When did you know it was time to start losing weight?



  • My partner took a video of me with our 4 month old son, and I just had this horrible bulge like a tyre, around my tummy. I know I hadn't exactly given myself enough time as it was only 4 months post partum, but I was like "RIGHT THAT'S IT !!" and now I am 20lbs lighter :smile:

    I'd like to lose another 7lbs or lose the jelly belly, either one !
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    My partner and I went to Cairns over Easter (Australia)... It was hot, glorious weather. Good for swimming. The photos from that weekend away were so disgusting I wanted to be sick. I was unrecognizable. We got home on the Tuesday and I weighed myself 96.4kgs. My partner went away for work for 2 weeks, and in that time I started walking my dogs almost daily, and lost 5kgs by the time he got. My loss was enough ot inspire him and we joined a gym. 6 months later, I'm 20 kgs lighter and he has dropped 18. We feel unstoppable! We both run now, exercise almost daily and eat the best we ever do. I'm even in a size MEDIUM (size 12 from 18). Life is the best it's ever been :)
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    a couple of things: one a picture of me and I was so disgusted, next the number on the scale 242, I knew that if I creeped over 250 without a problem I would more than likely end up seeing 300,and the last thing was how I felt with my husband I was so ashamed and did not feel like his attractive wife
  • Neujewel
    Neujewel Posts: 12 Member
    Not that I'm that photogenic, but I would like to look back at pictures of me and my daughter together and not just my husband and daughter in pictures (not that that would be a horrible thing, but still) :)
  • SexiB
    SexiB Posts: 46
    When I saw a home video that my boyfriends family shot, I did not realize how big I had gotten at 272 5'10", thought I just had a little gut but boy was I wrong...There was no way that I was going to hit 300lbs...:noway: ....Now Im down to 242 and I WILL make it between 175-185!!!
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    I didn't really have an epiphany moment - this all started as a challenge to give up Coca Cola for lent. I succeeded and on Easter Sunday rewarded myself with an ice cold can only to discover it just tasted of sugar (disappointing at the time since I had a major coca cola addiction). After that it began to dawn on me that all the things I had told myself about how "this is just how I am" could be changed. By the time I started tracking calories in May and cycling to work in June I was down from 237 to 231. Now I weigh 178. I have never, as an adult, been this weight. I never really made any attempts to lose weight before, as my weight didn't cause me huge problems either in health or confidence, but I've been looking over pictures of me from before my weight loss, and I now wonder how I didn't see how big I was. Never going back.
  • theportkey
    theportkey Posts: 52 Member
    When my bottom caused a vacuum on the loo LOL seriously !!! :wink:
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I always gave myself a number not to go over. I always said I didn't want to be over 140 unless I was pregnant. I hit 141 and lost 8 pounds with weight watcher. I kept that off for a few months but realized I still wasn't "in shape" like I have always started and then joined mfp
  • rockabillymama
    rockabillymama Posts: 117 Member
    At my sons 2nd Birthday party.. I let someone else take the pics for me and got me in a lot of them, when i seen them I was like ugh! That's what I look like? Really? It was horrible, I wouldn't put them on my face book until I edited them to cut some of me out!

    same thing for me, it was my youngest daughter's first birthday, and when I saw the pictures i cried for weeks. My husband was no help with his "i think you're beautiful no matter what" but I couldn;t bare the thought of hating my girls' big days because i hate how i look
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I had known for a while that I needed to do something, but kinda never got to it... Then I got a surprise invitation to a wedding, and the horror of having to put on a dress and get a lot of pictures taken of me - gruesome. I started that same week, only two weeks before the wedding. I borrowed clothes from a friend and went on with it - I weighed in at 215 about three weeks after I'd started with shakes.

    An eye-opener? Definitely. I can't believe that I didn't realize how far it had gotten a lot sooner. But now, two years later, I'm 140 and soon at my goal and I must say I've had a lot of thoughts about how blind it's possible to get. It's terrifying!
  • So many things were pointing me in the right direction, happening close to each other, finally made me decide to really make a change. First, my nephew visited and the resulting picture of me in a bathing suit was passed all around the family. I realized it wasn't 'just the bathing suit'... that body underneath was mine and it was fat. I went on a trip with friends in a small plane, and had to enter my weight in, accurately, I was just over 200 pounds. I couldn't believe it and the round number really sent a message. ... funny how 199 sounds so much better that 200.! And then, I couldn't fit into any of my size 14... and went to the store to buy something comfortable... size 18 fit better than 16. Size 18 was my mother's size. Oh no no. (Sadly, around this time several of my close friends and family members were being diagnosed with health issues that were weight related... that was scary. Knowing that I was OBESE and getting more so made me realize that my health was at stake... not just my sexy figure!) At 52.. health becomes a driving factor.

