mitchet Member


  • fresh mozzarella and basil. simple and so yummy!
  • how many doctors have you gone to about your thyroid? if only one, get a second, even a third opinion. check out the site: for more info, best site out there! if you also have PCOS, it could be that, even if your fasting insulin levels are normal. (i am hypo + PCOS so i know!). but don't give…
  • great job!
  • are you tired in the day and then get a second (or third) wind late in the evening? if yes, check out adrenal fatigue.
  • I'm also in the Nashville area! welcome! i don't know of any walking groups, but i do know of free fit clubs if you are interested :)
  • yes, i eat way more when i am tired! as for chocolate cravings.... chocolate Shakeology helps me a lot. i used to pig out during PMS and TOM (actually my PMS is way worse :( ) but my cravings really subsided wit the Shakeology. and if all else fails.... sugar-free, fat-free chocolate fudge jello pudding made with skim…
  • i LOVE Turbo Fire. i started with Turbo Jam, then went to ChaLean Extreme and now Turbo Fire (and Turbo Kick, her non-Beachbody version). i love them. great music, party atmosphere, and i love Chalene. I burn a ton of calories and always want to keep going. i also love the different layers she has. you can follow the…
  • i have tried and tried to eat it plain and just cannot. but my doctor insists that i have it everyday (yeast issues....) so i started putting it in my shakes each day and i LOVE it that way. I usually use the 1 serving Oikos containers in my shakes. Chobani is on sale this week so i will be getting that instead.
  • great thread! hubby and i are definitely interested in doing this. most of the veggies at our grocery store are almost tasteless :(
  • i follow Body Bugg on Facebook and they have a pretty good deal on them through 4/7. i am so tempted.
  • I also have it. controlled through BCP and a supplement and i generally follow low GI diet.
  • i really want one of these, but i am holding off for now. i think it is a great tool for people who are doing everything right and not seeing the results they want (either losing or maintenance). i know that i am not doing everything i can be right now, so that is why i haven't gotten one yet.
  • Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire vids are a lot of fun. great music, fun moves.
  • bumping! i have completely fallen off the wagon. i need a major *kitten*-kicking from you ladies. good news: fitness center opening at DH's work will have classes soon. bad news: having minor surgery next week, but will derail my activities for a few more days :(
  • Laura's back :) yay! yeah, so i have been totally off track for awhile now. i am just not feeling it :( but when i look in the mirror i want to cry. just found out this morning that the fitness center at hubby's work is going to be offering classes soon. i am so hoping for a Turbo Kick style class and a sculpt class. and…
  • have you been tested for thyroid function or PCOS? reading your post about not losing weight makes me think of those two things right away. also, for your headaches... have you had your vision checked lately? when i got new contacts this year, my headaches suddenly vanished. good luck!
  • come on toots99 you can do it! just think, if you eat good the rest of the week, you will probably hit the 15 pound mark. if not.... well, nobody to blame but yourself. i did much better yesterday. had a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich for my dessert instead of inhaling brownie. i love these Skinny Cow treats, because they…
  • we try to check in everyday. that way it is a daily kick :)
  • thank you for the tough love. unfortunately, i have a cold that feels like it is heading into a chest cold :( so no working out until that is better. i did hula hoop last night for awhile and it cheered me up a bit. going to do so again today when i am feeling stressed.
  • i seriously need some tough love. i have not been feeling good and am totally overwhelmed with school. today my eating SUCKED. i had 3 brownies :( on top of that, when i was at school today i was wearing my biggest pants and they were feeling very tight :( please give me some tough love.
  • i am sick :( ugh. trying to eat as healthy as possible, which i do a pretty good job. went for a walk yesterday, but that is all i can muster up.
  • hurray for Tough Love! i need it badly. i have figured out that my biggest issue is PORTION CONTROL. i usually eat healthy, but eat like 3x the amount i should. so that is going to be my biggest priority.