Hi Friends! I was born in Traverse City. Grew up in a small town in the "pinky" (Leelanau County). I live in Chicago now but we have a little summer house in Coloma on PawPaw Lake!
I was born in Traverse City. Grew up in a small town in the "pinky" (Leelanau County). I live in Chicago now but we have a little summer house in Coloma. :heart:
Hi Walking Buddy!!!! You can dooooo this!!! :love:
I love them! I don't, by any means, consider them a "healthy food" but they add a nice amount of sweet and I never get the sugar crash! I usually have a good high fiber breakfast and then eat two of these for a light snack before lunch and then two of these as a mid afternoon snack if I have a sweet craving. My husband…
Although I didn't necessarily think the books were great, I agree with THIS! ^^^ :tongue:
Thanks for the recomendations! Lara Adrian also has a great vampire series (Midnight Breed). 10 books in all - great plot line, good kinerky, and well written! :)
AGREED! The writing was horrific to say the least! She needed to get herself a thesaurus! I'm pretty sure if I read "bemused" or "mercurial" one more time I would scream. Plus, the plot is completely over the top. Don't get me wrong. I'm into some Kinky F-ery but this was unrealistic. Grey was f'd up. I don't find it…
Good point considering that 50% of Americans still like can't say EVERYONE... Ok, back to the game ;) Orlando Bloom - bang Justin Timberlake - marry Adrien Brody - kill
The nature valley protein bars are delish and filling! apples, bananas, nuts, seeds. peanut butter sandwich?
I was soooo upset that Lexie died. SO not fair! She was one of my favorite characters. Being that the actors who play Meredith, Derek, and Yang have all signed on for the next couple of years, I doubt they are going to get killed off...
I'm sorry you're experiencing this! I know personally how stressful it can be! I didn't have great results but I'm hoping you do! Unfortunately you'll just have to wait and see. Take it easy today! Try to relax (I know...easier said than done)
I so hope your baby is ok!!!!
30 when the pic was taken :) @Selma 27?
:laugh: :laugh: Agreed! I heard this on CNN last night and moms were talking about locking up everything from hand sanitizer to whipped cream cans! WTF! Seriously?!?! Teach you kids about the dangers and if they still do it then it's Darwinism at its finest! I say let 'em do it...
A tired dog is a good dog! :)
I just love your story!!!!! :heart: :heart:
Sounds like fun! Count me in! :)
Nikki, I tore my PCL about 10 years ago. I had surgery on it but it's never been the same. If your doctors says don't run then PLEASE don't run!!! The best exercises for the knees are those that build up your quads as those are the muscles that support your knees. Biking would be an excellent, low impact option. There are…
:heart: ^^^ LOVE ^^^ :heart:
THANK YOU! :drinker: Puh-lease people! It's a light version of a recipe! If you don't like the recipe, don't eat it and if you don't like the post, for pete's sake, don't reply to it! We're here to SUPPORT each other...not berate. Boo on you!
muahahhahahahaha! :laugh:
Bear... bear*ucker, do you need assistance?
oooooooh, now why didn't I think of that!
No, that's jumping backwards on the front lawn in the middle of a snow storm wearing a PINK bikini. Sheesh...get it right... :wink:
PLEASE (and this is for everyone out there) DO NOT USE WEBMD!!! It's so unreliable and, as someone said before, only leads to cancer, aka, freaking people out unnecessarily. So, with that said. Take a pregnancy test and then go to the doc. Or reverse the order. :flowerforyou:
Good Morning Loserville! I would love to join as well!!! Name: Kate Age: 31 Location: Chicago IL What are your main motivations for losing weight?: Keep healthy and fit What exercises do you like doing most?: ZUMBA! :) What's your biggest food weakness?: CAKE...omg, I love cake! CAKE CAKE CAKE :) Where are your favourite…
STAIR CLIMBING!!!!! I am in the same position as you! I have horrible saddle bags and noticed that once I started walking up (and down) the stairs at work 2-3 times a day (about 4-5 floors each time) they started going away!! I couldn't believe it!!! Good luck to you!