

  • Post your results afterwards. I might try it.
  • Check out my food diary for Mon through Third this week, I did the fast fat again. Exactly 1000 calories on most days.
  • There are some good sugar free chocolates. Russell Stovers is awesome & has some variety. I ate the atkins bars after two weeks of induction. I also have sugar free lifesaver & other sugar free items. Just remember carbs - fiber - sugar alcohols = net carbs.
  • You should be checking for "net carbs" so you calculate thise by taking the carbs minus fiber minus sugar alcohols (if there are any) and this gives you your net carbs. You'll usually only see sugar alcohols on sugar free items when they use an articial sweetner. When I started Atkins I kept my calories at 1200, then even…
  • I did the Fat Fast this week Tues, Wed and Today. I also did it last week on Tues, Wed & Thurs so you can check out my food diary, its public. I eat 5 200 calorie meals for 3 days in a row, I've never tried to go longer than that. Below are samples of the mini meals I eat during the Fat Fast.... 8 ounces sliced mushrooms,…
  • You could probably do the Fat Fast once a week for 3 weeks or go off atkins for a few days then go back on & back into induction for two weeks. I lost 4.5lbs doing the Fat Fast for 3 days and Tim lost 6 in 3-5 days.
  • I finished my 3 day fast and lost 4.5lbs. I did have a bad weekend so the fat fast helped me recovery from that. :)
  • I completed all 3 days of the fat fast and I'm down a total of 4.5lbs. Yay!
  • After day two I'm down a total of 2.5lbs. Lost 1lb the first day. 1.5lbs the second day so i can't wait to see what I lose next. I really needed this weightloss boost.
  • So today is day 3 of my Fat Fast. I am down a total of 2.5lbs in two days, not to bad. I'm feeling much better about my weightloss with this little boost.
  • I'm doing Atkins so I'm at 20 carbs or less per day.
  • Bud Select 55 has 1.9carbs per 12oz, Michelob Ultra & MGD 64 are good low carb beers too. I'm a red wine lover so I found Menage a Trois, a blended red only has 2.4carbs per 5oz. I also found the Pinot noirs run about 3.4-3.8 carbs per 5oz depending on the brand. And don't forget vodka & zero redbull (has zero cal & zero…
  • that is awesome! I'm hoping to be back down 3 more lbs but I'd be totally happy with more too.
  • I'm downn 1lb after one day. Today is day 2 so stay tuned. ;)
  • I'm down 1lb after the one day on the Fat Fast.
  • I'm on day 1, so I'm almost through my first day. I'm starting with 3 days, maybe 4? I'll post my daily progress as I find it out. I fell off the wagon this weekend, so I need to make up for it. Prior to that I was staying at the same two pound weight loss, like a yo-yo...up 2lbs, down 2lbs etc so I'm hoping this helps the…
  • My boyfriend called me Fat and now we're no longer together. No man who claims to love you would hurt you like that. Would make you feel less about yourself. And btw I'm 5'5" and the most I've ever weighed was 141 and now I'm at 132 and it keeps going down, I'm losing the weight for me and losing him as a boyfriend for me.…
  • I'm curious about what food people eat when they do the Fat Fast? I've heard cream cheese and macdamian nuts and there's no way I could do that even for 3 days.
  • I agree that you should do stuff for yourself. It you're comfortable with your body, than he should also be comfortable with it. And if not, I'm sure somebody else will love and appreciate you, just the way you are. =)
  • I'm in! I need some motivation my scale has been a yo-yo lately. :p
  • I stalled for an entire week but just ate some extra protein, cut my carbs to 10 a day & started losing again. I bought some atkins meals, bars & shakes but I'm scared to eat those since I heard some people stall after doing so. Don't give up you're doing great! :)
  • Oh and thanks for not poking fun at Plato versus plateau, lol.
  • Wow thanks for all the feedback! Love it.
  • Welcome to the club! I'm a little over 3 weeks in but I'm enjoying learning about things as i go. I also received my Atkins Essentials book in the mail today so I'm hoping to learn more by reading it too.
  • I've been on Atkins for 3weeks and 2 days and I've lost 7lbs so far. Good luck!
  • I'm with you. I have a terrible sweet tooth so I eat sugar free jello gelatin. I also have sugar free chocolate toffee squares and sugar free carmel pecan turtles, both made by Russell Stover. I also have sugar free Lifesavers both the rainbow colored ones and the wintergreen mints. I'm also looking for some new low carb…
  • I'll definitely check it out. :) Thanks.
  • I haven't really been logging any of my water intake. However I probably need more since I'm only around 5-6 80z glasses per day. As for exercise I've been walking 3 times a week, roughly 2-4 miles each time but I've always walked. So maybe I should do more or change what I'm doing (add in weights, classes, etc). Thanks…
  • My food diary is open. I'm at my 3rd week. However I need to eat more greens & veggies but I'm definitely good on my protein intake. Also I had an engagement party and a bachelorette party so I went over my carb limits on both those days. I've found better alternatives now so I'm back on the wagon and starting to lose…
  • I'm new to the group, this is my 3rd week and everyone has been super friendly and supportive with lots of good advice and comments. Welcome to the group!