a1exandra Posts: 2 Member
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I'm realatively new. Had a baby in March this year and gave myself a break from fitness and diet for 6 months. Joined MFP in September and have lost 9.1 pounds. However for the past 2 weeks despite sticking to the 1200 calorie quota and walking home 3 miles) a day I've not lost any more weight! Say If i earn 200 more calories with exercise i will eat 180/190 calories extra. I'm 23 pounds off my goal weight so it's not like I should be battling a plateau already....Really down about it today and feel like pigging out!!


  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    Don't quit. You lost 9 pounds in a month. That is amazing. Your body needs a little break to readjust your new shape and your journey will continue. Periodically the body replaces every gram of fat with a gram of water for the body transformation transition period. I wish I can find the source of this info, but it's something I remember reading 10 years ago on internet. It seems true to me and my body at least.
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    i understand...coz going through d eatin right...exercising..... n i ended up GAINING weight..... nor did i see any inch loss...but plz plz dont quit....... u never know wen things start to go well..i woke up today n was suddenly 0.5 kgs lighter... n i think i lost an inch on my waist.... all dis after 3 weeks.......

    plz dnt quit :flowerforyou:
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    STEP AWAY FROM THE COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FIRST OF ALL U JUST HAD A BABY.. AND A MOTHER OF FOUR.. IT TAKES TIME TO GET BACK TO WHERE U WAS.... BE PATIENT...IF UR DOING ALL OF THIS MAYBE U REALLY NEED TO BEGAN TO WRITE DOWN ALL THE FOODS THAT U EAT.... AND I MEAN EVERYTHING...IF ITS NOT EXERCISE , REEVALUATE UR DIET... BUT REMEMBER STRESSING DOESN'T HELP SO REJOICE IN UR 9 POUNDS LOST AND BE HAPPY....BE PROUD OF U BECAUSE I AM!!!!!! HERE GO THAT CYBER HUG U NEED... ITS BIG SO GET READY(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    Don't be discouraged and besides we are supporting you here. Try adding more calories to break the plateau, I know it sounds weird but it works. Your body might actually be in "starvation mode" Also are you getting accurate calorie counts from the food that you eat? Also 9lbs in a month is good, I was losing 5lbs a MONTH due to bad diet but that didn't discourage me.
  • Hi honestly dont quit !! losing 9lbs in a month is a huge amount to lose, so it sounds like your body is now getting used to that weight and then will start dropping again.. I have also lost weight since my baby and hit my target weight now, but it was a hard journey, every time I was lose a big amount my body would get used to it so I'd have to do something else to make it go back into 'diet' mode.. maybe change your eating habits or change your exercise, otherwise the body gets used to it.. maybe just for a week go down to 1000kcls and then the week after back up to 1200kcls that's called zig zagging and works too.. good luck ! x
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Do not give up. You have done so well in such a short period of time. There will be times that you will see an influx as your body adapts to the new food/exertion scale.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Is there really any point giving up and just going back to the way you were? You will just have to start all over again. Not losing weight in a month is nothing, just keep on going if you have a calorie deficit our body will eventually lose the weight no matter what. Keep a track of inches lost as well. I sometimes lose no pounds but my inches go right down x
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    I plateau all the time... it comes after years of starving and then bingeing and completely messing my body up. However, I'm doing it properly this time and it is hard, and is slow but remember you lost 9 pounds in a month, that's over 2 pounds a week which is more than many. Just keep going and hang in there, you're doing fab!
  • SlimSadieG
    SlimSadieG Posts: 323 Member
    I am experiencing the exact same thing at the minute, but quitting is not an option.

    Quitting will only put you back to square one.

    Keep at it!

    That's what I'm having to keep teling myself.
  • If you quit you definitely will not lose any more weight, if you keep at it and be patient, you will....but it is YOUR choice
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    I'm in the SAME exact boat. Started MFP in september, have lost 9 lbs on a 1200 cal diet but haven't lost for like 2 weeks crazy! I've been eating right and exercising every day...but I have been losing inches, and have been getting stronger and healthier. My stomach is flatter, and I feel great. So just look for the non-scale victories right now, and keep on truckin, I am. :) Add me for support if you'd like!
  • Everyone hits their plateau at different times. Try mixing your routine up, find a different time to do your walk, or get a couple light dumbells to use while walking. Don't get discourage by a couple weeks.

    It's also entirely possible that if you don't have a scale that measures body fat/water, you could be seeing a gain in water and loss of fat. Keep plugging, try drinking a bit more water and cutting back on sodium a little. You can do it!
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    Don't give up. I have considered giving up because my weight has done nothing but fluctuate since I've been on here. But you know what? I'm not going to quit. The attitude that I've had for the last 12 years when I didn't get instant gratification was, "F*** it. I'm never going to be in shape. Nothing ever works for me anyway so I might as well quit." You know where it's got me? NO WHERE!!! I am still fat!!! But this is where that crap ends, hear me??? You and I can do it!!! Lots of others just like you and me have done it! This is a learning process and if you stick with it you will find what works best for you! Chances are if we aren't getting results then we are not putting in enough effort! Right? Right.