    Around this same time, a close friend joked with me about joining him on our own private 'biggest loser'. I had started MFP about 6 months earlier but had no motifation to stick with it by myself. Now.. with the help of this friend, and a few others who have joined in... I'm on my way to a much fitter, healthier, and more active weight and life! Feels good to be going down! :)
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    In Feb 2010, I saw the pictures from our wedding day in Dec 2009. My husband worked on making them "better", but knew how unhappy I'd be with them. You can even see one in my profile (looks like me but with a extra 100 pounds or so). I've always taken horrible pictures and I've always been able to wear smaller clothes because I tend to stay pretty small on my lower half, which means my upper half takes the brunt of the weight (my face, neck, and especially my arms), so even though I'm just around the 200 mark, I'd say I look at least 240ish but was still wearing size 12s. We didn't have a scale, so I don't know what my exact number was then, but 200 is a fair estimate. When I show people that picture, they can't believe it was me.

    My husband and I have been together for a long time before we got married, so we got really comfortable. I'd make a pan of brownies and we'd eat the entire thing after a 3000 calorie pasta meal. We'd each eat a bag of chips just sitting around. Now it actually disgusts me, but that's how we lived. After I saw the pics, I cried for days, and was ready to cancel our trip to Vegas at the end of June 2010, and then thought to myself "if I just lose 2lbs a week for the next four months, that's a lot of weight gone", and that's what I did. I didn't exercise, it was all food related weightloss. I kept the weight at around 150 until the end of the year, and with another Vegas trip in sight, decided to go all in and get to the 120s, which is where I've been very content for the last 4 months.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I knew it years ago, and tried to lose weight before. But never for the right reasons. Finally, I'm on the right track!!!
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    For me it was more like a series of defining moments
    July- looked at pictures from vacation with my hubby and couldn't believe that was actually me
    August- finally stepped on the scale and it said 190lbs. I was 10lbs away from being 200 and I am barely 5'5
    September 15- I consider this my actual d-day, dermatologist gave me a prediabetes diagnosis.

    I knew from that moment I had to make lifestyle changes. I was small most of life until 6 years ago, so this is my first time ever trying to lose weight and I am scared. My biggest fear is losing the weight and then gaining it back.
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I had a late night infomercial epiphany, I was nursing my 6mo baby in the middle of the night and a commercial for 10 minute trainer came on and it hit me- I can do this! it only takes 10 minutes so I can do it while the kids are sleeping... Anyway I took this picture <---- and that was the start

    My dad weighs about 350 lbs, and I knew that if I didn't get a handle on this now pretty soon I would be fighting for my life. My mom, my siblings, and I all are constantly afraid that something is going to happen to him, he had what should have been routine out patient surgery but because of his weight it was terrifying.

    There was also a moment that happened shortly after my daughter was born, my older daughter ( who was not even 2) was playing in our yard and was getting close to our pond, I got nervous and ran/walked over to her... It was pathetic, yes I had just had a c section but I felt that was no excuse for not being able to even get to her quickly

    PS for the record DH was out there the whole time (and yelled at me for trying to run), she was never in real danger, just my nervous mommy feelings.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    Was not happy with the camera,
    Was not accepting to buy a bigger size in clothes
    Had reflux, sleep bad, gastritis and needed meds
    Had a chest pain that scared me,
    arythmia turned out to be pain related to my stomac issues
    tests done to check for a heart attack and angina, scared me tests came clear
    I had a ring that did not fit
    did not like the way I looked, and wanted my kids to have a role model
    the list could go on...

    Now, dropped 75lbs
    in the best shape of my life and working hard at it daily
    symptoms free, meds free
    not camera shy anymore
    so a better moi
    sleeping well
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I had tried so many times to lose then would lose some but then when off the "diet" i would gain it all back n then some. I soon resided that I would always be big so what was the point... better to stay at one weight? right? My the lies one tells themselves.

