When did you know it was time to start losing weight?



  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    It was when I look in the mirror and got pissed, angry frustrated to the point I smashed my fist into the tile counter and elled "come on". All of the Being fat things just surfaced all at once ..
    - Not being able to sit comfortably in ANY chair, without the arms digging into my hips.
    - being able to not worry about if the new restuarant will seat a fat person.
    - The humilation of asking your friends to move from the booth to a table.
    - subtle way people look at you, They won't say anything negative .. but you sense what they are thinking.
    - knowing that no matter unbelieveably awesome you are, You will never get that girl who is a 10 in your mind because she just can't see what is past fat.
    - realizing that fat people aren't mad at the world, they are just depressed and angry at themselves.
    - Having trouble with seatbelts in small cars
    - Friends making plans going hiking and camping without you and rightfully so
    - Theatre seats
    - amusement park rides
    - shopping at regular stores getting stylish clothes
    - skinny people saying " oh man I am so fat .. I need to lose like 3 lbs to fit in my dress"
    - worrying your parents or family memebers
    - being considered to work at places like Nike
    - Feeling like a second class citizen
    - Feeling trapped in my own body
    - Feeling like society doesn't accept me and staying home most of the time.

    ALl of this hit has been pretty easy to anage but one day it all hit me .. and that's why I will keep trying until I make it happen and all these burdens can be lifted and can feel free.

    ummm excuse me sir please get out of my head and give me my thought back... these points being mad ... i have felt alot of them...

    I thought the same thing!

    Its kind of crazy AMAZING that we all smile though we have all these worries that other people don't even have to imagine.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Just finished reading this whole thread, a lot of inspiring stories, and I'm glad you are all working to get healthier/feel great about yourselves.

    For me, the heaviest I got was 150, and at 5.5" tall, I definitely wanted to lose weight. I started taking it "seriously" after this past summer. This is a bit more personal, but when I was young, I was sexually abused, and during my middle school and high school years, I didn't want people to "see" me. It's not that I wanted to be ugly, but I definitely didn't want to be desired. I went to therapy, got over those issues, and am on my way to have the body I've really always wanted to have!
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Just finished reading this whole thread, a lot of inspiring stories, and I'm glad you are all working to get healthier/feel great about yourselves.

    For me, the heaviest I got was 150, and at 5.5" tall, I definitely wanted to lose weight. I started taking it "seriously" after this past summer. This is a bit more personal, but when I was young, I was sexually abused, and during my middle school and high school years, I didn't want people to "see" me. It's not that I wanted to be ugly, but I definitely didn't want to be desired. I went to therapy, got over those issues, and am on my way to have the body I've really always wanted to have!

    Much Love! Keep up the great work!
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Just finished reading this whole thread, a lot of inspiring stories, and I'm glad you are all working to get healthier/feel great about yourselves.

    For me, the heaviest I got was 150, and at 5.5" tall, I definitely wanted to lose weight. I started taking it "seriously" after this past summer. This is a bit more personal, but when I was young, I was sexually abused, and during my middle school and high school years, I didn't want people to "see" me. It's not that I wanted to be ugly, but I definitely didn't want to be desired. I went to therapy, got over those issues, and am on my way to have the body I've really always wanted to have!

    Much Love! Keep up the great work!

    <3 Thanks! You too ;)
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I had tried so many times to lose then would lose some but then when off the "diet" i would gain it all back n then some. I soon resided that I would always be big so what was the point... better to stay at one weight? right? My the lies one tells themselves.

    In January of 2009 I went to emerge with pain in my hernia.... mind you I always stayed away from doctors...so to go to emerg it was bad. I have a rather large hernia, with an exray it revealed that my gut was fully outside my abdominal wall. A surgeon consulted n said it was not good, told me where i stood with my hernia, and in fact my diabetes (was on 90u in the am and 80u in the pm) and being overweight that my health was at risk. if i were to have a perforation of the bowel, they would not be able to close me up in the OR... elective surgery would be a must and weight would have to come off before. he sent out a referal to a specialist. When i went home i went back onto my diabetic diet...for about a month. The place i worked at had gone bankrupt so i was off on EI. when inqiring about my referral at my docs office i received alot of grief like I was bothering them... so exasperated i blew at them, got an answer that they would call the specialist and see about my refferral, then call me back. weeks passed... but no one called, so I gave up and returned to eating as i had before.

