Tough Love Check In

joilet Posts: 99
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Brought over from somewhere else...

check in here if you want tough love. Your slip ups won't get just a ... "it's ok, you'll do better tomorrow." They'll get actual constructive criticism. It works for some people, but it's not for everyone.



  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    i joined the october group as well but tough love would be good too
  • joilet
    joilet Posts: 99

    Unlike a low carb thread... or a south beach thread... everyone will do there own thing. But the key is, you have to admit your slip ups. And instead of being sympathetic, offer solutions to people on how they can beat their demons. Don't get mean... just don't say, "oh, it's ok, poor baby."

    So my thing... I'm pregnant, so I'm not dieting. But Im trying to eat all my nutritional requirements. So I will post slip ups when I fall short of what I should have eaten for the day.
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    ok sounds good to me
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    hurray for Tough Love! i need it badly. i have figured out that my biggest issue is PORTION CONTROL. i usually eat healthy, but eat like 3x the amount i should. so that is going to be my biggest priority.
  • im the same, if its healthy i think its ok to eat triple the amount, what can i say, i love food lol!!
    i'd rather have a litte tough love as it gives you that little extra push!!
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    i think my biggest will be food period i am not bad with my workouts i do them but having two roomates and none of us have jobs so no money i find it hard to eat healthy or buy healthy but ido what i can i buy alot of canned veggies and alot of frozen chicken and fish lol boring but it works
  • i cant afford to buy all the healthiest food's about but like you i try my best and get the things i can, and i do alot of exercise so i guess thats good for burning the extra off, but eating too big a portion's im left feeling bloated which don't make me feel the best lol, i used to be really goodwatching what i ate and staying focused, was even gonna train to be a p.t.i but then i started a job a couple of years ago plus having my 7 yr old son to look after my routine went out the window. but now im out of work again my routine is getting back in place, hopefully i can start that training soon, as a p.t.i after all hehe
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    good luck i hope you do it
  • I'm so in to join this group. Need some tough love every now and again. Once I commit to eating healthy, I'm usually really good for staying on track. It's exercise that I need tough love for (especially now that it's getting colder outside). I don't have a gym membership, so I go outdoors for most of my workouts, with some strength training indoors.

    I have a hard time admitting my slip-ups, but I'll do my best!
  • brwnsgr
    brwnsgr Posts: 78
    Here's a slip up I'll admit....I joined this website on 9-11-09 and have been doing everything right (to the best of my knowledge) drinking water, exercise and logging my food in my MFP journal and I haven't only lost a half of a pound. I went to burger king today and got a double cheeseburger and french fries

    But I'm still drinking water :drinker: :drinker:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    ahem... Alright, folks I'm stepping up. Let me have it... I can take it. Scream, yell, name call... give me whatever ya got!

    Here's the deal:

    There is a small grocery store we go to about once a month because they have a lot of homemade, and just plain awesome things that the big chain grocery stores don't have. A few months ago, I got some homemade chocolate drizzled rice cakes from there- only 20 calories each, awesome, and the perfect chocolate fix! Went last weekend and got some more. Got home and realized that these weren't drizzled, they're chocolate DIPPED- as in absolutely covered in chocolate. I wasn't sure if I was happy or disappointed, but I checked the nutrition label and still only 20 calories... could that be? I looked at the ingredients and it says it used skim milk in the milk chocolate so I thought, hmmm ok, 20 calories is probably at least in the ball park- maybe these ones have 30 or 40, but still not bad!

    Well, for the last week, I have been having 3 or 4 as dessert at night- as I always used to do with the *drizzled* ones for a total of 60 to 80 calories. Long story short, I got curious when the scale said 145.2 today :sad: and looked at the nutrition label again. It says the serving size is 1 cake (5 grams) so I weighed the ricecake and it was 20 grams! So, everytime I thought I was eating 30 or so calories, I was actually eating 80!!! So, say I had 20 of these bad boys over the course of the week, thinking that was a total of 600 calories, and it was actually 1600 :noway: :explode: :sad:

    Here's where you can yell: Rather than throw them immediately in the trash, I proceeded to pig out on them as a "final hoorah" before I ditch them. Bad, bad choice... especially since I have blood sugar issues and not feel horrible and will for the rest of the night.

    Ok, go ahead... kick my butt please :angry:
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    I'm inviting myself in to this group.
    ahem... Alright, folks I'm stepping up. Let me have it... I can take it. Scream, yell, name call... give me whatever ya got!