    In January of 2009 I went to emerge with pain in my hernia.... mind you I always stayed away from doctors...so to go to emerg it was bad. I have a rather large hernia, with an exray it revealed that my gut was fully outside my abdominal wall. A surgeon consulted n said it was not good, told me where i stood with my hernia, and in fact my diabetes (was on 90u in the am and 80u in the pm) and being overweight that my health was at risk. if i were to have a perforation of the bowel, they would not be able to close me up in the OR... elective surgery would be a must and weight would have to come off before. he sent out a referal to a specialist. When i went home i went back onto my diabetic diet...for about a month. The place i worked at had gone bankrupt so i was off on EI. when inqiring about my referral at my docs office i received alot of grief like I was bothering them... so exasperated i blew at them, got an answer that they would call the specialist and see about my refferral, then call me back. weeks passed... but no one called, so I gave up and returned to eating as i had before.

    Mindlessly I ate and gained up to the point where life on Sept 25th 2009 suddenly made me face my own health. What happened you might ask? Well my husband of 25 years was rushed into emerg, was diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and penile cancer. Had an immediate amputation. Here my own health was shot and had to pull it together to take care of my husband. So in helping him, I helped myself. It was the beginning of a rollercoaster of a ride. In January he has a lyphadenectomy..3 weeks later went into cardiac arrest where they had to paddle him back weeks later a heart stent put in. that day we found his pathology come back neg. we were so happy.

    we started to walk together and continue out journey to health. but things took a turn and his cancer returned and on July 14th 2010, 10 months after diagnosis he passed away. Watching his fight for every last breath, I can not give up my own journey to healthiness... how can I? Health is far to important as is the preciousness of life.

    So I went to the doctor after he died ( i had stayed away from docs as much as possible) and it was then she put me on synthroid and blood pressure pills. My insulin had decreased some and my bloodsugars remaned good. I had to go check with her every 3 months. she also referred me to a surgeon. he then referred me to a specialist... i thought wow here we go again lol.

    Well Feb 25th2011, I seen the specialist. i was 430.1 lbs that day... i had 120lbs off so far. he said to lose 30 lbs and he would do wls to get me down to 250 to do my hernia repair. he would put me into their weight loss program (they approve you for wls), well I had my info session with them in june....i follow their program diets and advice walking etc etc...and my one on one with them is not until next month on nov 8th. usually it's two to three weeks after that you see the sugeon. LOL by that time I WILL be at 250 and he can fix my hernia.... can't help if their program's a lil slow lol.

    n oh btw...i no longer take blood pressure meds , they ended one month after walking and as of today I am on NO insulin :)
  • I got deteremined to lose weight at a birthday party. I was at a child's party surrounded by strangers (all whom looked like Barbie), when they started a conversation about a friend who didn't attend the party. They were talking about how big she was and how much weight she gained and they were just shocked that she was a size 14. Being a size 20 I was highly offended by how they were talking. At the party, I ate a cupcake and had ice cream, then Monday morning I got back on MyFitnessPal. When I attend the party next year I want to tell them about themselves.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Facing the humiliation that if i didn't start losing, I was going to have to go to the jewelers in a few days to have my wedding rings cut off because they were stuck and starting to hurt my finger. A lot of other things too, but that was the moment I think that really pushed me over the edge.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Again? Cuz I did this once before... Sadly when my mom, and my 3 best friends in the world recruited me to do so!!! At the time I was annoyed and frustrated that A.) they felt they couldn't do it on their own without me and B.) that they felt I NEEDED to! Now tho, it's just my mom and one friend... and we are all doing soooo great! My friend is down 40#, my mom is down 30# and I am almost down 20# I am sooo proud of all of us!!!
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    I was never happy with the way I looked. I've always been overweight all my life, but once when I was about 25 years old. I lost a lot of weight on Jenny Craig, of course, once I had kids (I have a 10 year old girl and twin 7 year old boys), I gained it back and then some. My family has a history of diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, you name it. So, what really got me to say enough is enough was when my neighbor, who is quiet a bit bigger than I am, said she lost 10lbs and she looked better for it. I said to myself "If she can do it, so CAN I!" I started eating healthier and working out, got my family on board with me to help me through and they have been great! I've lost 65 lbs to date. I still have about 15 lbs left to go and they are hanging on for dear life, I must say! LOL! I'm confidante that I will get to my goal weight and once I do, I am NEVER going back!!
  • BrittaneyHG
    BrittaneyHG Posts: 98 Member
    Me and my husband ( who was my boyfriends at the time) went for a jog. I couldn't even make it around 1 lap. I am only 5'2 and I remember crying to him about how the scale is getting closer to 200 and all my weight is crushing my feet. THAT WASN'T WHAT EVEN WOKE ME UP TO REALITY! I was such a mean person because I hated the way I looked but i never did anything about it. We ended up breaking up because I would cry about being fat but I would never go to the gym or eat better, and i constantly took it out on him. I was pathetic.

