Pregnancy - September 2011



  • Happy Weekend!! The head cold is still kicking my butt but it is gradually getting better. At least my eyes stopped watering. I was pitiful all week. Hubby was making fun of me and I got ticked off stating that I couldn't take meds to help with anything so I was miserable! We didn't even have any Vicks vapo refills in the house because we used them up on our daughter to help with her cold.
    My bedtime insulin was increased again yesterday. Story of my life. It's always being increased. I started off at 3 units now it's up to 11 PLUS a different insulin before breakfast and before supper. At least I am full term now @ 37 weeks so there's light at the end of the tunnel and the 6 finger pokes and 3 belly shots per day will come to an end one of these weeks!! I am feeling fantastic (other than the cold) and for that I feel very blessed.
    No pelvic pain at all so I can still get the housework done. I think I'm nesting because I've even been wiping down the surfaces other than just mopping the floors this week, LOL ...
    We're off to visit hubby's mom this evening and spending the night there. He said if I my sniffles were too bad and I didn't want to stay the night he was going to come back home because he doesn't want to be too far away overnight in case I go into labor. I can't convince him that it's not going to be an immediate delivery situation and labor takes a while to progress.
    I have another appointment Monday afternoon. No talk of induction yet and that makes me happy. Baby isn't getting too big as a result of the GD so that's helping to keep that discussion on the back burner. Yay!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Caperfae - I'm with you on the head cold, even though mine has been mild so far (and may be a flu shot reaction instead). It hurts my tummy to cough or sneeze :cry: We are out of Sudafed, although I have heard that it is okay during pregnancy (haven't actually asked the doc yet), and things like Vick or anything are banned in my house due to my husband's extreme allergy to mint/menthol. So it's Tylenol and lots of fluids. Hope you are feeling better soon - it would not be nice to be delivering a baby and still coughing and sneezing!
    And yay for 37 weeks! Almost there, just a bit longer!
  • Ohhhh yeah a menthol allergy would be tricky to work around during cold and flu season for sure.
    Going out to look for Halls Breezers later on since menthol isn't recommended in pregnancy anyway and they have to be sugar-free. Seems to be my only option. I don't take meds for anything, not even a Tylenol .. just my prenatal vitamins and insulin, lol
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Lindsay- Yeah i knew before hand, it had leaked out a few times when i wasn't wearing a bra which resulted on wet blotches on my t-shirt and bed
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    I think I want to increase my fiber to keep things...ahem...moving. I'm finding that I've been less regular in the last couple weeks. I have a box of All Bran that I add to my yogourt, maybe I'll start having a bowl for breakfast.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    R_maggeddon - yeah, that definitely crops up from time to time through the average pregnancy. I always try to eat foods high in fiber when I notice an issue - beans, raw veggies (salad and broccoli are especially good), whole grain bread or even pancakes (made from flour I grind myself!!) etc. The other nutrients in the foods are good for you and baby, too.
    You also might want to ask your doc about Citrucel. It's an easy way to add in fiber, but I don't know if it's recommended during pregnancy (I don't use it, but I've had family who have for various similar issues).

    AFM - had a party at the park to celebrate my daughter's birthday, which is this Wednesday. It was fun, but I'm tired (as always :laugh: ). Still having contractions on and off, but they still don't seem to be progressing at all yet. My husband's brother and his wife (and kids) want to take us to a dollar movie this afternoon, but I'm not sure I can sit through a movie right now. And what if this suddenly became active labor (haha, wishful thinking).

    It's also the big rivalry game this weekend here in Utah - University of Utah vs. BYU. This rivalry has been going on for decades!! I wish I had t.v., just for today... (GO UTES!!!!)
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I am currently in my second semester of four for the LPN program. Going on for my RN and BSN after that. Sorry it took me so long to respond.
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Julz - My DH and I are going to a going away dinner for a friend so we won't get to watch the game either. But we're Utah fans too!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Julz - My DH and I are going to a going away dinner for a friend so we won't get to watch the game either. But we're Utah fans too!

