acelynp2 Member


  • +14 at 18.5 weeks. The holidays were not pretty. THen I had business travel Also not pretty. Trying to stem the weight gain tide since I only wanted to gain 22-27 total.
  • I have the Perfect Pregnancy Workout V1 but haven't used it yet. It has workouts for each trimester and seemed to be a favorite on amazon. I didn't see all of the other ones listed on this thread so I will check some of them out too. Thanks!
  • Thanks! I have tried all of those. A pile of raw veggies is just not an appealing snack to me. I could do a few with a dip but that's it. Usually I do Greek yogurt or almonds, or triscuits and low fat cheese or a 100 calorie dark chocolate bar with a little peanut butter. But I am pregnant and starving and my doctor thinks…
  • This does sound like something I'd like! Thanks! I guess I should clarify--it's the idea of eating a pile of carrot sticks/celery sticks/snap peas etc that is unappealing, not the actual veggie. I love raw veggies in salad. But I am considering that the crunch and time to chew a raw veggie is a good snack tool.
  • Hi All, I am pregnant with my third (have a 10 and 8 yr old already) and due in June 2013. Please add me! I have been motivated seeing my usual friends on here but they keep losing and increasing their fitness and I am gaining and am not nearly as fit as I was pre-pregnancy. I wasn't allowed to exercise during the first…
  • You have gotten great advice and add me to the list of jogging stroller lovers (had a Bob many years ago). I would suggest trying Craig's List for deals. Same thing for if you want a bike trailer--try CL. Also, for the first few months, if you aren't going to be jogging, but walking instead, I recommend a Baby Bjorn or…
  • I don't find the bloat/gas issue too much, some bloat, I guess, but I usually only chew gum once a day. I know part of my issue is wanting to be munching on something and the gum is a crutch to get me past that. Often by the time the flavor wears off, I have either been adequately distracted or it is time for my next…
  • I find chewing gum with a strong flavor helps or drinking mint tea because sometimes all I want is a different taste in my mouth and mint doesn't mix with less helathy snacks very well. Some days though it's really hard not to give in. Often though looking at the calories of junk against my allotment can be a real turnoff…
  • Great stuff here! I really like: LMFAO Bruce Springsteen Billy Idol Eve--Inside Out Foster the People--Pumped up Kicks Pink--Raise your glass Cherry Poppin Daddies--Zoot Suit Riot U2-- Vertigo All American Rejects CCR-Proud Mary
  • Hi, I just saw this thread. I'm also looking for friends. Been doing MFP for a few months now and had some friend attrition so could use a few more! I have had the best connections with "twin" friends who are similar in age, fitness interests and weightloss needs. I am 42, mom to 2 girls (8 and 10), love running, spinning,…
  • Love love love the 30DS! I saw visible results after about 4-5 times of doing level 1. I added it to the rest of my workouts so I only do it 2-3x a week plus an hour long circuit class at the gym 1x. I always add 10-15 min extra cardio after the 30DS. On off days I run or spin or walk. I am now on Day 3 level 2 but taking…
  • Right there with you!!
  • Day 2 30DS Level 1 Ran 1.25 mi (~12 min mile pace) Cals:110 under (yay!) Weightloss: no change yet, hoping its my muscles retaining water Day 3: 1 hour circuit class walked 3.5 mi Wow am I tired. Might have to take tomorrow off so I don't strain my achilles and to recover. Then plan to kill it Fri and do a workout Sat a.m.…
  • sounds yummy!
  • What? No one is interested? It's day 2 now, not too late to join! Come on! Day 1 for me: Did 30 Day Shred, Level 2 Exercise bike for 12 mins, 100 cals, 2.3 mi Cals: good until dinner. Then sideswiped by a couple cupcakes and a piece of bread. Ugh. Back in the saddle today, hoping to improve.
  • Went to bed early enough last night to get enough sleep and not start the week tired. 6 Day of 30 Day Shred: started Level 2 Plus did some cardio
  • For me, it's a weekend thing. I can be really on point during the week but then when the weekends comes, things go awry. Lately, too, there have been so many eating/drinking events. I am almost to the point where I might quit drinking for awhile since this seems to add to the temptation of eating badly. I do find that…
  • Skipped day2 because I went to circuit class at the gym this morning. Between L1D1 and circuit, I am seriously sore. Planning to do L1D2 tomorrow and maybe go for a run or walk, if I can move that much. I read that Jillian recommends 2 days shred, 1 day cardio, 2 days shred, 1 day cardio, 1 rest. But, that doesn't quite…
  • Hi Everyone, I started today. Level 1. Definitely harder than I expected! My arms and shoulders are a little sore and my calves a bit too. Tomorrow I am doing my gym circuit class so I will skip the shred. Will do it again Sat morning, with a 3mi run or walk. Good luck!! We can do this!
  • PS Anyone looking for 30DS friends, please add me!
  • Hi Everyone! I just started today so this thread is quite timely. I consider myself to be in good shape and thought Level 1 would be fairly easy but it was a tough workout! And, for the alternate lunges, I couldn't lift both arms at once, had to alternate arms. I am using 5lb weights. Probably should get a set of 3lbs for…
  • Me too! Great results!!
  • I would be over the moon to lose 9 lbs by July 7! I hope it is possible. Friend me if you'd like to motivate each other on this. Also, bumping to see if anyone has any results stories. I know a ton of people do 30DS!
  • Is there a discussion at the beginning of the meal as to what to order? If so, then might be the time to say that you are on a restricted diet and will get your own check since you are not going to drink wine/eat apps. That eliminates the whole calculation of you versus them at the end. If you get there late, just ask for…
  • I get that it's really hard and frustrating but at some point you have to take control of your eating. If you don't want fast food, go buy something else. Why do you have to eat where she eats? Are you at a place with a kitchen or even a fridge? You don't have to eat ice cream and cheesecake (I get it that it's harder if…
  • Today: 2 min Yes, I definitely want to continue in June. I have a beach vacation at the beginning of July. I will start us a new group for June and send you all invites. Q: Do any of you see progress in your cores? I feel like I am more aware of my abs and holding them in more but I'm not sure I see a flatter belly. Maybe…
  • I can totally relate. It is hard to look in the mirror and see someone you don't want to recognize. And it is really hard how slowly the weight loss process can go. Sometimes I lose a lb and expect to look totally different because of all the effort losing that lb involved. The key is to find things that make you happy…
  • 1 min 10 secs. Tried to reset for a second and crashed after 10 secs. Ah well.
    in May 20th Comment by acelynp2 May 2012
  • You guys rock!! Multiple planks, a whole yoga plank class--WOW. Me: 1 plank, 1 min 40.
    in May 22 Comment by acelynp2 May 2012
  • 1 min 40 jlbay--I am sure you are getting stronger! I find there are some days where I can hold it and others where i am just wiped out. I made it to 2 min once this month and have yet to get back there. Until today, i had a whole week where I was struggling to get 50-60 secs. I do feel like my core is slightly tighter…
    in May 18 Comment by acelynp2 May 2012