alot of the time when you get the epidural, your body relaxes enough to actually let your cervix dilate faster. I was at a 4 with my 2nd for an hour or so while on pitocin and when I got my epidural, my cervix popped open to 8 cm in less than 45 minutes. lol
  • Nothing new of exciting here in the baby department. No progress/contractions ... nada!!
    I have another bio physical profile tomorrow morning and one the week after. Really hoping I don't make it to the one next week. I am ready for baby girl to get here. The glucose monitoring and subsequent insulin shots are such a hassle!
    I have been walking in the evenings to see if that will help get things going. Nothing so far though.

    My OB doesn't want be to go over 40 weeks and I do not want an induction (not a pleasant experience with it in the past). I have 10 days to go into labor naturally.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Any overweight preggie mums here? I'm 31 excepting my 4th child in March. Before finding out I was pregnant, I started a life change in Jan ... losing up until the summer 60lbs. I'm currently 200lbs - eventually wanting to lose 25 to 35 more lbs after the birth. Not sure how my weight will change until Mar but I'm working to gain too much ... and looking for friends, support, ideas -- thank you! And I'm wishing everyone a happy successful safe and easy pregnancy/birth.
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    lilibe: Thanks a lot! Yeah, I hoping it was just super early. Ultrasound tomorrow afternoon! Excited but nervous too
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Caperfae- you don't have to comply to that if you don't want to. To set your mind at ease, you could ask your doctor to let you go at least another week and do ultrasounds or NST's. I just don't think it's fair to push induction and playing the sick/dead baby card on a mother just so they can get it all over with.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    I will reply to other posts when im in less shock, but first I have to give this update. So i went to the doctor this morning and she said that the baby is still breeched, so although she will still check it every week she has booked me in for a c-section at 10am on the morning of october 24th!!! ahhhhhh!

    Although i of course hope he turns naturally I refused the idea of having an external version due to the risk of possible stress to the baby, and the fact that they induce straight afterwards anyway to start the birthing process. Now that im getting my head around the idea that a c-section is what is going to happen I am soooooo excited to have a date!!! :smile: It has made waiting that much more bearable for these last few weeks.

    I am bummed out that I will be out of exercise action for longer than i otherwise would have with a natural birth:cry: are there any light exercises i can do in the weeks following the birth to regain SOME tone etc.??

    Also, my dad is at a conference from the 22nd-26th and i was kinda hoping hed come home early for the birth but he has instead decided to come back the afternoon of the 25th. This means that neither my mum or dad will be able to be with me until the afternoon of the 25th (my mum needs dads help to get into the hospital due to her being in a wheelchair). This saddens me abit as they are my only family here in the united states :sad: At least my fiancee's mum will be around
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    mukie- You don't have to have a c-section for a breech baby. Breech is just another variation of normal birth. If your OB isn't comfortable enough to deliver a baby, maybe they shouldn't be in practice. They are there to help deliver babies. I don't know if you've heard of it, but you should look at

    I hope your baby turns. Just know you don't HAVE to resort to c-section just because the baby isn't facing the way the OB wants it to. (((hugs)))
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Seven weeks today and past the "miscarriage history" date so feel safe to post.

    Hi y'all!

    2nd child (1st just turned 2 yo), due mid-May, waiting on state prenatal coverage to see a doc (company insurance doesn't have a maternity rider), getting used to dealing with completely different symptoms than the first time around (was heartburn/moodiness, this time it's exhaustion/all-day nausea.

    Had lost 31 lbs (of around 40-45), looking to have a fit & healthy 2nd pregnancy. Weight lifting and Insanity have been my primary exercises; planning on listening to my body to tell me when I need to slow down but the first trimester exhaustion is defeating me.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Welcome, baisleac!!! Congrats on your pregnancy!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Welcome to all the new comers and congratulations on your pregnancies. Nothing too exciting in MN here to report. I had contractions all last week which made me extremely nervous I went in and my cervix was hard and closed so that was a relief. I am completely exhausted between working full time, having a 21 month old and going to school full time. Between my ups and downs in mood I am surprised my husband hasn't had a breakdown yet. Poor guy. Please end of of December/beginning of January come fast!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Welcome baisleac and Nikole! congratulations to you both!

    Caperfae - hope that you can labor naturally. I'm assuming that the doctor doesn't want you to go past 40 week because of GD? It does make sense, but you do still have the right to decline, as Scorpiomom said. Hopefully you don't have to make the decision.

    Mukie - yikes! Hopefully your little guy turns - you still have a few weeks for that. I don't know if you remember Brittony - she had her baby a few months ago. She was breech and jammed in so tight that the doctor advised against a version. She tried everything to get her little one to turn, but ended up going with the c-section and everything was fine. Then Ronya's baby was breech at about 35 weeks (if I recall) and she turned on her own. So you could go either way with that.

    I guess I'm fortunate to have a doctor I trust. I've been with him for almost 15 years because of that. He's open minded and not quick to jump to medical intervention unless he really feels like it's necessary. I feel the same way about our pediatrician.
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