When did you know it was time to start losing weight?

I think when I saw a picture my daughter took of me and I look like my grandma. That and I sat on my bed and looked across the room in the mirror and was like WHO THE HELL IS THAT? lol. And then the scale said I was 292 and I thought to myself there is no way in hell I'm going to 300 or I'll never come back. So here I am. Whats your story?


  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    After I stopped doing martial arts and my lean mean killing machine body turned into something that couldn't run up stairs.

    Okay so lean mean killing machine is a bit of an exaggeration...but basically I felt like my muscle mass turned into just...mass.
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    when i had to buy size 18 jeans :( that was horrible!
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I was working on my knees all day and had crippling pains from it afterwards, it was at that point i made the choice, keep going as i was and not be able to walk eventually or do something about it now while i can.
  • Celiamariec
    When my nephew was snapping pics, and I was in the background. I would always wear a cover up, but he caught me in a tank, and a pair of jeans that are far from flattering. I couldn't believe I had a double chin, and my belly stuck out more than my boobs! lol I also was experiencing shortness of breath just from going downstairs to do laundry. My face was always thin compared to the rest of me, at my peak.... my face was officially fat like the rest of me. :/ This place has me obsessed with living healthy, and watching the weight shed.
  • jcandidi1
    jcandidi1 Posts: 35 Member
    when i had to buy size 18 jeans :( that was horrible!
    same exact thing... size 18. Does something to a person. Im 25so and I get out of bed and walk around limping till the pain in my ankles and hips go away. My body hasn't gotten used to this weight yet... and I don't intent on letting it either!
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    Well I decided to start probably a year and a half ago. It was excruciating doing a 4 mile backpacking trip that had a bit of an incline... Tried eating less and better but there was no change. I was conveniently laid off in February and decided in March that I was bored and might as well be productive with my time off. I was 5'8" and 232.5lbs. Here I am 7 months later and down over 50lbs. It's been a productive year. =]
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I've known for years, but the defining moment was last year at my brother's wedding. I couldn't even get a tuxedo @ the big & tall store. I was unable to stand with him at the alter because my knees were so bad off. I just wanted to die! I went to see a doctor & they had to weigh me on special scales. I figured I was over 500lbs but when the number 665lbs showed up, I wanted to die I was so shocked & embarrased. With hard work & the help of my family & mfp friends, I've lost 200lbs since February.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I never realized how big i was and how bad my fitness level had gotten until my husband and I took our kids to the park, just walking the little ways to the park made my legs sore, then i tried to play basketball with my family and tried to jump to shoot the ball and I couldnt get off the ground. I literally felt trapped in my body it was a nightmare i couldnt wake up from and I couldnt let myself live that way anymore
  • andreacord
    When one day my 12s felt really tight.. and I realized the next step up was into plus sizes.. got on the scale that very same day, topped out over 180 and I cried. I know its a lot lighter, and a lot heavier than a lot of the folks here but when I thought about it I realized that I had gained 10 pounds a year from being sedentary and eating crap, and that if I continued with that trend i'd be 200 lbs in less than a year. I'm currently 155 which was my weight in grade 9.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I've known for years. Why do we know but just keep going? I wish I made this decision fifty pounds ago. I got an inflammatory arthritis in my knees and found out what being crippled and fat was like. Quit smoking first. Put on another 20 pounds and now I finally knew it was no turning back. Hitting 200 had to be my real turning point. I was 105 in high school. (I'm very short) Half of what I am now. I never thought I'd ever get this fat.
  • indianaangel
    I have known and tried for a long time to lose weight, but when I miscarried last September, I knew that it was time. My husband got a vascetomy so I knew that I could no longer use the excuse that, "Why lose the weight if I might get pregnant?" I worked hard and did the C25K program and I walked/ran the 5K in May of this year. I was down to 205 from about 235. I stopped running and going to the gym because I had shin splints and have since gained 5 lbs back. I am forcing myself to get back on the ball because I am sick of being tired all of the time and I can't keep using the excuse that I work 3rd shift. The fact is that when I was working out before, I felt better and slept less. I hate looking at myself in pictures and thinking about what I used to look like pre-children. It is time to take control and get my life back!
  • HeatherB85
    At my sons 2nd Birthday party.. I let someone else take the pics for me and got me in a lot of them, when i seen them I was like ugh! That's what I look like? Really? It was horrible, I wouldn't put them on my face book until I edited them to cut some of me out!
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I started after highschool and ended up losing alot of weight (Went from 250lbs to 174lbs) and I wish I had the photo to show, but it looked like I didn't have a neck.

    then after I met my fiance, I started gaining weight again (I weighed 208lbs when I started using this site) and it was this picture that made me realize it was time to lose weight:

    (I'm in the blue)
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    It was when I look in the mirror and got pissed, angry frustrated to the point I smashed my fist into the tile counter and elled "come on". All of the Being fat things just surfaced all at once ..
    - Not being able to sit comfortably in ANY chair, without the arms digging into my hips.
    - being able to not worry about if the new restuarant will seat a fat person.
    - The humilation of asking your friends to move from the booth to a table.
    - subtle way people look at you, They won't say anything negative .. but you sense what they are thinking.
    - knowing that no matter unbelieveably awesome you are, You will never get that girl who is a 10 in your mind because she just can't see what is past fat.
    - realizing that fat people aren't mad at the world, they are just depressed and angry at themselves.
    - Having trouble with seatbelts in small cars
    - Friends making plans going hiking and camping without you and rightfully so
    - Theatre seats
    - amusement park rides
    - shopping at regular stores getting stylish clothes
    - skinny people saying " oh man I am so fat .. I need to lose like 3 lbs to fit in my dress"
    - worrying your parents or family memebers
    - being considered to work at places like Nike
    - Feeling like a second class citizen
    - Feeling trapped in my own body
    - Feeling like society doesn't accept me and staying home most of the time.

    ALl of this hit has been pretty easy to anage but one day it all hit me .. and that's why I will keep trying until I make it happen and all these burdens can be lifted and can feel free.
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    I got on the scale and it said 298lbs. I just couldn't believe that I was almost 300. I started extremely slow ( I could barely walk without getting winded) and have lost almost 70lbs. I still have a long way to go but I have changed my lifestyle and absolutely love the fact I am closer to 200 than 300.
  • 99Tinkerbell
    A couple of things:
    1. hip, knee,and ankle pain from any extra walking, getting out of the car after being there for a while, etc.
    2. buying the next size jeans that would have been 20
    3. out of breath when using the steps at work but refusing to use the elevator (there's only 2 floors)
    4. pictures well mastered the art of standing behind others but as some of you said can't always hide someone is bound to catch you out in the open
    5. getting ready to turn 50 in 2 years want the downhill slide to be full of life and pleasure!
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    One day my girlfriend took a random picture of me and I realized I wasn't as "light" as I used to be. Then it got worst where it became a mental thing and for some reason, I kept thinking that no one will take you seriously if you're fat/obese. Either that's true or its part of my fat insecurity. 6 months later (32lbs down) I feel more respected and people seem to listen to me more and take my advice.
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    I've felt for a long time now that I must lose weight, mainly from feeling uncomfortable in my own body, like it's not me..
    The thing that made me decide that this has to end is the constant cramping in my legs and feet, and leg pains. I can't even wear normal shoes anymore and if I take a walk, I must walk where I know there is a place to sit when the cramping starts. That's not how I want to live. I'm 30 now, so if I continue like this, how will I feel in 10 years? Don't even want to imagine that...
  • jeastertag
    I had been steadily gaining weight since my senior year of high school, and it wasn't until I was 20 years old that I realized that I had gained a whole 20 pounds! I think I finally noticed when I was taking a picture of myself to put on Facebook I saw that there was some extra weight on my arms and face that definitely wasn't baby fat. I am proud that I took initiative and started shedding weight, but it is still challenging to prevent myself from regressing into my old habits.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I just realised life is too short to be unhappy with yourself, only i can do something about it.
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