leann_m_olson Member


  • anyone ever used a product called 'True Lemon', it's a lemon powder that you add to your water, i like it.
  • You are an inspiration!! I can't even wrap my mind about doing marathons, 5 miles is the longest races that I have done. Welcome. :flowerforyou:
  • Races should be run without ipods for safety reasons, or any running on the roads. You will find that you probably won't even miss them because your adrenal from all that is going on around you kicks in and you will need to have all your senses to take it all in. Have fun! :flowerforyou:
  • I sit on an excercise ball at work, ever chance I get I do ab crunches.
  • My used bike has lasted me 5 years, i wish i could afford a new one, will have to wait a few years until we are done paying for colleges!! Have fun on your bike, you're going to love it.
  • Well it was storming at 6am on Saturday morning and we were wondering what they would do about the tri but the rain stopped around 7:15 and we rode from our house to the packet pickup(1/2 mile from our home). By the time the swim started the sun was out and it ended up being a beautiful day!! My swim went well, frozen…
  • Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • sometimes lbs have used bikes. If your goal is to ride in organized rides or races definately get a road bike. I found mine used, ad online from a college student, Specialized for $500 with dura-ace components purchased 5 years ago and still racing her in tri's, love it, love the seat!! My husband purchased his Kestrel…
  • I wish I had a Trader Joe's around us, closest is over an hour and half away. :grumble:
  • you may also want to try changing up your foods and maybe your calories. Have you adjusted your goals since you started? Another suggestion would be to limit salt and drink more water. Good Luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Leah! :flowerforyou: You will love it here, great tools, great people!! Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • most don't allow it for safety reasons, as long as you are not looking to place top 3 in your age group then you could wear it but you would be dq from awards.
  • shake it off and don't stress! You may want to change up your excercising and/or your foods to trick your body out of a plateau. And if it's your TOM that would explain it as well. You may try limiting your salt intake and drinking more water. Whatever you do don't stress, stress makes you hold onto those pounds! Good…
  • You'd be surprised at how much more enjoyable bike riding would be if you had a bike fitted to you! But biking is not for everyone, try some other things to find what you enjoy. :flowerforyou:
  • You are a runner!! Congrats and keep running! :flowerforyou:
  • Don't sweat it, things always have a way of working out, and if they don't they don't. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. :flowerforyou:
  • Find a Sprint Triathlon in your area and train for that first. I love doing sprint tri's because they don't take as much training. I am from Indiana too, Valparaiso, we have a sprint tri this weekend here in our town! There are many throughout our state. Message me if you want to know more.
  • AwMyLoLo, didn't want you to be the post killer! :flowerforyou:
  • looks like the bad choice was the rolls, i have a hard time with bread myself, now I ask them not to bring them to the table. No problem though just have a better day tomorrow, one meal does not a failure make! :flowerforyou:
  • kd, i don't do dumbell workouts but do you go to a gym, you may want to check with a trainer there. As far as cardio, what do you like to do?? I like to run, bike, and swim, that's why i like triathlon's it gives me crosstraining and I don't get bored. I like the pic of your dogs on your ticker because it reminds me of my…
  • Looks like the holiday weekend got in the way! I didn't do as many ab crunches as i would have liked but I did more than I would have without the challenge. Even with the holiday weekend and attending an open house I felt like I did pretty good this weekend. Next weekend I have a tri, so busy doing last minute training…
  • Best thing is to mix it up. One day short and fast, next day intervals, another day for a long run. This helps develop your run distance and speed and also fools your body so it doesn't know what's coming next which helps you to lose weight. Good Luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • yes, most women retain water during tom, i seem to fluctuate about 2lbs during my tom.
  • Thankfully they are having lake swim practice this year before our town Tri, i'm going to swim in the lake Tues, Wed, thurs... race on Saturday. For anyone doing their first tri please get in a lake swim, it is so much different than swimming in a pool, helps you practice sighting.. Good Luck to all Triathletes this…
  • Cowboy Caviar, yum http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=29527
  • Thankfully the rain held. 45:15 Brickyard 5m - Hobart, IN. Hopefully it will make the run 5k part of the tri next week seem easier. Hope everyone else had a good run today as well!! And a Happy 4th of July! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :happy:
  • I just bought a couple pairs of running skorts, love them, they have compression shorts build in underneath.
  • how bout running in the rain? looks like that's what i'll be doing tomorrow morning! :laugh:
  • good luck! If you get bored on the treadmill step outside, fresh air will do you good. :flowerforyou:
  • thanks all, i'll try my best, rain or not. :smile: