PCOS/Insulin Resistance Anyone, Anyone??



  • spoozy
    spoozy Posts: 51 Member
    I have it...so much fun! -_- I just got prescribed meformin a couple weeks ago, and I'm on the pill (apri) because my periods were out of wack. also used to take spironilactone or however the heck you spell it.
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I also have pcos. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am always here for anyone who wants to vent about pcos
  • HeatherCanDoIt
    HeatherCanDoIt Posts: 165 Member
    Hey, I have PCOS as well, I have been dealing with it for about 17 years and I have all of the horrible symptoms of it! I used metformin durning the 4 years I spent trying to get pregnant, I will not go back on it as it made me feel quite sick all the time. I will be going back to the doctor to figure out what to do now to get some of my symptoms under control. I have been most successful at droping weight when I stay totally away from sugar but that is so hard and I am not that strong!!!
  • HeatherCanDoIt
    HeatherCanDoIt Posts: 165 Member
    done low gi still trying to stick to it , i toohave the excess hair thing but can not afford the laser treatment as of yet so ... i try to keep on top of that with waxing or razor ...seriously i am the origonal bearded lady lol. my drs would not give me metaformin unless i had another test with dye etc to check that my tubes were clear etc i did not want said test i have had enough of being poked around etc its only taken them just under 6 years to diganose...serioulsy i could have told them from day one anyways enough of that , i exercise usually an hour a day i drink as much water as i can get in , was on the stuff to make you have a cycle just to reduce the chances of cancer but am now slowly having a cycle every other month . it is a very difficult road to walk and yes i have tried many things , i just keep going im not going to be a pin cushion any longer i dont want ivf ( i have my reasons ) and i am not gonna use pcos as an excuse not to loose weight.

    sorry that was a bit of a ramble ....i do apolagise

    I took out a loan to do the laser hair treatment and it was a huge waste of money, It did not work for me. I am stil waiting for the miracle treatment to come out!!!
  • Diet_Hell
    Diet_Hell Posts: 34
    I'm surprised the lazor didn't work! The lazor treatment I had was a Polaris Lazor (there are several types). I paid £90 for first three sessions, then £60 after that, took about 6 sessions. It has made a massive difference to my confidence, all under my chin (on my double chin) was THICK black coarse hair, it was embarrassing. I had to shave everyday, and that came with its own issues of spots and ingrowing hairs. Wouldn't wish it on anyone. Best money I ever spent. If anyone wants the name of the place I had it done message me. :o)
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    Have any of you had any success with anything to help loose the facial hair? As if all of our problems wasn't enough we have to deal with looking like a man too....fun. I am now on Metformin, was hoping that would help some, but it hasn't. ;( It did give me upset stomach for the first two months, but I have trouble remembering to take it every day. Now that I take it on a pretty much daily basis, I don't really have trouble with it anymore.

    For those of you looking to conceive, this is what helped us....maybe it can help you too. After 3 years of trying with no luck, we finally found a Dr willing to do more than prescribe birth control. Really, who prescribes birth control to someone trying to get pregnant? Anyway..... Our Dr ordered a Hysterosaplingogram (sp??) basically they insert a catheter into your uterus and inject a dye, then they watch it through an x-ray type machine. It was not really painful. I only really felt the insertion and removal of the catheter. The rest was not painful at all. It tells them if your fallopian tubes are open or not to get the egg from the ovary into the uterus. At 23 years old, one of my tubes were already completely closed, and the other let out just a trickle of dye. My Dr was optimistic and put me on the provera/clomid rounds to see if we could induce ovulation. Each month I had to take the meds then go in for bloodwork to see if I ovulated. Month after month, i tested negative for ovulation and my Dr would double the dose of Clomid. I was getting really worried that if it finally did work, I would produce multiple eggs with the doubling of the meds every month. My Dr told me that we would only try that for 6 months, and if that didn't work we would have to look into other measures. On month 6 the ovulation test came back positive, and by the grace of God we conceived on that first ovulation! (Of course my husband likes to take all the credit for that one! HAHA!) We are now the proud parents of a 5 year old, and when I get frustrated or short on patience I try to remember those horrible years of thinking I would never be a mom. I look at how blessed I am, and how much of a miracle child he really is.
    Every time I read stories or talk to other women that are having trouble conceiving because of PCOS it breaks my heart. I've been there before, and I know how easy it would be for me to still be in the hell right along with you. It's easy for me to say, don't give up, to say hang in there, but when you are in that hell, no words can make it better. Just know, you are not alone, and you all are in my prayers.

    Good luck to all of you!
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    thats the test i really did not want and thats why they never gave me metaformin my argument was so if my tubes are blocked does this mean i wont get anything to help with the pcos anyway? i stand by my decison so far like i said in previous posts i needed a break from being thehuman pin cushion
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    shulaw, I totally understand, and you have EVERY right to feel that way!
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    shulaw, I totally understand, and you have EVERY right to feel that way!

    sorry just reread my post and it came accross as defensive not sure why i didt mean for it to be that way ....
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    It's ok! I didn't take it defensively. Just wanted you to know you are not alone!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I was diagnosed when I was 16 after my family doctor found out I had never had a period. I had ALL of the symptoms, and it was very depressing. I was put on birth control and went on a strict diet. I'm doing MUCH better these days. Good luck to EVERYONE! you can BEAT this!
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    Have any of you had any success with anything to help loose the facial hair? As if all of our problems wasn't enough we have to deal with looking like a man too....fun. I am now on Metformin, was hoping that would help some, but it hasn't. ;( It did give me upset stomach for the first two months, but I have trouble remembering to take it every day. Now that I take it on a pretty much daily basis, I don't really have trouble with it anymore.

    For those of you looking to conceive, this is what helped us....maybe it can help you too. After 3 years of trying with no luck, we finally found a Dr willing to do more than prescribe birth control. Really, who prescribes birth control to someone trying to get pregnant? Anyway..... Our Dr ordered a Hysterosaplingogram (sp??) basically they insert a catheter into your uterus and inject a dye, then they watch it through an x-ray type machine. It was not really painful. I only really felt the insertion and removal of the catheter. The rest was not painful at all. It tells them if your fallopian tubes are open or not to get the egg from the ovary into the uterus. At 23 years old, one of my tubes were already completely closed, and the other let out just a trickle of dye. My Dr was optimistic and put me on the provera/clomid rounds to see if we could induce ovulation. Each month I had to take the meds then go in for bloodwork to see if I ovulated. Month after month, i tested negative for ovulation and my Dr would double the dose of Clomid. I was getting really worried that if it finally did work, I would produce multiple eggs with the doubling of the meds every month. My Dr told me that we would only try that for 6 months, and if that didn't work we would have to look into other measures. On month 6 the ovulation test came back positive, and by the grace of God we conceived on that first ovulation! (Of course my husband likes to take all the credit for that one! HAHA!) We are now the proud parents of a 5 year old, and when I get frustrated or short on patience I try to remember those horrible years of thinking I would never be a mom. I look at how blessed I am, and how much of a miracle child he really is.
    Every time I read stories or talk to other women that are having trouble conceiving because of PCOS it breaks my heart. I've been there before, and I know how easy it would be for me to still be in the hell right along with you. It's easy for me to say, don't give up, to say hang in there, but when you are in that hell, no words can make it better. Just know, you are not alone, and you all are in my prayers.

    Good luck to all of you!
    You are very lucky. The tube test was the first step by Ob took. After seven doses of clomid, we then saw a fertility specialist. His first remark was that clomid almost never works for people with PCOS. We have tried two cycles of injected medication and AI and still no luck.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Just read an interesting study, If you are taking Metformin please be aware that you could have a Vitamin B12 deficiency. This recent study showed that 1 in 3 patients on Metformin for a year had insufficient B12. If you are a vegetarian and on Metformin you should already be taking a high quality B12 supplement because a vegetarian diet already lacks B12 .

    As for the hair question - that is the only symptom that I have been really lucky with. A few strays now and then that I pluck when needed, but certainly not as bad as some. Although my loving husband did point out the other day when he was reaching over me in the car the other day "Geez, Pam. You have a moustache".....LOL I have a few slightly darker shorter hairs at the corners of my upper lip (that have always been there - we've been married for almost 10 years)......LOL My Response was "Too bad for you there are no refunds......" Guys can really be insensitive sometimes.
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    I also have it. controlled through BCP and a supplement and i generally follow low GI diet.
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    my hubbys not really said anything about the hair problem but when im with friends i always make a joke about it esp if i forgot to check before i went out ...but it does make me feel really down sometimes am tired of the stubble i mean come on who wants stubble ...is annoying i have become obsessed with it recently i have to double check in the mirror before i go anywhere near the front door these days
  • I was diagnosed in 2005. I have been blessed with three daughters thru fertility treatments but am finding that the weight is getting harder and harder to lose as I get older. I workout, or try to workout, at least 4 days a week. I have really let me diet get a little too flexible but am now on a mission to lose between 20-30 pounds. I would love to get pregnant again but am just not sure if its in the cards for us. I would love to be added as a friend. Thanks.
  • Aubers
    Aubers Posts: 39 Member
    I also have PCOS and was just recently diagnosed (Feb 2011). So far weight loss has been going ok, but not as quick as I'd like it to ;) About 3 weeks ago I started taking Metformin in hopes to help with conceiving. (we've been trying since Aug 2010) After only one week of Met I started my period after 3 months of not having one! Hoping this is a good sign. Anyhow anyone who would like to add me feel free to do so! Always looking for more advice and cysters going through the same obstacles!
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