    So c'mon, girl. Let's kick some a** and take some names!!!
  • a1exandra
    a1exandra Posts: 2 Member
    wooo hooo thanks guys!! i'll keep at it. kinda makes sense that my body is saying erm hello i've let 9lbs go in quick time, give me some credit! haha.
    yes i add EVERYTHING to MFP diary - usually via barcode scanner so i can't estimate. My body does look/feel better so I will be patient.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    You only have 23 pounds to go girl. That is nothing in comparison to what you have achieved in life. You can do it. Think of some people on here who have lost over 200 pounds. Never quit!
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Hiya, I agree with all of the other posts. Don't quit. Where will it get you? I often go several weeks without losing anything but then all of a sudden I'll drop a pound or two. It's amazing how it works. Stick with it and you'll eventually have results. If you quit what do you think will happen? You will continue to gain and have to start all over again. No one said this journey was going to be easy. It takes time but it does work. Losing 9 pounds is awesome. It's natural to lose a lot at the beginning but then we hit the plateau. .I know it's discouraging however stay strong and you can do this. Stay strong!! I don't quit.. you don't quit!! :flowerforyou:
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Here's some inspiration I read from the message boards months back....

    Don't You Quit

    For when you've eaten too much and don't write it down,
    And you feel like the biggest failure in town.
    When you want to give up just because you gave in,
    and forget all about being healthy and thin.
    So What! You went over your food just a bit,
    It's your next move that counts...So don't you quit!
    It's a moment of truth, it's an attitude change.
    It's learning the skills to get back in your game.
    It's telling yourself, "You've done great up till now.
    You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow."
    It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal.
    You're still gonna make it, just stay in control.
    To stumble and fall is not a disgrace,
    If you summon the will to get back in the race.
    But, often the struggler's, when loosing their grip,
    Just throw in the towel and continue to slip.
    And learn too late when the damage is done,
    that the race wasn't over...they still could have won.
    Lifestyle change can be awkward and slow,
    but facing each challenge will help you grow.
    Success is failure turned inside out,
    the silver tint in a cloud of doubt.
    When you're pushing to the brink, just refuse to submit,
    If you bite it, you write it.... And don't you quit!
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Good for you.. just saw your reply as quitting will get you exactly NOWHERE right.... let's lose that last 20-something lbs together! I lost the first 32 lbs or so pretty steadily then my body did the same thing but it was more than 2 weeks (over a month)...however - I can tell you that I am not giving up!! The scale finally showed minus this am for me, so let's go - we can do this!! Good luck - you need to get back on here when it starts coming off again, we'll all want to see that you did it :smile:
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Keep in mind seasons are changing... so your body is going some seasonal changes... be paitent.
  • kbcara
    kbcara Posts: 105 Member
    Fab poem/rhyme - whatever you call it... have copied and placed on my office wall at work.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    You're doing really well - don't quit!!!

    You might want to try mixing it up a bit: this could go a few ways:
    - do an extra hard work out week.
    - have a variable eating plan: 1000 Kcals day 1, 1400 day 2, 1200 day 3 etc: you only need to average 1200!!! (worked well for me).
    - Have a week of maintenance eating. Seriously... dieting is hard work: eat the amount you expect to eat and stay the same weight - no junk food though - just more of the good stuff. You will probably find a couple of strange things happen... You wont be able to eat enough calories without feeling stuffed, you will have a lot of energy and your weight could literally do anything... up, down, the same... At the end of the week, back onto the plan. Your body could well respond more having had a break (not tried this myself but read it on other posts)

    Good luck
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Quit and go back to what? This has to be a lifestyle change and if you keep at it so it becomes second nature, there will be nothing to quit. You can't quit breathing or blinking and eventually, like those, you won't remember what it was like to not be a healthy eating, regular exercising fox
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    Don't know if you are or not, but are you BREASTFEEDING??

    If you are, you need heaps more than 1200 calories. 1200 calories is mainly for people who do alot of sitting and not much exercise. I know you said you do eat back the calories (or most) but I still think you are under-eating!! Try eating more, and make it clean food, and see what happens.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    If you "quit" your probably not going to lose any weight. Let me just say also that first time around on mfp for me I only lost 23 pounds total and I had 2 three week plateaus along the way. Try switching up your exercise if you can and eat lots of superfoods to boost your metabolism
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    You are doing good 9 pounds in one month with only 20 something pounds to go. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Let your body get used to this new weight loss.
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