

  • I hear you, and you made me laugh. But I think its when the teeth came through that they discovered there were problems....Hopefully.
  • I used to train fasted, and it worked fine. But then I decided to try eating (2 bolied eggs and a big raw tomato) 1 hour before exercising to see if i would have more/less energy during workout. I definitely have more energy during my training when I have eaten before hand, and so i am able to push myself harder and burn…
  • said by FALLSER on a previous thread on Sat 09/22/12 04:10 AM I recommend you listen to a free podcast series called The Smarter Science of Slim. The guy talks quite specifically about why the quality of food and the types of calories you consume are the key to sustainable fat loss. He explains how the body's metabolism is…
  • I disagree. 500 calories from chocolate (fat) is not the same as 500 calories from lean meat and veg (protein, carbs) for example. Yes the number 500 is the same, but thats looking at QUANTITY not QUALITY. I also wondered this at the beginning, because we obviously secretly hope that we will still lose weight even if we…
  • It's amazing in a slad with warm sweet potato & butternut, lettuce and sweet chilli sauce. You can also add pumpkin seeds and feta.
    in quinoa??? Comment by debzv December 2012
  • Great, thanks guys. Yes I eat back ALL my exercise calories!!! Yes I am at a healthy weight for my height, but I want to lose 1-2kgs. My biggest focus is to lower my fat percentage and build more muscle. I am going to focus on making sure I eat enough protein, and try to do weights 3 times per week.
  • Hey TheEmi, thanks for your reply. My wrist is much better now and i am doing weights again. Pushups are still not a good idea and burpies definately a no-no, but at least I can do most things again. How is your wrist???
  • HRM do not measure calories burned correctly while doing strength training, or some "cardio". They are for aerobic exercise only. Stuff like HIIT, uphill running or other high intensity cardio could easily become anaerobic and also measure incorrectly. [/quote] Very interesting, makes sense now that you mention it. So how…
  • A 13 week old husky/german shepard/surprise from animal welfare! Sooooooooo cute, such a nice temperament. We love her to bits.
  • I agree with everyone else. You might lose a little weight at first, but I am sure you will be hungry and bored. You will definitely lose more weight if you had in stacks of veggies.
    in Cereal Comment by debzv July 2012
  • In an ideal world, you should wait until your throat isn't sore anymore. But I understand that craving to exercise.....One rule to go by: if the sickness is below the neck ie in the chest, you should NOT exercise. If its above the neck ie throat, nose, sinuses etc, it can be ok to exercise (still not ideal). I suggest you…
  • Hi, this is a very common problem. Look up previous posts, you will see this question has come up ALOT and ppl have provided very detailed answers. In basic, 1200 calories is generally way too low, you need to eat more. And you MUST eat back your exercise calories.
  • Welcome!! This is a briliant place to start! If you put in all the hard work of counting all your calories and following the guidelines, you WILL reap the rewards! All the best :)
  • Hi Esther! I am Debz. I would love us to support and moptivate each other!! I have sent you a friend request.
  • Hi ladies! Please add me as well. I am new and haven't added any friends yet. I am 5'4 and 127lb and am aiming for 116lb. I love exercise and push myself really hard. But chocolate is a serious downfall and I keep cheating and undoing all my hard work at the gym...Would be great if we can support and motivate each other!!!
  • Polar Heart rate monitors are really awesome. I bought the F7 4 yrs ago, I have worn it everyday, and used it every single time I have exercised in these 4 yrs. The strap needs to be replaced about every 6-10months (depending on how often you use it). But I think that will be the same with all brands. I have never had a…