    Mindlessly I ate and gained up to the point where life on Sept 25th 2009 suddenly made me face my own health. What happened you might ask? Well my husband of 25 years was rushed into emerg, was diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and penile cancer. Had an immediate amputation. Here my own health was shot and had to pull it together to take care of my husband. So in helping him, I helped myself. It was the beginning of a rollercoaster of a ride. In January he has a lyphadenectomy..3 weeks later went into cardiac arrest where they had to paddle him back weeks later a heart stent put in. that day we found his pathology come back neg. we were so happy.

    we started to walk together and continue out journey to health. but things took a turn and his cancer returned and on July 14th 2010, 10 months after diagnosis he passed away. Watching his fight for every last breath, I can not give up my own journey to healthiness... how can I? Health is far to important as is the preciousness of life.

    So I went to the doctor after he died ( i had stayed away from docs as much as possible) and it was then she put me on synthroid and blood pressure pills. My insulin had decreased some and my bloodsugars remaned good. I had to go check with her every 3 months. she also referred me to a surgeon. he then referred me to a specialist... i thought wow here we go again lol.

    Well Feb 25th2011, I seen the specialist. i was 430.1 lbs that day... i had 120lbs off so far. he said to lose 30 lbs and he would do wls to get me down to 250 to do my hernia repair. he would put me into their weight loss program (they approve you for wls), well I had my info session with them in june....i follow their program diets and advice walking etc etc...and my one on one with them is not until next month on nov 8th. usually it's two to three weeks after that you see the sugeon. LOL by that time I WILL be at 250 and he can fix my hernia.... can't help if their program's a lil slow lol.

    n oh btw...i no longer take blood pressure meds , they ended one month after walking and as of today I am on NO insulin :)

  • hippotx72
    I got on the scale and it said 298lbs. I just couldn't believe that I was almost 300. I started extremely slow ( I could barely walk without getting winded) and have lost almost 70lbs. I still have a long way to go but I have changed my lifestyle and absolutely love the fact I am closer to 200 than 300.

    You should be very proud of yourself. Reading stuff like this when my motivation is low gives me that little bit I need to stick with it. Congratulations to you, and thanks!

    Oh, and as for when I knew it was time to lose. . .when I couldn't fit into a restaurant booth anymore, and I saw the looks of pity and discomfort from my sisters who love me, because they knew it was really embarrassing for me.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    There have been several times I thought it was time to start losing weight...and I would do something at those times (one time, in 2005, I was even super successful at it until complacency hit and I never recovered, gained the weight back, ...).

    Anyway, for the instant journey, it was sometime in November 2010. I finally took a good look at myself in the mirror. There was no more room for excuses. I wasn't just pudgy or meaty or chubby...I was fat. I thought about how 2011 was my age 40 year and I thought about the diabetes that runs in my extended family. I thought about all of the lame excuses I would make for why I was short of breath. I thought about my wife and kids...about how I not only wanted to be there for them, but also enjoy life with them. I thought about other things along these lines at that time. I decided I had to make a change and because I didn't want to set myself up for failure by starting around the holiday season, I decided that January was was going to be the start of my new life. I decided also that as opposed to past efforts to lose weight, I was going to do more research this time...I was going to have a better understanding of my options and possible road blocks. I was going to figure out how to succeed long term.

    That's how this current journey started for me.
  • hippotx72
    :love: I married the love of my life in February of this year and my defining moment was only about 5 weeks after our wedding when we would lay in bed and it would make me cringe when he would cuddle in to me! I felt so uncomfortable and disgusting that I couldn't handle him touching me!