    We listened on the radio. It was a pretty pathetic game ... too many turnovers and stuff. The final score tells all: UofU 54, BYU 10. Happy that Utah one, but I'd prefer a more exciting game. :laugh:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Are we seriously almost into October? Where did half of September go? Some of you are getting super close to your due dates! Are you all excited?
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Sorry ladies! I've been pretty quiet and MIA for quite a while. I am trying to keep up with what's going on. After going home to West Virginia for most of the month of August, as soon as I got home, my feet hit the ground running! We are currently packing up everything to move. So thankful mom was able to fly out to help me! For the longest time, we were packing with no plans of where we were moving! Within the past week, we finally found a house! Unfortunately, it's smaller than the apartment we have and ALOT older (like seriously, it's probably been here since this city was in existence) BUT it's $100 cheaper a month for rent, close to the interstate, and in a quiet neighborhood- looking forward to having our first house and privacy! Hopefully everything works out.. Just been really stressing lately. Physically, I can tell I'm handling all of this mostly myself, I'm seriously exhausted. And on top of my sugar drops and pressure drops, I've been having difficulty breathing. I have a cardiologist appointment in October. The obgyn I saw seems to think I'm just dealing with stress and anxiety. I will be glad when this is all over with. On a good note---20 weeks today! :) Half way there! Can't wait to meet my sweet baby Joel.
    Hope everyone is doing well. I look forward to these new baby pictures coming soon! Speaking of which....

    Congratulations Danielle! What a handsome little guy!

    Have a great week everyone.
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Hello ladies! I was checking out your group and I was wondering if I could join!
    My name is Julia, I'm 27 and live in Tucson, AZ. I teach science at the Middle school on base. My husband and I have a beautiful 3 year old son and we are currently trying for our second. We started this month with the 1st being the first day of my cycle. It worked out nicely that way.:)
    I've been using OPK's but haven't gotten a positive. However, I have been feeling 'different' with sore boobies and a 'firm' lower belly and last night I had some slight spotting and some cramping which I am hoping was implantation.
    Would love to join this group and share experiences with you ladies while being healthy. I gained a lot of weight with my son so I want to minimize how much is gained with this second one.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Welcome, Julia! Awesome name :happy: (I'm Julia, too, though I go by julz here). Good luck with TTC!

    Michelle - argh, it's frustrating when a doctor seems to want to pass something off like that. Not that anxiety isn't a real issue, but if you believe there's something else going on, IMO a doc should check it out! Hopefully it can get figured out. Perhaps if you keep a journal to track it you can see some sort of pattern? And here's hoping you get all moved in and settled soon, too!

    AFM - still dealing with contractions that aren't going anywhere, and it's worn me down. I snapped at my husband over something stupid last night, and I've been moody all day today and I know that it's partly stemming from this. :sad: I just wish I wasn't taking it out on everyone else. :sad:
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I used mfp starting in January and by June I had reached my goal of 110 and lost 23 pounds. I used it on and off over the summer,and a few weeks ago found out Im pregnant. I signed off for a few weeks,but realize what a great support mfp is,it helps to keep me in a better healthy mindsetI had created another thread and someone directed me to this one so I thought I'd introduce myself over here. I am expecting my first and Im due April 5th(Im 11 weeks right now).
    I have gained 4 pounds so far,but I suspect some it might be water weight. I am back to mfp to get back on track. First trimester has been really hard on me,so much fatigue and naseau. I am slowly starting to feel better and need to get everything else back on track.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Welcome ambie, and congratulations! That first trimester can be a killer, but it sounds like you're doing great so far!
    I love using mfp for tracking calories and exercise through the pregnancy - it keeps me accountable and makes me think about what I'm eating, and to get up and get moving :D
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I think the hardest thing for me is kicking the caffiene habit. I am down to 2-3 caffienated drinks a week,from 1-2 a day. But Im proud of myself .
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I purchased a brand new shower curtain liner, white twin sized flat sheet, and a bunch of chux pads for my homebirth! Roughly 9 weeks left and I'm getting super excited!
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome Ambie35 and Julia!

