Tough Love Check In



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Toots - Holy crap! When you do it, you do it big! Bad girl! Don't ya hate it when one little slip-up becomes a big one? Don't let that slip turn into a three-day binge, or you'll slide backward fast.

    Tiff - I'm glad you're feeling better. I had a mild case of the flu last week, and am still recuperating. I feel normal, but my cardio endurance is shot. It's embarrassing how many times I have to stop to catch my breath! Yes, we must catch up, and we really need to plan on that get-together we've been talking about. You and Jerry up to visiting us in Atlanta soon?

    I'm not loving the food log here. It's not Atkins friendly at all. Says I was way short on carbs yesterday and was long on fat and protein. Duh, that's the whole idea of Atkins! If I can't fix it, it's not going to work for me. Also, I don't like that I can't see the percentages like I can on FitDay.

    I did pretty well, but did have a slip-up that I need to admit to.

    B - 2 scrambled eggs
    L - hamburger (no bun) with 1 tbsp mayo, green salad with ranch dressing
    D - hamburger (no bun) with 1 tbsp mayo, 2 sunny-side eggs
    S - 2 MGD 64s + 2 oz Smokehouse almonds

    Yeah, the after dinner beer and almonds really were not a good idea. I wasn't even hungry, so why I ate them, I don't know. :ohwell: Must. Stop. With. The. Nuts!

    You can adjust the amount of carbs that you hit everyday. Click on the food tab, then settings, then goals, then change goals. Choose custom goals, and you can then enter in any amount that you want. Hope that's what you're looking for.
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    I had a feeling today would be a high calorie day because I was going out to lunch with an old friend. But for some reason, even though healthy-ish choices were staring me in the face (like getting a side salad instead of potato wedges!) I opted to just endulge...endulge a lot!

    I need a swift kick in the rear. Remind me how digusting having 900 cal lunch is, seeing as how I have 1400 for the day.
  • courtneyweiss
    K guys...let me have it. It was Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend...ate way too much. I am definitely back on the wagon today, but spent the weekend eating turkey and mashed potatoes...and even pizza (I am very sad to admit). I consider the fact that I kept desserts to a minimum a small victory. I always tend to overeat when my parents are in town. Sigh.

    I am ready for some tough love!! And, if anyone has a butt-kick workout that they could share, that would be awesome - I need it.

    I'm afraid to weigh myself. But, it'll probalby be the best thing to get me going again.
  • FirmHottie
    Toots - that sounds exactly what I need if I'm going to log my food here. Thanks for much for the help! :smile:

    Sprakit - while I agree with you that eating a 1400 calorie lunch is not the smartest thing one can do, I also think how you handled the rest of the day is important. Did you eat a really light dinner, heavy on veggies and good protein and light on carbs? If you did, you probably minimaized the damage. If not, you just prolonged it. I know, easier said then done, but it really helps stop a one-time splurge from becoming a week-long binge, KWIM? :wink:

    Courtney - I can totally feel your pain, as my parents were in town last weekend, and I did the exact same thing you did. I managed to keep most of my bad food choices to the earlier part of the day, and ate cleaner towards the end of the day. I do think that helped, as it gave me a chance to burn off those evil carbs before going to bed. As a matter of fact, I do have a kick-butt workot that I'd be happy to share with you. It's a super interval workout I found that I've tweeked a bit. I'll post it here later today. Don't blame me if it kicks your butt though, okay? :laugh:

    I need a swift kick in the butt too for eating crap last weekend. That was a really dumb move on my part, esecially since I'm only a week and a half away from vacation! Key West will not be forgiving. I need to be good - eat clean and continue to work out. I can and will do this!
  • FirmHottie
    Toots - that worked like a charm. Thanks again! One more question. Is there any way to show what you've eaten as percentages? I try to stay 65% fat/ 25% protein/ 10% carbs, and if I don't meet my goals, I have no idea what the percentages actually are.

    Courtney - Okay, here's that Super Interval workout that I promised you. It originally came from Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine, but I've tweeked it a bit. I also added what muscles you're hitting for each of the exercises.

    4 sets of 15 reps of each = 60 total reps:

    60 squats (legs, glutes)
    60 exercise ball roll-outs (core, shoulders, legs, glutes)
    60 KB swings with my 10-20# kettlebell (core, shoulders, legs, glutes)
    60 back extensions (back, glutes, hamstrings)
    60 tricep dips (triceps, chest, shoulders, core)

    inveral cardio: 3 minute warm-up, then 8 rotations of 30 seconds of "OMG, I think I'm gonna die!!!" intensity followed by 90 seconds of active recovery, then a 1 minute cool-down

    60 sumo squats (legs, glutes)
    60 push-ups (chest, triceps, biceps, chest, shoulders, core)
    60 horizontal pull-ups (back, biceps, shoulers, chest)
    60 walking lunges @ (legs, glutes)
    60 bench hops @ (legs, glutes, calves, core)

    I think that I'm hitting everything, but am still adding in the lower body section of Squeeze Stronger for the extra thigh, glute, and ab work. I do Squeeze Stronger and a cardio (either CLX, Firm, or step) on alternate days from my Super Interval workouts. I'm really liking this combo, and think that it is really helping me start leaning out. I'm only down 5 lbs since starting this, but have lost 9.75", so it seems to be working!

    If you have any questions, don't be shy - ask away!
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    Before I started to read this the girls at work asked me if I wanted to order Chinese food with them for lunch. I had brought a can of soup so the Chinese food was sounding a whole lot better. But then I started reading what everyone was saying on here and I decided to stick with my soup and I told them no thanks. :happy:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Toots - that worked like a charm. Thanks again! One more question. Is there any way to show what you've eaten as percentages? I try to stay 65% fat/ 25% protein/ 10% carbs, and if I don't meet my goals, I have no idea what the percentages actually are.

    Not that I know of...maybe you can post in the technical support forum asking for such a thing, and if they can, they'll accomodate you.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,728 Member
    Toots - that worked like a charm. Thanks again! One more question. Is there any way to show what you've eaten as percentages? I try to stay 65% fat/ 25% protein/ 10% carbs, and if I don't meet my goals, I have no idea what the percentages actually are.

    Not that I know of...maybe you can post in the technical support forum asking for such a thing, and if they can, they'll accomodate you.
    When MFP sets your goals for you, the default is 55% carbs/15% protein/30% fat. If you custom set your goals, you can change the percentages. Are you sure you want 65% fat? That seems like a lot. I set mine for 50% carbs/30% protein/20% fat, and I bump my fiber to 25 grams.
  • FirmHottie
    Amber - good job staying on track! I always thought that I couldn't do Chinese (which I love to death!), but recently went to an AYCE buffet and did really well. I just avoided the carby dishes (rice, noodles, eggrolls, etc) and stayed with the chicken wings, Mongolian BBQ section, and meat/veggie dishes, and did just fine. :smile:

    Toots - If it's not set to do so, I bet it can't be done. O'well, it was worth a shot. Thanks again for your help. :flowerforyou:

    Jilly - Toots already helped me reset my info, but thanks. Yes, I do want that much fat, as I'm following an Atkins WOE. Your 50% carbs is way too much for me, and 20% fat wouldn't keep me satiated. I've tried low-fat diets in the past, and don't believe in them. I'm all about low-carb, high-fat ways of eating that I can maintain long-term. Different strokes for different folks, and all that. :wink:
  • courtneyweiss
    Toots - that worked like a charm. Thanks again! One more question. Is there any way to show what you've eaten as percentages? I try to stay 65% fat/ 25% protein/ 10% carbs, and if I don't meet my goals, I have no idea what the percentages actually are.

    Courtney - Okay, here's that Super Interval workout that I promised you. It originally came from Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine, but I've tweeked it a bit. I also added what muscles you're hitting for each of the exercises.

    4 sets of 15 reps of each = 60 total reps:

    60 squats (legs, glutes)
    60 exercise ball roll-outs (core, shoulders, legs, glutes)
    60 KB swings with my 10-20# kettlebell (core, shoulders, legs, glutes)
    60 back extensions (back, glutes, hamstrings)
    60 tricep dips (triceps, chest, shoulders, core)

    inveral cardio: 3 minute warm-up, then 8 rotations of 30 seconds of "OMG, I think I'm gonna die!!!" intensity followed by 90 seconds of active recovery, then a 1 minute cool-down

    60 sumo squats (legs, glutes)
    60 push-ups (chest, triceps, biceps, chest, shoulders, core)
    60 horizontal pull-ups (back, biceps, shoulers, chest)
    60 walking lunges @ (legs, glutes)
    60 bench hops @ (legs, glutes, calves, core)

    I think that I'm hitting everything, but am still adding in the lower body section of Squeeze Stronger for the extra thigh, glute, and ab work. I do Squeeze Stronger and a cardio (either CLX, Firm, or step) on alternate days from my Super Interval workouts. I'm really liking this combo, and think that it is really helping me start leaning out. I'm only down 5 lbs since starting this, but have lost 9.75", so it seems to be working!

    If you have any questions, don't be shy - ask away!

    So, awesome. Thanks! I'll give this a go. Cool thing is that I can do this at home.
  • FirmHottie
    I know! You don't have to have any weights at all (I added the kettlebell swings because I love them), and still get a killer workout. I always feel it the next day afer doing this workout. :smile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,728 Member
    Jilly - Toots already helped me reset my info, but thanks. Yes, I do want that much fat, as I'm following an Atkins WOE. Your 50% carbs is way too much for me, and 20% fat wouldn't keep me satiated. I've tried low-fat diets in the past, and don't believe in them. I'm all about low-carb, high-fat ways of eating that I can maintain long-term. Different strokes for different folks, and all that. :wink:
    Ain't that the truth? I tried low-carb, and it definitely didn't float my boat. Glad you got the percentages changed. It makes tracking so much easier when it's in sync with how you want to be eating!

  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member

    Sprakit - while I agree with you that eating a 1400 calorie lunch is not the smartest thing one can do, I also think how you handled the rest of the day is important. Did you eat a really light dinner, heavy on veggies and good protein and light on carbs? If you did, you probably minimaized the damage. If not, you just prolonged it. I know, easier said then done, but it really helps stop a one-time splurge from becoming a week-long binge, KWIM? :wink:

    I had toast for dinner. I was feeling lazy, and I was at my mom's - she has very little food to select from. Although, in hindsight, I could see how a salad would have been a better choice :)
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    Laura's back :) yay!

    yeah, so i have been totally off track for awhile now. i am just not feeling it :( but when i look in the mirror i want to cry.

    just found out this morning that the fitness center at hubby's work is going to be offering classes soon. i am so hoping for a Turbo Kick style class and a sculpt class. and it would all be free, so how could i pass that up?
  • FirmHottie
    Jill - yes, it really is amazing how different people respond - or don't respond - to different ways of eating. I guess half the battle is trying to figure out what actually works for us! :ohwell:

    Sprakit - While toast isn't something I'd go for (the carbs, the carbs! :wink: ), I think that you did okay. Hey, you could have eaten everything around you, figuring "Eh, 'I've already blown it today, why not?" But you didn't, and you should be proud of that! :flowerforyou:

    Tiff - Hey sweetie! I've been missing you! You know that you're not gonna feel it until you get your *kitten* in gear and start eating right! Fake it until until then! Lucky you - free fitness center and classes! I'm not jealous at all. :tongue:

    I ate well yesterday, but was just so hungry all day that I definitely wound up eating too many calories (1705 & 25 grams carbs). I guess I didn't eat enough fat yesterday. I certainly won't be making that same mistake today, that's for sure. Sausage & eggs for breakfast, tuna salad (yep, with real full-fat mayo) with celery sticks for lunch, and ribs & homemade coleslaw (oh yeah, more mayo!) for dinner. I :heart: Akins!
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    Good morning everyone... I need some tough love.. I did horrible from Friday on. I have been good so far today but all I did was pig out all weekend... :angry:
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member

    i have completely fallen off the wagon. i need a major *kitten*-kicking from you ladies.

    good news: fitness center opening at DH's work will have classes soon.

    bad news: having minor surgery next week, but will derail my activities for a few more days :(
  • PanicAtTheBuffet

    Are any of the *kitten* kicking ladies still around?

    The world needs you.