    Here's the deal:

    There is a small grocery store we go to about once a month because they have a lot of homemade, and just plain awesome things that the big chain grocery stores don't have. A few months ago, I got some homemade chocolate drizzled rice cakes from there- only 20 calories each, awesome, and the perfect chocolate fix! Went last weekend and got some more. Got home and realized that these weren't drizzled, they're chocolate DIPPED- as in absolutely covered in chocolate. I wasn't sure if I was happy or disappointed, but I checked the nutrition label and still only 20 calories... could that be? I looked at the ingredients and it says it used skim milk in the milk chocolate so I thought, hmmm ok, 20 calories is probably at least in the ball park- maybe these ones have 30 or 40, but still not bad!

    Well, for the last week, I have been having 3 or 4 as dessert at night- as I always used to do with the *drizzled* ones for a total of 60 to 80 calories. Long story short, I got curious when the scale said 145.2 today :sad: and looked at the nutrition label again. It says the serving size is 1 cake (5 grams) so I weighed the ricecake and it was 20 grams! So, everytime I thought I was eating 30 or so calories, I was actually eating 80!!! So, say I had 20 of these bad boys over the course of the week, thinking that was a total of 600 calories, and it was actually 1600 :noway: :explode: :sad:

    Here's where you can yell: Rather than throw them immediately in the trash, I proceeded to pig out on them as a "final hoorah" before I ditch them. Bad, bad choice... especially since I have blood sugar issues and not feel horrible and will for the rest of the night.

    Ok, go ahead... kick my butt please :angry:

    The blood sugar issues is what really should have stopped you from buying them in the first place! I've done similar things (buying desserts that sound healthy until you realize the serving size is about a third of what a normal person actually eats *cough* low-cal ice cream *cough*), and all I have to say is CHOCOLATE IS NOT WORTH IT! Make them at home next time, monitor what goes in to them (like margerine vs. butter) and drizzle your own chocolate on them (easy to do with some melted chocolate chips).

    You have only 12 LBS. to go!! Don't ruin that with sugary delights!!
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    And my slip up today would be:

    Having three slices of pizza for dinner...and not working all.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Thank you... I appreciate the virtual @ss kicking... keep 'em coming folks- I deserve it.

    Wanna know the worst part? I don't really even like chocolate :noway: It's one of those "if you put it in front of me I'll eat it" things :devil:
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    I have the same relationship with chocolate. And cake.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I've already put the remaining two containers of ricecakes in my boyfriend's lunch bag for tomorrow and told him to take them to work and don't bother coming home unless he's gotten rid of them- I told him "you can throw them out the window as you drive to work, give them to someone, or eat them... I don't care but DO NOT come home if you still have them!" :wink:

    And, I'm currently in the process of making us two seperate snack cupboards- his & hers. This way, when I want a snack I don't have to sift through his Milano cookies, doritos, potato chips and candy to my healthier snacks.
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    That's a great idea!!

    And now, I need a major *kitten* kicking.

    Last night, I'm not really sure what happened, but I was starving at 5pm so I had a snack of bread and cheese (I freakin love cheese). My friend was bringing home a pizza (of which I was planning on having ONE slice), but not till much later. The bread and cheese didn't last long...and I found myself downing 3 brownies and a snack back of doritos. To top it off, when the pizza got there, I had 2.5 slices (split one) and two pint glasses of dr. pepper! Over my calories by *drum roll* 1000!!

    Let the lashings begin.
  • Sprakit, sounds like it was a rough night. These things happen, and we can't expect to cut pizza out of our lives forever (and brownies...especially brownies).

    My question you have a specific goal? I do...wearing a bikini to Maui (and feeling confident in it :ohwell: ). So, I have pics of maui up in my house to help keep me on track. Also, try keeping some healthy, yummy and easy "go-to" foods on-hand so nights like this don't catch you off guard. I'll make a bunch of healthy lasagne or stew and freeze it (before I started on this journey I also used to do this with a to-die-for mac and cheese...but that recipe is now saved for VERY special occasions). That way, if hubby is craving pizza, or if I don't want to cook I have something that I can eat that leaves me satisfied and not craving a quick-fix. I find it hardest to say no when there's easy, unhealthy food to be had. If you make healthy food just as easy, it's WAY harder to justify the bad stuff.

    Don't know if this was exactly an *kitten* kick, but I hope it helped! :happy:
  • good luck i hope you do it

    thanks hun, im actually off to the college tomorrow to enroll onto the sports course, first step to the p.t.i haha x
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    i just drove to Wendy's for a twisted frosty with m&ms.

    i have no idea.......but it was damn good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smokin:
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