cmeiron Member


  • Is there any way you can see a sport physiotherapist? I bet they'd be able to tailor some good exercises to your particular needs.
  • Interesting. Just went to quote northbanu and *poof* gone! Troll be trollin' poorly. Try using the right account, it helps.
  • I have almost the same stats as you (started at about 175-80 at 5'9") and got as low as 128 - no saggy skin. Now sitting comfortably around 135-140 (with a lot more muscle, rawr).
  • Super hard to say with any certainty. For one thing, the TDEE estimate is just that - an estimate. Only time, careful tracking of your intake (i.e. data) will let you figure out what it actually is (and then you can adjust things as needed). Purely as an anecdote, I went from 24+% to about 18% between February and…
  • If you calculated your TDEE correctly, then it includes the calories burned via exercise in addition to your basal functions and non-exercise activity. So you want to take a small cut from the TDEE and NOT eat back the calories - this creates your deficit. You only eat them back if you're using the NEAT method, like MFP…
  • If you're eating below maintenance (at a deficit) and following a heavy progressive lifting program (something like Stronglifts, Starting Strength, NROLFW, etc.), then you'll cut body fat and get stronger. You won't gain muscle, other than unremarkable newbie gains if you're new to lifting, but you can definitely gain…
  • Stretching is great, but it won't fix bad form. Squats shouldn't hurt your back.
  • If you have a phone or digital camera, bring it to the gym and record yourself squatting from different angles. If there's no one there to hold the phone for you just prop it up on a bench or something (I do this all the time). You can post links to the videos here for critique if you don't spot any problems on your own.
  • Lift! Pick a good, heavy, progressive lifting program (StrongLifts, Starting Strength, All Pro, NROLFW, etc.), and maintain a modest deficit (like 10-15% of your TDEE) and enjoy the rewards. You can and will lose fat and get stronger while lifting weights and eating at a deficit. You'll also retain more muscle as you drop…
  • I need something fairly substantial in my system before a workout or I feel weak as all-get-out and am likely to get woozy. So usually I work out about an hour after breakfast, which usually consists of eggs over easy, toast, jam and bacon ... oh, and 4 cups of coffee :bigsmile: Pre-workout food doesn't have to be fancy or…
  • Um, so, maybe this is why you're hungry? :huh:
    in HUNGRY!! Comment by cmeiron August 2014
  • <--- I have SideSteel (and his partner in crime, Sarauk2sf) to thank for putting me on the road to excellent fitness, eating, and bigger mooscles. Yay, SideSteel! :drinker:
  • <- runs off to google "how to make rhubarb wine" while thinking of the crop waiting to be harvested in her garden As for the OP, the only thing I can think of is cream and sugar in my coffee, because I prefer to eat than drink my calories.
  • With the TDEE method you don't eat back exercise calories. You figure out what your total expenditure is (including weekly exercise), take a small amount off it (say 10-15%), and eat that amount every day. If you're eating back exercise cals you're eating at or above maintenance probably. ETA: an example: I calculated my…
  • That's a bit of an overgeneralization - it depends on your goals. When I was bulking last winter I often ate just because, even if I really didn't feel like it - unless I ate enough I wouldn't get the gains I was looking for.
  • Tagging for my FL in case anyone's interested :)
  • :noway: Eek! No wonder you've been feeling off...EAT!!! :drinker:
  • Getting away from your desk for 30-60 minutes 3 or 4 days a week to exercise will not hamper your studying. Nor will taking an hour or two on the weekend to prep a bunch of healthy, ready-to-eat/heat meals for the week. It's a drop in the bucket of your time. Balance is important, and you have to make time to treat…
  • Skip the chiro and find a good physiotherapist.
  • ^^^ This. Feeling guilty about eating sweets or other types of food (labeling food "good" or "bad") is disordered thinking and it's what lead to failure after failure in the past (for me). This time around I'm not restricting anything, just making sure it fits in my daily intake goal. I have ice cream or some other dessert…
  • Hi! So I've been failing at cutting this summer, but I have maintained at between 138-140 since February, so that's not a bad thing,and I have seen great gains in my lifts (up to 135lb squat, 185lb deadlift, 95lb bench, 75lb OHP) since then too. I'm hoping that this means I've been doing a bit of recomp all this time! I…
  • See what your weight does once you start exercising. If you're losing weight too fast, eat more than what you were eating before you started exercising. If you're losing at a good rate (0.5-1lb/week), then leave your intake where it is (don't eat back, or just eat some back). Figuring out your "correct" intake level takes…
  • It is really, really, REALLY easy to put more than you think in a measuring cup, even if you're not packing food in and scooping to level. You're almost definitely underestimating your intake by hundreds of calories a day if you're relying on cups. Weigh. EVERYTHING. Seriously, everything. Log for a month doing that, see…
  • That would annoy the crap out of me. At my gym (strength gym not Crossfit) I walked in and they said: "It's X dollars for a month, Y for a week, Z for a day. No contracts, pay for as much or as little as you like." I was like, "Shut up and take my money." (In addition to being a fab gym with no bs the price was very right).
  • Set your macros based on your body mass, not a % of caloric intake. 1-1.2 g of protein/lb lean body mass, and 0.35 g of fat per lb total body mass. Fill the rest with carbs.
  • There's a lot of exercise I dislike (a lot), but over the years there have been two types I've loved. In my teens/early 20s, it was martial arts. I'd probably still be really into it if it wasn't so damned expensive and if there was a decent dojo around. Now, in my 30s, I've discovered weightlifting. I used to HATE lifting…
  • Shameless flexer. Guilty as charged. Actually really should get some new flex selfies that reflect my latest *kitten*-kicking weight-lifting badassery.
  • I think your sarcasm detector is broken.
  • Totally possible. It's water weight. I gained 13 lbs on a week-long camping trip because I ate All Teh Carbs (which causes water retention). If you WAY overate there might be one or two real pounds there but not likely much more. Calm down, stay off the scale for a week and then check in again. In my case I dropped 7 or 8…