Tough Love Check In



  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    I had piece of apple pie and a Mt. Dew! I have 99 calories left and I need supper tonight and I don't know what to do. I have no desire to work out because it is so damn cold... So please attack me!
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    i just drove to Wendy's for a twisted frosty with m&ms.

    i have no idea.......but it was damn good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smokin:

    I know how tough it can be! All I can say is stop at the gas station grab a water and a light cal snack next time! Pick on me I posted below you!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I had piece of apple pie and a Mt. Dew! I have 99 calories left and I need supper tonight and I don't know what to do. I have no desire to work out because it is so damn cold... So please attack me!

    It's about time to get off your butt, and earn enough calories to have a nice, healthy dinner!
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    Sprakit, sounds like it was a rough night. These things happen, and we can't expect to cut pizza out of our lives forever (and brownies...especially brownies).

    My question you have a specific goal? I do...wearing a bikini to Maui (and feeling confident in it :ohwell: ). So, I have pics of maui up in my house to help keep me on track. Also, try keeping some healthy, yummy and easy "go-to" foods on-hand so nights like this don't catch you off guard. I'll make a bunch of healthy lasagne or stew and freeze it (before I started on this journey I also used to do this with a to-die-for mac and cheese...but that recipe is now saved for VERY special occasions). That way, if hubby is craving pizza, or if I don't want to cook I have something that I can eat that leaves me satisfied and not craving a quick-fix. I find it hardest to say no when there's easy, unhealthy food to be had. If you make healthy food just as easy, it's WAY harder to justify the bad stuff.

    Don't know if this was exactly an *kitten* kick, but I hope it helped! :happy:

    Wasn't exactly and @$$ kicking, but it's advice I need repeated. And I have a general goal...but making it more specific might help keep me in check. Thanks!

    Oh, and that night inspired me to look up healthier brownie recipes. And homemade pizza.
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    I had piece of apple pie and a Mt. Dew! I have 99 calories left and I need supper tonight and I don't know what to do. I have no desire to work out because it is so damn cold... So please attack me!

    It's about time to get off your butt, and earn enough calories to have a nice, healthy dinner!

    Thank You so much Brenda!! I got out went for a walk/jog for 40mins got some extra calories ate a healthy supper and then I didn't go over! I needed a little encouragement and you helped a bunch!
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    i am sick :( ugh. trying to eat as healthy as possible, which i do a pretty good job. went for a walk yesterday, but that is all i can muster up.
  • joilet
    joilet Posts: 99
    alright ladies...

    i started this, and haven't checked in,
    bad me... ( i don't get online much on the weekends)

    yesterday i had mcdonald's :sad:
    and i haven't worked out in weeks

    here's the deal, i've had "morning" sickness so bad... all day, lots of throwing up... so that's my "excuse"

    but, i'm starting to feel better. I used to go to taekwondo classes regularly, but took a month off because of fatigue and vomiting. tonight, i plan to go back to class. so if tomorrow, i don't check in with that, someone needs to yell at me.

    i'm also only 1 serving away of each: veggie, calcium, vitamin C to make my pregnancy diet daily goal, so tomorrow, if i don't report that i got ALL of these things in... YELL AT ME

    so ladies... be strong, we can do this!
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    i seriously need some tough love. i have not been feeling good and am totally overwhelmed with school. today my eating SUCKED. i had 3 brownies :( on top of that, when i was at school today i was wearing my biggest pants and they were feeling very tight :( please give me some tough love.
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    i seriously need some tough love. i have not been feeling good and am totally overwhelmed with school. today my eating SUCKED. i had 3 brownies :( on top of that, when i was at school today i was wearing my biggest pants and they were feeling very tight :( please give me some tough love.

    I will not feel sorry for you! You need to put down the junk food, put on some work out clothes and work off those calories! I do not care what time it is tonight! Put in a work out DVD go to a 24hour gym if you have a Wii Fit do it!!!! That is uncalled for! No matter what your day is like your diet should not fail! Everyday will hold it's challenges get used to it! Do not turn to food for comfort!!! Get out of the big pants and get into some smaller ones STARTING TONIGHT!!!!! GO NOW!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I love it! :laugh:

    I don't think I've been bad, but I will definitely check in when I am!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I think the worst thing I did since Saturday (when I didn't go to the gym, prepare any meals in advance, or eat anything healthy! :laugh: ) was I had a beer tonight.

    I indulged in one single delicious, heavenly, ice cold bottle of Shiner Hefeweizen while I took a bath.

    Does it still count as being bad if I did that after going to the gym this morning and running for 30 minutes, then going back hours later and taking a spin class, ultimately burning about 1200 calories all day and staying with in my Weight Watchers points? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    Indulging in a necessity so you do not go insane! As long as you are not going over or you continue working out then you will be fine! Good Job on working out twice today! Have a beer for me because I have not earned it yet! LOL
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    thank you for the tough love. unfortunately, i have a cold that feels like it is heading into a chest cold :( so no working out until that is better.

    i did hula hoop last night for awhile and it cheered me up a bit. going to do so again today when i am feeling stressed.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I would like to join your group...I need a "wake-up" kick in the *kitten* often do you check in?
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    we try to check in everyday. that way it is a daily kick :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, I am ready for a "beat-down" if I need it...Kim
  • FirmHottie
    Joy, Tiff - I finally made it here! Sorry for the delay, but things have been crazy busy for me lately. :flowerforyou: I've missed you two like hell, and am really looking forward to continuing our Tough Love check-in here! :love: I'm also looking frward to getting to know everyone else who's joined our litte group. :smile:

    I'm following Atkins, so you'll be seeing lots of good fats and very few carbs in my check-ins. Don't let it freak you out, as I've already lost 20 lbs with this WOE. Ironically, the loss on the scale is slowing down lately (only lost 5 lbs in the last 2 months) :grumble: , but I've lost lots of inches (9.75 in the same time frame) :bigsmile: . While I'm not happy that I'm stalling out at 149 lbs right now, I really can't be too upset when that same 149 gets me into a size 6. :wink: I guess that makes sense, as I was 135 -140 lbs in a size 4 before. I'm not going to sweat the number on the scale since no one but me knows what it is. And now you all, of course! :laugh:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was bad today...bad bad bad! I had to work two shifts in the restaurant I work in, and I packed both lunch and dinner, even snacks! I was full of good intentions! After the shift there was so much extra food, I chowed down! Four slices of pizza (one even had sausage on it!) AND a piece of cheesecake. That was more bad food than I've eaten in a month! :noway: :noway: I don't know how I didn't get sick. Needless to say, I brought both pre-made meals home with me. :grumble:

    Tomorrow, I am back on the wagon! :mad:
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    come on toots99 you can do it! just think, if you eat good the rest of the week, you will probably hit the 15 pound mark. if not.... well, nobody to blame but yourself.

    i did much better yesterday. had a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich for my dessert instead of inhaling brownie. i love these Skinny Cow treats, because they give you a little something good for not too many calories :) and since they are portioned for you, much more success for me.

    i still have a cold, but i am feeling much better. hopefully will be totally better by the weekend.

    Laura, happy to see you here :) we need to catch up ASAP. you are doing great. i am so proud of you.
  • FirmHottie
    Toots - Holy crap! When you do it, you do it big! Bad girl! Don't ya hate it when one little slip-up becomes a big one? Don't let that slip turn into a three-day binge, or you'll slide backward fast.

    Tiff - I'm glad you're feeling better. I had a mild case of the flu last week, and am still recuperating. I feel normal, but my cardio endurance is shot. It's embarrassing how many times I have to stop to catch my breath! Yes, we must catch up, and we really need to plan on that get-together we've been talking about. You and Jerry up to visiting us in Atlanta soon?

    I'm not loving the food log here. It's not Atkins friendly at all. Says I was way short on carbs yesterday and was long on fat and protein. Duh, that's the whole idea of Atkins! If I can't fix it, it's not going to work for me. Also, I don't like that I can't see the percentages like I can on FitDay.

    I did pretty well, but did have a slip-up that I need to admit to.

    B - 2 scrambled eggs
    L - hamburger (no bun) with 1 tbsp mayo, green salad with ranch dressing
    D - hamburger (no bun) with 1 tbsp mayo, 2 sunny-side eggs
    S - 2 MGD 64s + 2 oz Smokehouse almonds

    Yeah, the after dinner beer and almonds really were not a good idea. I wasn't even hungry, so why I ate them, I don't know. :ohwell: Must. Stop. With. The. Nuts!