1:30 AM and I can't sleep! HELP!!!

lalalalyndsey Posts: 565
edited September 26 in Chit-Chat
I didn't know where else to post this to I posted it here.

Anyways, I have a sleeping problem... obviously! I try to go to sleep at a fairly reasonable time, but when I try to go to sleep I end up laying there for hours!! I don't like taking sleeping pill because they make me a zombie the next day (even over-the-counter... melatonin, unisom etc.). I'm a legal assistant at a really small firm and my attorney doesn't really require me to be at work very early (lucky me!),but I see this as being a permanent career, and I know that I am going to be required to wake up early in the future! I feel like I have tried everything... sleeping pills, tiring foods, exercise, not watching tv/eating/being on the computer before bed, resetting my internal clock (by staying awake all night and going to sleep early the next day, reading books, counting sheep etc...

Does anyone have any tricks/tips for falling asleep... this is getting really old and I'm tired of being exhausted during the day and then not being able to sleep at night!!! Please help!


  • canaussie
    canaussie Posts: 168 Member
    Maybe you've already tried this, but Melatonin?
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Lavender oil is very good! You put it in your pillows before you go to bed.

    Have you tried reading with a lamp on? This helps me x
  • I'm right there with ya!! I don't sleep very often if at all. It's 4:54am and i still haven't gotten to sleep, My doctor linked being overweight to my sleep issues and said i wasn't exhausting myself enough during the day. Well now i think i've sufficiently exhausted myself by working out and i'm still unable to sleep. I'm about to go through a divorce though so that could be the source of my current insomnia. Previous to this tragic happening in my life i wasn't able to sleep then either.
    I've heard St.Johns Wort and Melatonin work well for some people. You may want to give that a shot.
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
    I've had the same problem for a while and I HAD to get up early for school, so my doctor gave this thing called Relaxine. It probably exists under other names, but it's some sort of tranquilizer on herbal basis (valerian) which relaxes your muscles and your body so your brain can relax too and you go to sleep fairly quickly, but it doesn't have the strong effect of a sleeping pill, it's not addictive and you can take it over a longer period on a regular basis. You might want to give it a go :)
  • Melatonin I have tried! And lavender I have tried also... I bought a pillow with lavender in it and It doesn't help... I think I may have insomnia, but I'm not sure... I don't want to be prescribed to any meds because I have somewhat of an addictive personality and don't wanna take the risk. Over the counter meds make me feel super zombie-like the next day so I don't like taking them either.

    @Kichel... never heard of Relaxine... is it over the counter, or prescription?

    @ashley... what is st.johns wort? I'm from California... not sure if you are from the states... but do they have it here?

    @ceri... I have tried reading with the light on! I swear nothing works! Ugh I hate this!

    Thanks for your advice! I hope that I find something that works because this is getting old!!
  • hllamaster
    hllamaster Posts: 137 Member
    I've tried everything sleep has never been my friend
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Do you have anxiety issues during the day?
    Is this a recent thing, or long standing?
    Are you on any medication it could be a side effect from?

    My sleeping is pretty hit and miss. I have had terrible phases of insomnia where i wouldnt sleep a wink all night long no matter how tired i was, and tried most remedies people can think of, good sleep hygeine etc. I get anxiety problems though which dont take much to trigger off, but if i keep that under control its a lot better for my evening sleep.
    I have to be careful with alcohol, because that stops me sleeping. A glass of red wine is ok, but white wine or spirits or any other alcohol will keep me awake all night long.
    I also have to be careful not to do anything exciting or fun in the evening. If i went out to see a band etc, or visit friends till late, thats my sleeping screwed that night.
    I cant drink coffee past 4pm
    I cant sleep the first few days of my period. Hormonal insomnia

    I have been prescribed several different sleeping tablets. Zopiclone, zolpidem and temazepam.
    Its a bit hit and miss if they work or not. If the insomnia is to do with anxiety or alcohol they tend not to work very well because they dont override adrenaline, but sometimes they do work and its good. I used to get a hangover from them, but not anymore, or if i do, its only for a couple of hours in the morning, whereas not sleeping at all leaves me unable to function very well at all the next day, so its not too bad a pay off.

    Contraversially sometimes i smoke a bit of weed in the evenings if im having trouble drifting off and that actually works better than anything else ive tried, with less side effects, but im not a big fan usually because im not actually a smoker, but for this issue its a godsend sometimes.