    Julz - Hopefully the last bit of your pregnancy won't last too long. I'm sure your DH understands that you're more emotional right now.

    Scorpiomom - I forget if you've mentioned it before, but have you done a homebirth before? I'm a FTM so I'm way too intimidated to try and birth at home.

    AFM - I took my dog for a 3 mile walk today and by the end of the walk I had a sharp pain in the lower right side of my belly. Fortunately I was almost home and it went away when I sat down. I hope this isn't something that's going to start happening frequently.

    Has anyone found any cute maternity sweaters? I'm only 5'3" and any of the sweaters I've tried on (Target, Kohl's and Old Navy) just make me look frumpy.
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    I think the hardest thing for me is kicking the caffiene habit. I am down to 2-3 caffienated drinks a week,from 1-2 a day. But Im proud of myself .

    I was worried about whether or not I would struggle with reducing my caffeine intake but luckily I just don't enjoy caffeinated beverages right now. I'm grateful for that! Good job reducing yours!

    What I'm struggling with is that I'm so tired and feel so sick all of the time that I no interest in physical activity. I've been trying to at least get some walking in, but considering I was cycling 12 Kms a day, it seems so pitiful. I'm hoping I'll feel a little better in the second trimester so that I can get myself moving more.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member

    Scorpiomom - I forget if you've mentioned it before, but have you done a homebirth before? I'm a FTM so I'm way too intimidated to try and birth at home.

    No, but I had started wanting one late in my pregnancy with my 2nd child. This is my 3rd and last, so I guess I should go out with a bang. lol I think I have everything I'll need now for it.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Made it through another day of school. Still having the same pain/contractions, but I can't tell if it's getting any stronger or more frequent. Lol, my water better break when real labor starts or I might just miss it and end up with a home birth! (kidding ... mostly)

    I'm counting my walking around the grocery story as exercise. I think it's about all I can do, anyway, though I might try swimming again Wednesday if I feel up to it. But I really find myself looking forward to when I can start really exercising again.

    R-mageddon - you'll probably feel better in the second trimester and can add more activity back in then. The important thing right now is to listen to your body and not wear yourself out. Walking is good as long as you can, though :)

    Linsday - I had that kind of pain off and on from walking. As long as it goes away, you probably don't need to worry. But it's no fun when it invades your exercise!

    Scorpiomom- I've thought about a home birth before, but I'm too chicken! I hope all goes well for you and you enjoy the experience.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    I purchased a brand new shower curtain liner, white twin sized flat sheet, and a bunch of chux pads for my homebirth! Roughly 9 weeks left and I'm getting super excited!

    Homebirth?! Awesome. Is this your first?

    Oh. sorry! I guess I jumped over where somewhere else asked you the same question. I loved my experience at home. Good luck! You'll do great!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    ambie- I was never a caffeine drinker pre-pregnancy but strangely its something i crave often now. maybe its just the lack of sleep :laugh:

    lindsay- I get pain in my lower right side alot also, and have for a few months now. mainly when i stretch out, especially at night

    scorpiomom- thats awsome that your doing a home birth. like some of the other woman im too chicken to do it, especially with my first, but i love the idea of it. looking forward to hearing your birth story :smile:

    Update: Well i slept for the first time since thursday last night! (with the exception of an hour each night). So im feeling human again today :smile: I plan to celebrate with a lunchtime trip to the gym, followed by a sub from my favourite sub shop yay! It really is the little things that get me excited these days :laugh:

