MzMandi1025 Member


  • I have a George Forman. I decided to experiment a couple of weeks ago & use it to grill some asparagus I had bought. I just put a little bit of extra virgin olive oil on it with a little bit of sea salt & pepper, then put it on the Forman grill for a couple of minuets. I turned out pretty yummy.
  • A lot of people think I'm Italian or simply White. I'm actually Mexican & White (French/Swiss I believe). I can understand the Italian. I have tan skin, brown hair, & light brown eyes. Can't understand the just white because I'm pretty tan.
  • My husband claims to not care about the actual number, but I'm pretty sure it bothers him to some extent. I used to be pretty thin, but curvy when we started dating, then I got really thin & he said I was getting too skinny, then over the course of the last 6 years, I got really heavy. He says he's always found me…
  • Ok, I see. I have a friend that uses the eliptical because she has bad knees, it makes it hard for her to run. Maybe start out at a half mile. I'm 214 right now & I really hate running, but I can't deny the benefits, especially since I've noticed such a change in my endurance. I was an eliptical buff until my trainer said…
  • I used to love the eliptical, but my trainer told me that running is much better for you. So I started power walking/jogging on the treadmill & I noticed a huge difference. I've found that I burn more calories in 20 minuets on the treadmill than I do 30 min on the elpitical. Just curious, why wait until you're under the…
  • I need to hide mine as well. I've been doing my workouts & I've been doing my best when it comes to keeping my calories in line & it still hasn't budged. I have noticed that my clothes are fitting differently, so there's something else going on that's not exactly weight loss.
  • My husband bought me a New Balance HRM from one of the local sporting good stores. I think it cost him somewhere around 50 -65 dollars. Not sure. But It works really well. It has a chest strap that I barely notice & a watch that has different settings. I've noticed that when I'm doing cardio on the treadmill or eliptical,…
  • Sounds about right. I've tried lifting before I do my cardio & I don't burn quite as much. But if I do about 10-15 min of cardio, then lift, I'll burn more. After I'm done lifting, I'll finish off the last 20 min of cardio. I think it has something to do with your heart rate being up. You'll burn more calories.
  • I eat back enough to net at least 1200. Sometimes I go over. I was losing consistantly until I stopped eating back my exercise calories. My weight loss pretty much stalled, then I gained weight when I started eating them back. That little experiment set me back about a month or so & I'm just now starting to get back on…
  • My husband & I each have a membership at LA Fitness. It's $30 a month for each of us, so there's $60 right there. I have my daughter, niece & nephew enrolled in the kids club program that's $10 per kid, so another $30 a month. Plus, I have my training package. That's another $112. So I'm at almost $200 per month for gym…
  • I love this girl!
  • A 60 min walk is an exercise in itself. I would totally be tracking that as part of my calories burned.
  • You literally have to force yourself to do it. I know that I can't workout at home. I've tried. Once my butt hits the couch, it's done. So I joined a gym, & I was doing really well getting into a routine of going. Lately, I've had a couple of bad weeks where I just couldn't make it to the gym. Then my schedule calmed down…
  • Awww, I'm sorry this happened! I've made myself sick during training sessions at least 3 times. Never vomitted, both trainers that I've had did a good job listening to me when I said I wasn't feeling good. I have come close though. I notice that I get sick if I've gone too long without eating, then try & do an intense…
  • I'm 5'1 & initially my goal was to get to 156, that is the weight I need to be at a healthy BMI. Overall, I would like to get to 135, but for now I will be happy to get out of the 200's.
  • I'm actually losing weight so that I can get pregnant again. I'm not scared about gaining weight back. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I did really well & only gained 15 lbs. I was overweight to start, so I was very careful not to gain anymore weight than I needed to. After I had her, I dropped a lot of weight in a…
  • I actually eat a lot of protien & recently, I've started to get really hungry. Like, I just ate dinner & it was a pretty good dinner, but I'm hungry again & I'm fighting the urge to just munch. My husband, who has an extremely fast metabolism, says welcome to his life. So it could be a possiblilty that your metabolism has…
  • I originally got some protien powder so I can drink my shakes after I work out. But it was a little bit of a hassle since I don't work out close to home. So I just started drinking my protien shakes in the mornings when I eat my cereal.
  • Bump so I can watch the series later.
  • I feel like I'm on track, but everytime I get on the scale I realize that I'm behind. up until the beginning of May, I was losing, now I've been gaining & losing the same 4 pounds it's driving me nuts. Sometimes I just want to stop & go back to my old habits, but I keep thinking that eventually it's bound to fall into…
  • This sounds yummy! I'm definately gonna have to try it!
  • This is a common question on this site. From personal experience, I say to eat back some of your exercise calories. You don't have to eat them all, but enough to at least net 1200-1400. My calorie intake is set to 1630 a day with 1 1/2 lb loss per week. When I was eating back my exercise calories, I was consistantly losing…
  • Both of the trainers I've had swear by running. They say it's the best cardio. I hate running, but I wasn't really seeing a whole lot of results with the eliptical. I tried interval running, but I kept losing track of my time. Now, I follow along with the track, I walk the curves, then jog the straights. I haven't noticed…
  • I dislike spinning. I've tried it a few different times at 2 different gyms. I wasn't a fan. I used to like doing Yoga, but they don't have a class during a time that I can go. So the one that I loved to go to was Zumba, but I haven't gone in a really long time. I do want to get back into that tho. & I would also like to…
  • My faves were what I call the Beyonce Butt Lifts. My first trainer was watching this special on Beyonce & one of her exercises was to do pelvic thrusts on an exercise ball. You move down on the ball so that your head & shoulders are resting on it, keeping your feet flat on the floor & push your pelvis up, then drop your…
  • Hello & thanks for the invite! I just turned 28 yrs old, I've been married to my HS sweetheart for a little over 3 1/2 years. He's been so awesome & supportive throughout this whole process considering how much weight I've gained since we started dating 10 years ago. We have a 3 1/2 year old little girl who is my pride &…
    in Welcome! Comment by MzMandi1025 May 2012
  • My sister did it & lost a lot of weight, but once she started eating normally, she gained it all back. Also, the instructions weren't clear, so she ended up drinking an excessive amount in a short period of time & got sick. My brother in laws are going to start this next week. I just have to shake my head at them. I don't…
  • Awesome job! I've been working out since October too, but I haven't seen nearly as much progress. I did recently start running on the treadmill. I always hated running, so it's weird to me that I actually enjoy it now.
  • For some reason, during my 4 day work week I can be really strict & stick to my calories no problem. On my weekend, which is 3 days, it's more difficult for me. I usually have 1 to 2 days where I just completely forget my calories & eat whatever. Very rarely do I go insanely over my limit, but this week I had a date night…
  • I have been working with a trainer since October. I haven't seen a whole lot of physical results. Mainly because I didn't have my eaiting under control. But I've become more confident ont he machines & my endurance has gone up. I think when my sessions end tho, I'm not going to renew them. I know enough to go it alone now.