

  • These are some from my playlist that keep me going while I run. Tom Petty Running Down A Dream Nickelback Animals Follow You Home Next Contestant Avenged Sevenfold Almost Easy Critical Acclaim Scream Streets Walk Buckcherry Next 2 You Brooklyn Crazy B**** Social Distortion Could Been Me Sick Boys The Story Of My Life Ring…
  • Finding what you like it the key. Try lots of different things. For me it was running and I never would have guessed that before I gave it a try. Outdoors is also best for me. Durning the week I have to start too early to be outside so I go to the gym. But on the weekends I try to get outside and even down to the beach for…
  • I get up at 4:30 and go to the gym. With a little one and needing to workout out home, there are great DVDs. 30SD and P90x are good. I find the early morning time peacful. I know no one is going to need me that early. :)
  • bump I am curious about this as well. I would an HRM without a chest strap.
  • That's just awesome! Way to go! Setting a great example for the kids
  • Great job! Sweat is good!!! It has taken me awhile, but I appreciate a good sweat now.....lol I wonder somtimes about the people at the gym before work, that seem to be just hangin out. Why get up so early if you are not going to WORK. May as well just stay in bed.
  • Great job! Sweat is good!!! It has taken me awhile, but I appreciate a good sweat now.....lol I wonder somtimes about the people at the gym before work, that seem to be just hangin out. Why get up so early if you are not going to WORK. May as well just stay in bed.
  • Just start over again today sweetie. Once crazy day will not undo all of the hard work you have done. We are looking for long term lifestyle changes. Along our way will be weddings and other fun days. Enjoy them and then move on. No guilt! :wink:
  • My confession.... Had friends over for a BBQ. Planned ahead and logged what I planned to eat, staying under goal. Completed my cuz I was committed. Then did not stick to my plan. Had to go back this morning and add in all the extras. An extra half slice of cake, one more beer and a glass of wine. Feeling a little guilty…
  • FABULOUS!! You go girl!!
  • Fantastic! You go girl!! :)
    in NSV!!! Comment by iamanne August 2011
  • Good for you! Your persistence will off! I was just sitting here feeling lazy. You post has motivated me to get out and run today in spite of my laziness and sore legs (they are mostly an excuse...lol) Thank you for your post.
  • I recently did the same and I agree that it is a good thing. It does keep us accountable and also allows for more support from our friends. They may be able to give us healthier options to what we are eating. It is scary to lay it all out there, but ultimately better for us in the long run. Just my opinion.
  • Do not let them get you down. People who are not doing the right thing don't want to think about what they are doing. You are not a hypocrite. You are person who has seen the error of their ways and has made a change. You are doing a hard amazing thing to change your life for the better. You are stronger than anyone's…
  • Excercise is good for so much more than weightloss. It's a good stress reliever, good for your heart and over all well being. if you don't to firm anything up just do some cardio. Your heart will thank you for it. :wink:
  • It's pretty self explanatory. I am Anne. :)
  • This is a great goal! 18 lbs will be 10% for me. Add me if you like. :)
  • Hi I am Anne. I am currently 180 lbs. My goals is 140-145. Feel free to add me and we can support one another. :happy:
  • You are an amazing inspiration! Thank you for posting your pics. You look fantastic. I hope that in a year I will be able to post similar pics. I ran a half marathon last weekend and barely made it through with a time of 2:58. My goal next year to finish below 2:30 and be able to walk around and enjoy the festivities…
  • Thank you so much for all your words of encouragement. I think I am back on track and ready to move on! You all are so great!!!
    in Epic Fail Comment by iamanne April 2011
  • It is amazing what our bodies can do if we work them and how much we can change them if we set our mind to it. I had never run in my life. I never thought I could. Last August my hubby and I joined a gym. I found l liked working out on a machine that simulated running, so I decided to try actual running in October. When I…
  • I use Nike over the ear sport earphones. They stay on my ears and are made to be sweated on. Hope that helps. :)
  • Once calibrated it is pretty accurate. I calibrate mine every month or so just to make sure, but it has been very close since the first time I calibrated it. To do it, just run a mile at your regular pace (find a place you know for sure is a mile). Tap end workout. The Nike+ may say somehting other than a mile. In the…
    in Nike+ Comment by iamanne February 2011
  • Looking at your diary, you are clearly not eating enough. You do not seem to be eating your exercise calories and on some days far below the 1200. You need to eat more for sure. Count your exercise calories and then eat them. You will feel so much better and be so much healthier. :flowerforyou:
  • You look great! Keep up the great work and will lose those last 13. Thanks for the pics. VERY motivational!! :happy:
  • Thank you all for the kick in the pants that I needed! I am off to run my miles!! Thanks Celo24 for the tip on the white. I totally had a white t-shirt on! LOL
  • You are already at a healthy weight for your height. It seems as though your body is where it needs to be and is therefore resistant to weight loss. A better option for you may be to focus on general fitness. Being healthier and stronger not necessarily lighter is probably the best goal for you.
  • Over the holidays I slipped a lot and actually put some weight back on. I was feeling fat and icky. today was the day I decided to get back on track! I think we can't get too down on ourselves or we will give up. Tomorrow morning just get up and start a new fresh day. All of our days can't be perfect eating days, so its ok…
  • Beer is quite high in calories, unless you drink a light beer like MGD light. It will kind of chick like but it doesn't have to be. Its a skinny girl cocktail. You can use what ever cocktail you like to drink and adapt it. The basic formula is as follows. 2 oz Liquor 2 oz Club soda or seltzer 2 oz of the thing that makes…
  • Best of luck! You can do it! Add me as a friend if you like. :smile: