Working out after being sick

So I got sick last Saturday and today it has been a full week without going to the gym or running. I have a mild cough and a sore throat the isn't going away yet :-/ Can I workout now? I don't feel 100% more like 95% I REALLY wanna try and run tomorrow and go to the gym tonight? If i like triple dose the vitamin C, do you think I can go??


  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    i would just see how your body feels and workout accordly
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    This is exactly me. I've been sick since last sunday. Each day I wake up thinking: today I'll run. Then I start coughing and realize I still feel crappy. I've decided tomorrow I'll run at the gym regardless of how I feel.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    This is me right now! I have a cold (congestion, head ache, sore throat, but no cough). I got sick Wed night but did run 5 1/2 miles on Thurs (really difficult). I was really sick yesterday and today. Hopefully, I will feel slightly better tomorrow morning. If so, I will be going for a run- at least 4-5 miles.

    I would say, if you have some energy and feel up to it, then yes work out.
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I got sick too with a throat infection. I tried to work out but I was caughing as soon as I started the warm up. I guess the best is to check with your doctor, I didn't, I just waited until I was 100% because I wasn't sure if the high temperature of the body can harm my throat more, or help the bacteria (or virus or whatever I had) to reproduce. I know, I sound like I exaggerate but that's how I am. Better safe than sorry.
  • debzv
    debzv Posts: 23
    In an ideal world, you should wait until your throat isn't sore anymore. But I understand that craving to exercise.....One rule to go by: if the sickness is below the neck ie in the chest, you should NOT exercise. If its above the neck ie throat, nose, sinuses etc, it can be ok to exercise (still not ideal). I suggest you take it easy on your run tomorrow. Don't push it as you normally do coz if your immune system is still compromised you will just get sick again and have to wait another week to exercise.

    I had tonsilitis last wkend and finally got to go for a run today after 8 days no exercise. I am really hoping I won't get sick again, but I could not wait one more day without losing my mind.

    All the best!!
  • socalgirl68
    socalgirl68 Posts: 85
    Thanks guys! I think I will run 4.5 tomorrow. :D YAY! haha
    Hope you guys feel better (nwhitley and sabine_stroeh)
  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124
    Call my office and have someone make you an appointment for next week.