_ylime_ Member


  • Sounds like these ladies have already provided you with the info you need! Just wanted to add I started pregnancy at the exact same weight and we are the same height. I am 35 weeks currently, only up 16 lbs total, which my provider thinks is great. I exercise regularly and eat anywhere from 2000 - 2500 calories per day (so…
  • Forgot to add: feel free to PM me if you have any questions as things move along... :flowerforyou: I 100% understand the stress having been going through it, and I am more than happy to provide more info. on what you can expect if that would help ease your mind! Remember they are just being incredibly precautionary, and…
  • I am so sorry you have to go through this - but that is great news that the ultrasound went well! I am 33, well almost 34 weeks along and I had a VERY high AFP.... we are talking in the 4 range here, so well above the cutoff. Despite that everything is going great! Our initial L2 ultrasound went well and they ruled out…
  • Pre-Prego SW: 157.6 (normal BMI) First Trimester (1-13 Weeks): 157.6 (+/- 0.0) Second Trimester: Thrid Trimester: Post Baby:2nd Trimester Weekly Weigh-In.... 14 Weeks: 157.6 (+0) 15 Weeks: 157.6 (+0) 16 Weeks: 153.4 (-4.2) flu* 17 Weeks: 155.6 (-2) 18 Weeks: 158.6 (+1) 19 Weeks: 160.0 (+2.4) 20 Weeks: 161.0 (+3.4) 21…
  • Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • Yes... I find this very strange... and if I do respond they usually say something like "oh you are going to gain WAYYYY more than that" - well no *kitten* I am only 22 weeks into the pregnancy... do you think it just all comes on at once...? I also "love" when people tell me how fat I am going to get and that I shouldn;t…
  • Thanks ladies! I need to talk to him, he is always 100% behind me on these things, but I don't think he is firm enough with his parents, he is very easy going so sometimes he needs a little reminder that he needs to stand up for himself and us..... or we get walked all over... Guilt ditched. :bigsmile:
  • Hey Ladies... I hope you all are doing well! I just had to open this topic up again... so now that I am well into the second trimester (YEAY!) we have started to approach this topic with the in-laws etc... and it (so far) has not gone well. The subject came up and we thought it was a good time to let people know we would…
  • The first trimester is the worst! I was SO tired and sick, it was hard to get myself out of bed. But I have continued with my normal workout routine (I have the OK of my midwife and doctor). Now that I am well into the second trimester i am less tired/sick, but new discomforts have come up... so it is really just about…
    in The Gym! Comment by _ylime_ May 2013
  • RBX. OMG... YES what is it with people and the air freshener????? Our bathroom here stinks of the stuff... in small doses it is nice... but not the empty half the can in one spray type of doses we are talking about... yipes... I know some of it has to do with my current pregnancy related nausea... but seriously does anyone…
  • SW 157.6 (5'7", Normal BMI) Suggested Gain: 25-30 lbs First Tri: +0.0 Current (20 weeks): 160.0 (+2.4) I stuck at 157.6 for the first tri, and through week 18... week 19 it jumped up 2lbs and I finally see a little bump! Happy with the gain so far, just need to keep it in check, I know I could do a whole lot of damage in…
  • Not sure it will help... but this is what a typical day looks like for me... I snack all day long... so it is not always broken into "meals"... Egg and cheese breakfast sandwich Assorted Fruit Nuts, and cheese, dried fruit Pretzels and Almond butter Big salad with grilled chicken (lots of veggies) or a burger or sandwich…
  • Thank you SOOOO much everyone! :flowerforyou: It is really wonderful to have such a great group for support here on MFP! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks again for everyone's positive thoughts and kind words! We got the L2 ultrasound and despite my "off the chart numbers" and terrible odds (1:5, compared to 1:50,000)... the baby looks perfect... (we also got to find out it is a girl!). So if any of you get some scary news from the quad test, or any of those tests,…
  • Thanks ladies :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you. I really considered not having it done... becuase I knew I would be a mess if it came back "positive" (even though I know better, and I know how small a chance there is for something to actually be wrong...). I have my L2 scan next week, if that looks good I am opting out of all the other tests... this is too…
  • Love 4 on you; I would try and find something with a similar shape that has some color!
  • Oh... I love this topic... LOL! - People that think they have to tell me what I should and shouldn't eat... and how I should workout. I have made it VERY clear that I have talked to my doctor about how much I should eat / gain, and I have her OK about my workout routine... including the heavy lifting... I did it before,…
  • How far along are you? 14 weeks What # pregnancy is it for you? 1 What are you doing for your workout? I walk several miles each day, go to crossfit 3x per week, run when I feel like it, and I just got a couple DVDs with yoga / pilates (I need more structure for my "stretching" - plus I wanted soemthing to do at home on…
  • Thank you! Reading all of this has really helped... I am going to do what is best for me and our little family... and I am not going to feel bad about it :happy:
  • I am SO glad this topic was posted! I still have a long way to go before delivery, but I already feel stressed about it (not becuase of the labor, birth etc) but becuase his family (in particular) is already being so pushy - how we should do x,y, and z... when we should do this and that... etc. I know they have the best of…
  • opps above I intended to say NET calories... I eat way more depending on exercise... but I do quite a bit... I walk / run everyday and go to crossfit, plus some yoga / pilates... so my calorie burn is quite high on most days and the doctor said I should eat them back... For reference I am 5'7" and currently weigh…
  • ^ I am in the same boat as these ladies... I eat 2000+ per day... still haven't gained any weight (~13 weeks). So I will probably up my weekly average to 2300/2500 soon...
  • I am not in Florida either, but I have the PPO through Blue Cross Blue Shield, and prenatal care is (at least here) considered "preventative" so there isn't even a co-pay. I have my plan through state employment here (although I had to get in on my own as I also fall along some weird lines... Could you talk to your…
  • 12 weeks (so it is still early) - I feel sick 90% of the day and am always tired... BUT... I walk 2 - 5 miles per day, run (intervals), and do crossfit / lifting 3x per week. I feel better when I am active and I hope to be able to keep it up the entire time. I also hope in the next couple weeks I get some energy back!!…
  • yum! thank you!
  • Thanks for all the great ideas... *crossing my fingers* something works!
  • *bump* for answers... :smile: I am going to ask my midwife about the B6! The tea sounds like a great idea too!