    I knew this wasn't right as newly weds! I HAD to do somthing! So along came MFP and just at the right time, a new gym opened close to home and here I am 33lbs lighter!! Still got about 20lbs to go but I feel great and have no problem with my husband touching me anymore!!! :wink:

    Only downside is I look at my wedding photos and for as much as it was the happiest day of my life and I still think I look good....I just wish I looked as good as I do now, or as good as I WILL look in months to come!! But, hubby is from Barbados and we plan on having a blessing over there at some point so bring on the hotness for that!!! :laugh: :love:


    I'll bet those two photos will be very inspiring when you put them side by side! Good job, and good luck!
  • kpxfiles
    kpxfiles Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 25 next month and I realized I never have worn a bikini. I talked to a Life Coach and realized that I used my weight to protect me from men. Oddly at the same time, I was being mentally abused by men. Now that I started transforming my life and stop acting like a helpless victim, I am happier and the weight is coming off. I don't need my weight to protect and hinder me anymore. I know I'll be in a bikini next summer. :) I choose to be happy today.
  • loverachel18
    One day I looked in the mirror and just felt horrible about the way my body looked. I wanna feel good in whatever I wear. Also, I'm tired of feeling tired all the time.
  • Molly_Louise
    I knew it was time when I sat for about 2 hours in my bed crying because I couldn't remember a time I was happy with the way I looked. 12lbs lighter, I still can't remember that time I was happy, but I'm hoping that I can make a new happiness at the end of my weight loss.
  • sweetxsour35
    When I realized that i was almost a size 20, in 9th grade.
  • clairegogogo
    When someone looked at me and said: you have a nice face, but your body....hmmm.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    After I had my daughter in March I could barely walk up the stairs and not get winded (ok, I could barely walk up HALF of the stairs and not get winded). I knew I had to lose weight before I realized this because I saw the scale climbing throughout the pregnancy but that was just my reminder.
  • Nelly_J
    Nelly_J Posts: 53
    At my sons 2nd Birthday party.. I let someone else take the pics for me and got me in a lot of them, when i seen them I was like ugh! That's what I look like? Really? It was horrible, I wouldn't put them on my face book until I edited them to cut some of me out!

    I know exactly what you mean! I saw the pictures from my Daughter's 1st birthday and I couldn't believe how big I had gotten. My goal is to be down 60- 75 lbs by her 2nd birthday so that I won't be ashamed to post the pictures on FB.
  • aquitania
    aquitania Posts: 92 Member
    I knew it for a very long time, but somehow managed to keep my conscience as silent as possible. I've tried a lot of diets but with no result. I met a friend of mine after a year of not seeing her, and even she has never been fat, not even close to fat, she lost some weight, and I don't know, i guess it all just came to me, all those things i can't do which Apazman so nicely listed in his post, and i just started. Without complicating, i just started. And then i found MFP and now i'm working on my goal with the help of you great people! :)

    I just really can't wait till the moment i will put my before and after photos online. Just you wait! ;)
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    My story is similar to yours. I didn't know the girl in photos; she kind of looked like me but man oh man, I did not know her at all. The scale story is exactly the same as mine, I hit 297 and said there was no way in hell I was going to hit 300. Plus, I could bend over to tie my shoes any longer; I could barely get myself off the floor after playing with the dog; I felt ABSOLUTELY horrible; I hated going out in public. the first 5 months I just exercised with sutle food changes. I had lost 25lbs but wanted to lose more. That's when I found MFP. In the past, I would pay people to weigh me weekly (all the "diet" companies). I searched the web for food journals! Here I am 7 months late and 66 lbs lighter!
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    I went on an overseas trip for work , and I had to pack a lot of equipment weighing up to the baggage allowance of 20kg.

    On normal holidays I travel very light.

    I weighed my suitcase and it was just under 20kg and to me felt tVERY heavy.

    I realised it represented pretty much the amount of excess fat weight I was carrying . i was effectively lugging that suitcase around all day every day.
  • EmilyRose33
    I realized once i stepped on that awful scale after a year lol
  • jooleeyah
    When none of my pants fit me and I had been wearing leggings for over 8 months!! shirts would no longer button in the chest and were too tight in the arms. Couldn't leave my house because I had no clothes decent enough to wear out that fit me and I was too embarassed to see people. My best friend almost nominated me for What Not To Wear....
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