Ladies, TOM success tips PLEASE!

Help! This is my first full month of tracking my diet and I have to say that I could probably eat 3 days worth of food near TOM. I need to break this pattern.


  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Empty the house of bad food and stock up on fruits and veggies when it's that time of the month. Drink lots of water to help with retention. I have a IUD so I don't get my monthly vistor anymore while I have it in.

    Good luck.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I try to keep good chocolate options on hand . . .my favorite are zone perfect chocolate mint bars . . . and I schedule in some chocolate milk. Exercise seems to alleviate some of the tension/symptoms, drink water, and DO NOT STEP ON THE SCALE!!!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    im drinking loads of water and has def curb my cravings around that time:smile:
  • julzband
    julzband Posts: 5
    This is something I am struggling with also. This last month I tried gum. I just kept gum around and anytime outside of my normal meals I chewed gum, and I exercised. It did help but the want was still there.
  • kirstinkrueger
    Oh the joys of being a women haha

    water, water, water! and sugar free peppermints help to ease cravings (well even regular ones, i just avoid sugar) and gum! and a piece of dark chocolate (organic is wonderful) here and there!

    I have an IUD and dont have one anymore but that gets me through any hungry days i have

    and the dont step on the scale is great advice! water weight is the worst, and you dont want to get discouraged, cause it will all come off overnight one night! Good luck!
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    Me too! And lots of chocolate:) My diary around my TOM is an embarrassment! I try my very best to exercise. I leave my shoes off and put on my comfy pants and dance around my house or do some wii tennis. I make room for what I am craving. Try to get plenty of rest. Drink lots of water. And every time you feel like eating try to exercise for at least 30 mins!
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    I most certainly understand how hard it is sometimes to curve your cravings but for some reason today I feel like I have mastered mine. I know this is probably not a healthy alternative but I drink coffee in the morning and once in the afternoon, it really does control your appetite and its not all that bad. I usually do 1/4 cup of skim milk and one splenda in it instead of all of that other sugared stuff with tons of calories. Also, chocolate is awesome but has a lot of sugar in it so watch out. Lastly, what really helps me is truly logging my daily calories and exercise before I do it. If i see what I am supposed to be eating before I eat it i can plan my calories carbs protein etc. ahead of time preventing me from over eating. I hope these tips were relevant.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I try and eat veggies and drink lots of water. I try to keep busy also so Im not tempted to eat
  • kirstinkrueger
    I most certainly understand how hard it is sometimes to curve your cravings but for some reason today I feel like I have mastered mine. I know this is probably not a healthy alternative but I drink coffee in the morning and once in the afternoon, it really does control your appetite and its not all that bad. I usually do 1/4 cup of skim milk and one splenda in it instead of all of that other sugared stuff with tons of calories. Also, chocolate is awesome but has a lot of sugar in it so watch out. Lastly, what really helps me is truly logging my daily calories and exercise before I do it. If i see what I am supposed to be eating before I eat it i can plan my calories carbs protein etc. ahead of time preventing me from over eating. I hope these tips were relevant.

    its actually not a bad idea, as long as you are still eating right as well! I used to drink tea all the time for the same reason.
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
  • Therapist_mama
    Therapist_mama Posts: 135 Member
    I am sorry I don't have an answer for that as I don't seem to be more hungry at that time as I am just incredibly fatigued and crave chocolate. I have noticed that when I eat healthy as regular habit when TOM arrives I actually lose weight and have better control over my cravings. It is a phenomenon that surprised me the first time I went through weight loss a couple of years ago and it still works that way for me.

    I hope others have something helpful to offer you in the way of advice. It is something I would be interested in hearing about as I know that lots of women struggle with this and I love learning what others experience and how they handle those challenges.

    Best to you in finding answers that work for you!

  • barefootbeautiful
    Paleo Brownies. Paleo Pumpkin bars. Apples. Good chocolate, good sugar, and still feels like "cheating." :)
  • pmad37
    pmad37 Posts: 105 Member
    My confession.....when I last went to my gyn, I told him of the horrible water weight gains and he gave me a water pill. Now, I only take 1 or 2 per month, right around TOM and it helps. I would gain 5-7 pounds. Granted, it doesn't help with the cravings, but when I feel better about me, I don't tend to overeat......
  • kirstinkrueger
    My confession.....when I last went to my gyn, I told him of the horrible water weight gains and he gave me a water pill. Now, I only take 1 or 2 per month, right around TOM and it helps. I would gain 5-7 pounds. Granted, it doesn't help with the cravings, but when I feel better about me, I don't tend to overeat......

    i used to have to take them too, i would literally swell (like my feet ect) from water retention and it was miserable!
  • kirstinkrueger

    which ones do you like? I tried 2 kinds last week and one was AWFUL the other wasn't as bad but not my fav still but they were soooo different in taste it made me wonder....
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    When TOM comes around I let everyone in my household know that I am giving up refined sugars and breads (baked goods). It lasts for about 3 days and everyone will always give me the evil eye or make some comment about the two cookies I just stuffed in my mouth.

    BTW, I hate it when they say things about how I eat, but it really does help! :smile:
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    IIf your flow is really heavy you might want to think about upping your iron intake during this time. I double up on my supplement two days pre until two days post this helps foe me. I am just on the edge of being anemic so TOM kills me. I noticed when I was taking care of my iron it helped a bit with the cravings. If you don't want to do supplements you could add some extra red meat and spinach and see if that helps. I plan a couple of ghiradeli dark chocolate squares into my day as well : )

  • authson
    authson Posts: 233
    not much advise except to drink a TON of water!
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member

    which ones do you like? I tried 2 kinds last week and one was AWFUL the other wasn't as bad but not my fav still but they were soooo different in taste it made me wonder....

    I eat dannon's brand of greek yogurt.

    I buy the plain, nonfat kind and mix it with a 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries for a 120 calorie snack.

    Also, I make parfaits out of them to mask what some would call the "funky" taste of greek yogurt.

    200 calorie parfait recipe: 1 container plain greek yogurt layered with 1/3 cup fresh blueberries, 1/4 cup fiber one cereal, 1/2 serving of sliced almonds
  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    I try to keep good chocolate options on hand . . .my favorite are zone perfect chocolate mint bars . . . and I schedule in some chocolate milk. Exercise seems to alleviate some of the tension/symptoms, drink water, and DO NOT STEP ON THE SCALE!!!

    Chocolate milk! I am going to try that. Thanks :)