    I'm feeling very uncomfortable atm with the babies head lodged right under my ribs on the right side, even sitting is literally pain. Fingers crossed that he'll get rolling soon :smile:
  • Here's my appointment update:
    First of all, my scheduled appt was for 3 PM and I was still sitting there (with my 5 y/o daughter because hubby had to work) at 5:30 PM!! Special thanks to the 2 women who decided to give birth yesterday, forcing my OB to run behind on his appointments. That can't be helped but it's an EVERY week thing!
    So ... when I finally get into my appointment, he increased my Insulin and then filled out the form for a BPP (Bio Physical Profile) ultrasound. One per week until I deliver. The hospital called this morning and my first u/s is tomorrow morning, another one on the 28th and the last one on the 5th of October. After the ultrasound I have to proceed up to the maternity ward to have the NST done and then see my OB.
    I was also told there was absolutely no need to discuss induction because baby isn't growing too big in spite of me having GD. They've been on top of it and keeping it regulated so yay for that .I was hoping to be able to go naturally.
    My OB stated that when I go into labor, to stay home as long as possible unless my water breaks. If it breaks I have to go in and be monitored and he said with the GD, I might go into labor early but he won't let me go past my due date (thankfully).

    I feel awesome though .. still doing all my housework, no aches or pains, high energy level .. I can't complain at all.
  • samfordbelle
    samfordbelle Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm about 5 weeks pregnant and looking to have a very healthy pregnancy. I'd like to stay on the lower side of weight gain, since I've started out over weight (like to gain less than 20 lbs...I'm 169lbs). Hope to be able to check in with the group now and then to stay motivated to eat healthy and get my exercise!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    I think the hardest thing for me is kicking the caffiene habit. I am down to 2-3 caffienated drinks a week,from 1-2 a day. But Im proud of myself .

    I was worried about whether or not I would struggle with reducing my caffeine intake but luckily I just don't enjoy caffeinated beverages right now. I'm grateful for that! Good job reducing yours!

    What I'm struggling with is that I'm so tired and feel so sick all of the time that I no interest in physical activity. I've been trying to at least get some walking in, but considering I was cycling 12 Kms a day, it seems so pitiful. I'm hoping I'll feel a little better in the second trimester so that I can get myself moving more.

    I knew I would be trying starting this month so I started cutting back in June. I haven't had any caffeine since late August. Some days I can smell that coffee brewing in the office and it makes me want it sooo bad but I've obstained so far. I really enjoy soda so I've been drinking diet caffeine free stuff which curbs the cravings.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I get apprehensive at times too about having my homebirth. But I kept wishing for natural, intervention free births while at the hospital and never got them, so if there is no other option at home but to go natural and move about as I wish then that's what's best for me. So much less stressful than worrying about packing a bag for hospital, wondering when the next time someone would come in to bug me or if someone would come when I rang for a nurse. No monitors keeping me in the bed, when I'm aching to move through my contractions. To me, since I'm low risk, with two uncomplicated pregnancies, labors and deliveries, the benefits outweigh the risks. My only worry is a breech baby. If he's not permanently turned by 36 weeks, I'll start worrying. lol
  • Hi ladies, can I join you all?!

    I'm 15+3 today and have started gaining more than I would like, so looking for some extra support!

    Add me if you would like, it would be great to have other pregnant people on my friends list :smile:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Welcome pinkprincess! Just jump right in. This is a great group of women and has been an awesome support through pregnancy.
  • Thank you :happy:

    I've been totally and utterly exhausted throughout my first trimester, so really have not done much exercise - awful excuse I know! But, I had been eating little & often as I just couldn't eat much without feeling full - luckily I've had no sickness though! Now my appetite is starting to get a little better and can eat more, so I really need to be careful now!

    I haven't logged through my first trimester, but I've gained 8lbs up to now so know I need to take action before it gets much worse, I was only just out of the obese category before falling pregnant, now I'm back in it already :frown:

    I had some bleeding last Thursday but went to the hospital and everything was fine and we got to see baby again, hopefully he/she will behave now for the rest of my pregnancy! :happy:
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