

  • hebenn01
    hebenn01 Posts: 43 Member
    Not bad at all girly! I over ate by about 450 calories yesterday and I don't care! I've eaten 1250 for 6 weeks and every day I've eaten right around there so I am totally okay with it! Now if you start to do it every day...eek! But overall, I say don't worry!
  • For me, it's about losing that word "cheat" and other terms that bring a negative vibe to the process. I've battled my overweight condition for 30 years, off and on. These last six weeks have been my most successful attempt during that entire time and one major shift was to move away from feelings of shame and inadequacy. Another realization has been that I will forever have to monitor my food intake and MFP really is the most convenient way to do that EVER. Sometimes I shudder while entering my choices for a day but I do it anyway because on the days when I make better choices, I can look back and see that I'm doing better. Recently I had a Drumstick ice cream cone three days in a row and didn't even necessarily exceed my calorie limit. But seeing that on my food diary helped steer me back to saner choices and made me aware of a nasty trend before it went on any longer. I've come to believe that as long as I am honest with my diary and review it with an eye for trends and, then, make necessary adjustments, I'll be okay in the long run. I have never been successful with blocking out weekends to indulge or rewarding myself on Fridays for doing well the previous six days. Every time I have used that strategy to try to lose weight, I have been unable to make permanent changes in my food behaviors. Life is not predictable and I have to be constantly aware of what I'm eating. To me, that's one of the keys -- constant awareness. Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself!! Take heart that you're reaching out for support. That's vital!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes!! I am regretting the Five Guys burger and fries I had while out shopping yesterday. Five Guys is new to my town and I'd heard such great things I thought I'd give it a try. It was good, but when I saw the calorie count all I could think of was how I could have had a much larger homemade burger for the same calories (and for much cheaper!).
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    The loaded Nachos at Turner Field in Hotlanta are beyond sinful. I have dreams about those nachos.

    not kidding

    OMG, he ain't lyin... :wink:
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Every weekend for me is CHEAT weekend! I eat whatever I want! However, I am very strict during the week. I think my body appreciates the fact I eat "real" food on the weekends & has rewarded me with pounds lost on the scale. :bigsmile:

    I kinda do the same thing...........I dont' really log on the weekends, but the weight consistantly comes off. I eat the same thing every day during the week, lol. Weird, I know, but I don't's only 5 days. :) But it's also INCREDIBLY important that I work out M-F every day. :) If I don't, I'm screwed. :laugh:

    I DO make healthy choices where I can on the weekends, but this is real life, and I've found what works for ME. :happy:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Every weekend for me is CHEAT weekend! I eat whatever I want! However, I am very strict during the week. I think my body appreciates the fact I eat "real" food on the weekends & has rewarded me with pounds lost on the scale. :bigsmile:

    This makes me curious. What do you eat during the week that you don't consider "real" food?
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    So I said screw it this weekend and didnt count calories. My kids had 6 baseball games this weekend and I cant lie I hit up the snack shack for some tastey nachos. UUUUUGH SOOOO mad at myself. But the worse part about it is that Im starving now bc I let myself eat aweful all weekend. Anyone else ever cheat on the weekends??? :sad: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    We spend the whole weekend away from home 75% of the time for travel 18U fastpitch softball. So we take a cooler with fruits,nuts,wraps and water.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    awww, wook at her wittle baby binge, so cute


    I cheat almost every weekend(: and if I don't cheat on the weekend, then I cheat on a weekday ;P lol

    I cheat once a week, EVERY week... and I go all out(: Think fish tacos, tortilla chips, candy, soda, pizza, fried foods... all the good stuff(;

    And you know what? I'm still losing! I'm okay with setting aside a specific 'cheat day' every week(: it keeps me sane, and - like I said - I'm still losing! :D
  • FindingFit127
    FindingFit127 Posts: 69 Member
    Don't feel bad!! I ate a bunch of cheese puffs saturday night but luckily I was still under my calorie goal. Then yesterday I ate a whopper with cheese and medium fries and sprite from burger king :( That in itself was almost over my calorie goal and this morning when I worked out it seemed like I was sluggish and couldn't work out as hard as I have been. Made me wonder it if was from that whopper and fries! But oh well, it's a new week time to get right back into it!!! WE GOT THIS!!!!!!!!! :)
  • I'm looking for a lifestyle change, not to stop living. I probably go over two or three days a week, but I'm my opinion it's the end of the week tally that's important. As long as I'm at or around that weekly calorie count I feel that I've achieved my goal. I still love my pizza and sweet snacks once in a while, I just do a little more excersise to burn off the extra calories. It must be working, as I am down 31 lbs. from the start of the year. Keep up the good work and don't give up.
  • The loaded Nachos at Turner Field in Hotlanta are beyond sinful. I have dreams about those nachos.

    Oh, the Ted! ("THIS IS WHY WE CHOP!")
  • I went to a wedding on Saturday, totally gorged at the reception, and spur-of-the-moment decided that wedding calories don't count. =) I was in the wedding, so I did enough walking, stairs, and carrying stuff that I probably burned half of it off anyway... Good thing a HRM doesn't "go" with bridal wear!
  • Harmoman
    Harmoman Posts: 42 Member
    So I said screw it this weekend and didnt count calories. My kids had 6 baseball games this weekend and I cant lie I hit up the snack shack for some tastey nachos. UUUUUGH SOOOO mad at myself. But the worse part about it is that Im starving now bc I let myself eat aweful all weekend. Anyone else ever cheat on the weekends??? :sad: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    I had a performance Saturday, and then a "cast party" at a pizza shoppe.... I shared a pitcher of beer and all you can eat Pizza...
    (totally felt guilty)
    Yesterday, I got back on my Vi Shakes... then the family went to the cheesecake factory... I indulged on the Bang Bang Chicken and Shrimp (1300 cals)... I said No to the 2050 calorie dinners :-)

    I'm feeling a little extra fat today.... even after my mile walk...
  • LHudson53
    LHudson53 Posts: 126
    I think it's important to have cheat meals. The only thing that will destroy you is if you feel guilty and think, what the heck, I blew it anyway so I might as well just keep eating crap.

    Have a bad meal, or a bad day, then get back to your healthy eating. You'll be fine!!!!
  • MzMandi1025
    MzMandi1025 Posts: 78 Member
    For some reason, during my 4 day work week I can be really strict & stick to my calories no problem. On my weekend, which is 3 days, it's more difficult for me. I usually have 1 to 2 days where I just completely forget my calories & eat whatever. Very rarely do I go insanely over my limit, but this week I had a date night with Hubby & I was over by almost 1500. It's kind of set me back a bit because I've been gaining & losing the same 3 pounds for a few weeks now. I think I'm gonna have to take away my cheat days for a little bit until I can get it all under control.
  • Harmoman
    Harmoman Posts: 42 Member
    I think it's important to have cheat meals. The only thing that will destroy you is if you feel guilty and think, what the heck, I blew it anyway so I might as well just keep eating crap.

    Have a bad meal, or a bad day, then get back to your healthy eating. You'll be fine!!!!

    Great point! It's not a big deal to fall off the wagon..... It's a big deal to NOT get BACK UP!
  • ZL9685
    ZL9685 Posts: 47 Member
    I think it's important to have cheat meals. The only thing that will destroy you is if you feel guilty and think, what the heck, I blew it anyway so I might as well just keep eating crap.

    Have a bad meal, or a bad day, then get back to your healthy eating. You'll be fine!!!!

    I need to read this each time I mess up, I have a tendency to go "ah screw it" and eat more crap because I feel I've failed. Good advice here, hmmm...