    I decided if I want to love and be loved by him I HAD TO LOVE MYSELF FIRST!
    180ish to 155
  • johnny_k
    johnny_k Posts: 150 Member
    There were a lot of little things (seat belts, amuusement park rides, winded walking up a flight of stairs, 297 on the scale in dr.'s office) that started me thinking about weight loss, but it was not until I realized that I would be turning 42 this year that I decided to change my life. My father died when he was 42. I realized that I needed to make changes in my life or I would not be around to see my children grow up.

    I have lost nearly 70 pounds, but I also have gotten fitter. I run 3 days a week, go the the gym 2-3 days a week, and I have a ton more energy to do things with my family. I have a much better attitude toward life and am generally a happier person. As my quote says below, I'm saving my life.
  • thinnerjenn
    thinnerjenn Posts: 18 Member
    It was when I look in the mirror and got pissed, angry frustrated to the point I smashed my fist into the tile counter and elled "come on". All of the Being fat things just surfaced all at once ..
    - Not being able to sit comfortably in ANY chair, without the arms digging into my hips.
    - being able to not worry about if the new restuarant will seat a fat person.
    - The humilation of asking your friends to move from the booth to a table.
    - subtle way people look at you, They won't say anything negative .. but you sense what they are thinking.
    - knowing that no matter unbelieveably awesome you are, You will never get that girl who is a 10 in your mind because she just can't see what is past fat.
    - realizing that fat people aren't mad at the world, they are just depressed and angry at themselves.
    - Having trouble with seatbelts in small cars
    - Friends making plans going hiking and camping without you and rightfully so
    - Theatre seats
    - amusement park rides
    - shopping at regular stores getting stylish clothes
    - skinny people saying " oh man I am so fat .. I need to lose like 3 lbs to fit in my dress"
    - worrying your parents or family memebers
    - being considered to work at places like Nike
    - Feeling like a second class citizen
    - Feeling trapped in my own body
    - Feeling like society doesn't accept me and staying home most of the time.

    ALl of this hit has been pretty easy to anage but one day it all hit me .. and that's why I will keep trying until I make it happen and all these burdens can be lifted and can feel free.

    ummm excuse me sir please get out of my head and give me my thought back... these points being mad ... i have felt alot of them...

    I thought the same thing!
  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member
    When I was at work and split my pants when I sat down..:embarassed:
  • When I was watching my boyfriend's band play, just minding my own business, enjoying a few beers, an acquaintance ran up to me to congratulate me on my pregnancy because, "everyone is just so excited!" Talk about a buzz kill!
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    After I stopped doing martial arts and my lean mean killing machine body turned into something that couldn't run up stairs.

    Okay so lean mean killing machine is a bit of an exaggeration...but basically I felt like my muscle mass turned into just...mass.

    LOVE IT! :laugh:

    One day I looked in the mirror and was just disgusted with myself. :angry:
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    When I was 156 pounds almost 5 yrs ago, I bought size 12 jeans and was happy girl. Well, I have continued to buy the same size, but meds and me being lazy had plumped me up to 200 pounds. I swore I'd never be that size again and when my pants no longer stretched to fit, and the scale said 200lbs...I was done. My friend came out for a visit and told me abt MFP and here I am. Best gift a frind could've ever given me, the power to help myself.
  • Shajsum
    Shajsum Posts: 121 Member
    This past August at my 10 year class reunion. When I was looking around at all of the women and suddely realized that I was "one of the FAT girls" and even more when I got the pictures back. HORRIFIED!! I knew right then and there that I would certainly be out of the "FAT girl group" at our next class function!
  • Shajsum
    Shajsum Posts: 121 Member
    And also when i went to the amusement park with my daughter last year and for the first time I was worried about not fitting into the safety belts, so most of the rides she had to ride alone because I was to afraifd that I would be embarrased, I felt soo bad....I vow that next year me and my baby will ride roller coasters together all day with no worries from mommy!!!!
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