Ladies, TOM success tips PLEASE!



  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    When TOM comes around I let everyone in my household know that I am giving up refined sugars and breads (baked goods). It lasts for about 3 days and everyone will always give me the evil eye or make some comment about the two cookies I just stuffed in my mouth.

    BTW, I hate it when they say things about how I eat, but it really does help! :smile:

    Hahaha! I love it! (the two cookies I just shoved in my mouth!)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm still learning...the only this that's saved me is "this not that" popchips not potatoe chips....dark chocolate not milk chocolate...and if you have to then eat some not your salt intake, and drink tons of water or tea. I struggle every damn month, good luck
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member

    which ones do you like? I tried 2 kinds last week and one was AWFUL the other wasn't as bad but not my fav still but they were soooo different in taste it made me wonder....

    I absolutely love Chobani 0% greek yogurt in the bluberry, peach, and strawberry flavors. Definitely not plain, YUCK!
  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    My confession.....when I last went to my gyn, I told him of the horrible water weight gains and he gave me a water pill. Now, I only take 1 or 2 per month, right around TOM and it helps. I would gain 5-7 pounds. Granted, it doesn't help with the cravings, but when I feel better about me, I don't tend to overeat......

    I know what you mean about feeling better so you will want to eat better.
  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    IIf your flow is really heavy you might want to think about upping your iron intake during this time. I double up on my supplement two days pre until two days post this helps foe me. I am just on the edge of being anemic so TOM kills me. I noticed when I was taking care of my iron it helped a bit with the cravings. If you don't want to do supplements you could add some extra red meat and spinach and see if that helps. I plan a couple of ghiradeli dark chocolate squares into my day as well : )


    How many mg's do you take?
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I am the naysayer, I guess, but I totally disagree with making TOM an excuse to splurge. Work through it. Exercise hard. Sleep well. Drink lots of water. I totally believe that eating clean foods will lessen PMS and Menstrual symptoms. Don't change who you want to be just because it's TOM. Keep your goal in mind and get through the rough couple of days. Once you get through to the other side you will be so proud of yourself for not caving. ANd then it gets easier every month.

    Hey, I get tired too, but not as tired as when I ate junk and never exercised. I get cravings, but they sure aren't like they used to be.

    Having said that, I still can't kick the cramps. Not as bad as they were at one time, for sure, but I still carry some ibuprofen with me.
  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    I am sorry I don't have an answer for that as I don't seem to be more hungry at that time as I am just incredibly fatigued and crave chocolate. I have noticed that when I eat healthy as regular habit when TOM arrives I actually lose weight and have better control over my cravings. It is a phenomenon that surprised me the first time I went through weight loss a couple of years ago and it still works that way for me.

    I hope others have something helpful to offer you in the way of advice. It is something I would be interested in hearing about as I know that lots of women struggle with this and I love learning what others experience and how they handle those challenges.

    Best to you in finding answers that work for you!


    Yes, me too. I have found (from logging on mfp ) that when I am fatigued I eat more!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I actually am in the 5th day of it and so far no cravings. I do take midol for the severe cramps I have which has a diuretic in it, so that has helped with the water retention. I will be weighing tomorrow morning so hopefully no gain. Good luck.
  • mitchet
    mitchet Posts: 23 Member
    yes, i eat way more when i am tired!

    as for chocolate cravings.... chocolate Shakeology helps me a lot. i used to pig out during PMS and TOM (actually my PMS is way worse :( ) but my cravings really subsided wit the Shakeology.

    and if all else fails.... sugar-free, fat-free chocolate fudge jello pudding made with skim milk. :)
  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    yes, i eat way more when i am tired!

    as for chocolate cravings.... chocolate Shakeology helps me a lot. i used to pig out during PMS and TOM (actually my PMS is way worse :( ) but my cravings really subsided wit the Shakeology.

    and if all else fails.... sugar-free, fat-free chocolate fudge jello pudding made with skim milk. :)

    Thank you!
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I think the recommended dosage for menstruating woman is 18 mg a day. I would start with that and see how you feel. Being low on iron makes you tired which can lead to bad choices. I take a lot more than that but I am under dr supervision :o)

    smiles :)
  • kirstinkrueger
    I eat dannon's brand of greek yogurt.

    I buy the plain, nonfat kind and mix it with a 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries for a 120 calorie snack.

    Also, I make parfaits out of them to mask what some would call the "funky" taste of greek yogurt.

    200 calorie parfait recipe: 1 container plain greek yogurt layered with 1/3 cup fresh blueberries, 1/4 cup fiber one cereal, 1/2 serving of sliced almonds

    yum thanks!
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    I would drink lots of water! Be proactive! :) That's what always helps me! Most of it is mental...and I KNOW you can fight it! :)
  • kirstinkrueger
    I think the recommended dosage for menstruating woman is 18 mg a day. I would start with that and see how you feel. Being low on iron makes you tired which can lead to bad choices. I take a lot more than that but I am under dr supervision :o)

    smiles :)

    Children, 1-10 years 10 mg.
    Teen males 12 mg.
    Adults males 10 mg.
    Teen and adult females 18 mg.
    Pregnant women 30 mg.
    Women over 50 10mg

    when menstruating add 5mg a day, And vitamin C helps with iron absorption! and Caffeine drinks such as tea and coffee prevent iron absorption. But don't over do it, too much iron can be a bad thing!

    I take a lot more too, I am severely anemic :( but when my levels get low i am the opposite, i cant eat or i feel like butt!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Get up and move! Seriously, it does wonders. My last time around was terrible, but I got up and dragged myself to the gym, and after a long work-out I felt a ton better--I also didn't overeat that night or have overpowering cravings. Didn't even TOUCH chocolate. I just couldn't bear to ruin the hard work I put in at the gym! Best of luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    I hate when TOM cravings take over!

    I try to substitute the cravings with a low cal version, or smaller portions. I love hot chocolate, jello pudding cups, skinny cow ice cream, single-serve bags of chips, and single serve frozen versions of whatever I'm craving.

    I also try to put down what I'm going to splurge on in my journal so it's already accounted for in the calories I have left.

    And I try to give in to the cravings in moderation. If I'm really craving chips, a healthy "substitute" (like carrots and hummus) will not work. I'll try to eat the substitute, and still end up eating the chips, so now I've consumed extra calories from the substitute and what I'm craving. So I give in to the craving first, but in moderation.

    And remember that it doesn't last!
  • kirstinkrueger
    I hate when TOM cravings take over!

    I try to substitute the cravings with a low cal version, or smaller portions. I love hot chocolate, jello pudding cups, skinny cow ice cream, single-serve bags of chips, and single serve frozen versions of whatever I'm craving.

    I also try to put down what I'm going to splurge on in my journal so it's already accounted for in the calories I have left.

    And I try to give in to the cravings in moderation. If I'm really craving chips, a healthy "substitute" (like carrots and hummus) will not work. I'll try to eat the substitute, and still end up eating the chips, so now I've consumed extra calories from the substitute and what I'm craving. So I give in to the craving first, but in moderation.

    And remember that it doesn't last!

    have you tried pop chips? yummmm