    I dont like being reliant on anything to get me to sleep, so i will always try and get to sleep on my own first, and then if im not asleep within an hour, i know im not going to sleep at all, so ill come downstairs and either have a smoke or take a sleeping pill, and normally thats ok.

    Ive actually found that since ive started running a lot, my sleeping has much improved, and i read somewhere that running distances actually depletes adrenal stores quite nicely as opposed to a lot of other exercises, so that could be why.

    The herbal supplement 5htp works quite well for a lot of people if taken in the evening. That might be worth a try?
  • Gennienm
    Gennienm Posts: 14
    Have you tried chiropractic adjustments? Tense muscles cause by bones out of place may be a reason for your sleepless nights.

    Also, food needs to be stopped by 8 p.m.. Drink a herbal hot tea like Sleepy Time about an hour before you go to bed, and also a warm bath, not hot just warm enough to sooth.

    Breathing techinques are what I use as well, relaxation awareness, when you do go to bed, three deep inhales and softly blow out mouth. Start by relaxing the toes and feet, ankles, calfs, knees, thighs, soft breathing, relax theses areas, then hips, pelvis, and stomach relaxed, three soft deep breathes, relax chest, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrist, hands and fingers, three breathes, relax neck and face, If you are still tense anywhere, start again.

    There are many herbal OTC products that are safe and not expensive or habit forming, contact your local health food shop.:flowerforyou:

    Another thought, have your thyroid checked by your doctor the next visit, T3 and T4 levels for sure, request the blood test.:smile:
  • EXERCISE.... not only will it help you sleep better, it will help you get to sleep....

    I used to work nights & was left with a sleep disorder... I was ALWAYS told NEVER to lay in bed for more than 15 minutes... if you havent fell asleep in 15-20 minutes, get up & do something for about 30 minutes then go back & try again.... exercise is perfect for those 30 minutes
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    there are also some good sleep hypnosis videos on youtube, which i really liked.
    They didnt actually make me fall asleep but they really helped me wind down and elax which might be enough for you x
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Most have been a night for not sleeping, I was up at 1:30 as well, got right up and took 2 sublinqal melatonin. these are from GNC have not found them anywhere else that they are sublinqual. These get into your blood stream faster. Our doctor suggested it for my son that can't fall asleep and is up at the crack of dawn. So the strength 1mg is more for a child. So thats why I take 2.

    You may want to try those
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    Do you smoke? When I quit smoking I started sleeping better. I used to go days without sleeping despite being highly active at the time.
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    are you tired in the day and then get a second (or third) wind late in the evening? if yes, check out adrenal fatigue.
  • See the doctor. Get a blood test, you may need vitamins or something like that.
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    Damned if Kristen ain't right, see a doctor. Let them know about your concerns regarding medications causing grogginess.
  • Damned if Kristen ain't right, see a doctor. Let them know about your concerns regarding medications causing grogginess.

    Of course I'm right! :laugh: But in all seriousness, I went to the doctor for my regular check-up and told her how I was having trouble sleeping, falling asleep then waking up at odd hours. She did a blood test to see if my horomone levels were off. They weren't but she found out I was seriously lacking Vitamin D so I started taking it, and I've seen a difference in everything I do now. So it could be horomones, vitamins, you never know until you see the doc.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    my doctor never did anything like that, even when i went in crying my eyes out because i hadnt slept AT ALL and sleeping pills werent working.

    She said if night sedation didnt work, then there was nothing else they could offer me
  • Gennienm
    Gennienm Posts: 14
    :flowerforyou: If any doctor does not listen:ohwell: to your health information, get up and walk away:explode: ! Never become a docile patient when there are matters that need medical attention, find a new doctor ! NOW !
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    I used to have a problem getting to sleep.. i would lay in bed for at least an hour or 2 just waiting to fall asleep tossing and turning.

    For the past 6 weeks i have been waking up at 5:30am to go to the gym and get an hour work out in before i start my day and then i also train Jiu-jitsu in the evenings so i stay pretty active and now when i get home after practice i have dinner, read a little bit and or watch TV and then as soon as my head hits the pillow im out. so staying active and getting a nice exercise schedule together might help.
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    I used to be an insomniac as well - but once I started hitting the gym regularly I fall asleep pretty quickly now. I noticed when I took a few weeks off from the gym it was a problem again, so apparently getting your workout on helps!
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