Anybody working with a personal trainer?



  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    I've worked with a couple of different trainers since I started to focus on getting healthy (back in 2006). I love my current trainer and have been with him for the last two years. He keeps me movtivated and committed to hitting the gym regularly. On top of that, we have group training so I work with a group of women who have similar intensity and drive which keeps me focused and moving forward. We feed off of each other and he's awesome about addressing our goals and concerns.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I see one once a week but do a lot on my own. I like that I get "pushed" to go beyond what I am instructed to do on a DVD or in a group class. As with all healthy initiatives, I really think time with the trainer is what what WE make of it. The fact that YOU are doing your tracking and taking the initiative is GREAT! Best of luck with your programs!!
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    I have been working out with the same trainer for just over 2 years, and have no plans to ever stop!

    I joined a gym in 2009 and worked with a different trainer. He was a nice enough guy, but
    for the eight months I worked with him, I juggled the same 5lbs up n down. He ended up
    leaving the gym and was replaced by my current trainer. In 6 months time, I lost over 25lbs
    and gained muscle and a boat load of confidence! Under his wing I have completed two
    5 k's (both of which he was running at my side), and indoor triathalon, and just this weekend,
    my first WarriorDash- his wife running along side me for that one. (He apparantly didnt want to
    get dirtly lol). I currently workout with him every Wednesday and take his TRX class on Fridays.

    I adore him and his wife both. He not only taught me the right things to do in the gym to get in shape,
    but goes over my diet regularly and has a genuine interest in my success. One of my biggest motivating
    factors in continuing this journey of getting stronger and healthier, is to never disappoint him.

    I think trainers can be just what a good many of us need- support and motivation. Finding the right one for
    your personality is the trick. Having a trainer costs money, but I choose to blow my "funny money" on
    workout sessions with him- the same amount others may blow on takeout food and java fixes in a week!
    The gym membership I consider health insurance!
  • MzMandi1025
    MzMandi1025 Posts: 78 Member
    I have been working with a trainer since October. I haven't seen a whole lot of physical results. Mainly because I didn't have my eaiting under control. But I've become more confident ont he machines & my endurance has gone up. I think when my sessions end tho, I'm not going to renew them. I know enough to go it alone now.
  • booksreadinthedark
    I've had a trainer for a couple of months now, and I've dropped about 12 inches overall, and hit one of my fitness goals a lot sooner than I thought I would (2000 foot climb). Even more surprisingly, I wasn't really sore the following day after that climb aside from my hip and ankle flexors.

    I feel a lot more confident doing strength training (I'm actually in the man-weight area in the squat rack a lot now!) after having her coach me on form. I had REALLY crappy form with everything from planks to core work to lifting before, and I'd constantly be sore because I wasn't using the right muscle groups. Now, my glutes & quads do most of my work, and I feel like it's made a huge difference.
  • DeeMonjure2B
    DeeMonjure2B Posts: 12 Member
    I am a trainer and Im glad that you have started tracking your calories and the foods your eating. I personally think that trainers cost too much money but thats just me. I dont think you need a trainer if losing weight is what people are going after. Your on the right track now though because I have my clients get a profile here as well. Your diet is 85% of your progress. Do this here and do cardio (walking on treadmil, eliptical, walking outside, run sprints, etc.) Kudos for taking this into your own hands. I do what I do because I wanted to help people. There are TONS of trainers out there that dont care, DONT know what they are talking about, and do it so that they can say that they are a "personal trainer". All kind of nonsense. I personally KNOW the struggle of being obese. I have lost 100 pounds since my last child (she is 4 now), so I know and want to help others to accomplish the same thing. Just look for someone who knows what they are talking about, shop around and even if you can find someone who can identify with what you may be dealing with that would be great. You got this gal! Im gonna add you if thats okay. :)
    Also if you have a facebook check out DeeVa Dungeon. Thats my gym. Good luck girl!
  • biancamcewan
    I've worked out with several different personal trainers over the past 7 years, the best are the one's (male or female) who have a lot of experience and have several strings to their bow. The best was a fellow who was qualified to train women throughout pregnancy, the elderly, rehabilitation and sports people so he knew what he was doing, and was the nicest in the pushy kind of way a PT should be. Also he regularly coached me on my diet - and this made me lose weight, tone up and fit within three months and i havnt needed to do any more PT sessions since. So if you can get a good PT who also pushes you with your diet - defo the best results, you just have to work hard!
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Hey! I have a personal trainer. We are only in our third week but I love it! She really pushes me to do things I never thought I could do!

    Add me!!!