memaw66 Member


  • Oh yea. I use my measuring spoon. And it goes in a coffee cup. ;)
  • Thanks Starfall!!!
  • From 240 down to 217.......From June to September of this year
  • Thanks guys! I will give those ideas a try..... As for the walking, that is painful too. I have tried different shoes, had inserts made for my shoes, but I will give it another try. I have got to do SOMETHING!!!! Tired of being fat and tired!!!
  • Me too!!! I love Ellen!
  • Guess I'm not a ladie, then. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • OOOOHHHHH Thanks for clearing that up! I stil don't like it, LOL
  • I was recently trying to find a work out buddy and noticed that someone on my friends list lives in the same litte town as me. So I messaged her and now we are walking and taking Zumba classed together. Networking is great!!!! Memaw
  • Mines as in "that is mines!" there is no s at the end of mine people!
  • I don't know if this counts as a phrase because it's only two words but I hate "same difference". My mom used to say it all the time and it would drive me insane!! Also she would say "wonderbar!" when she liked something, is that even a word?? I don't like the word "snort" or "baby mama" I know there are more, just can't…
  • Oh my gosh!! I thought I was the only one who understood this one!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. The other one I can't stand is cre**** instead of credit
  • I wouldn't know, I never get either :cry:
  • Okay here is just ONE of my most embarrassing moment. Started working at a new company. Company was redoing the building so I had to walk down this really really long hallway to get to the bathroom, past all the customers waiting in the waiting area, past the reception desk, down another hall past several co- workers. Walk…
  • Looking good! Way to go!! 2012 is gonna be YOUR year!!!
  • 1. Trying to figure out new computer program at work. 2. The fact that I have absolutely no will power around food. 3. The fact that bad food tastes so good! 4. I haven't been in the pool all summer cuz i feel so fat. 5. That my mom is no longer here for me to talk to! ( I miss her every day so she will always be on my…
  • Me tooo,!!!
  • My children have different fathers. My son is all white and my daughter is half white/half puerto rican. My daughter has beautiful dark skin and she has always been very proud of it. They have never asked but they have always known why they look different. Kids adjust way better than adults! No worries!
  • chloeraesmom
  • Well, I think my biggest problem was thinking I could do it on my own and not log anything. I was trying to add calories in my head without writing it down. NO GOOD!!!!!!!!1 Then I started a new job where they buy our lunch EVERYDAY and I sit all day long! So who can say no to FREE CHEESEBURGERS AND PIZZA?????????? Not…
  • Just reading for fun "One Good Dog" by Jon Katz. True story, very sweet.
  • The obvious one is Jesus!!!!!! When my kids were little (6 & 3 years old). I was turned in for child abuse (false accusation). Anyway, my friend went to the school my son was at, picked him up and would not release him to the police alone. She rode in the police car with him and stayed at the station until it was all…
  • I love watering my plants and filling up the bird feeders!
  • I can't say I LOVE any of the chores but I hate to dust, hate the feel of dust and I hate putting away the laundry. I don't mind vacuming, mopping, cleaning the bathrooms etc......
  • I don't have photobucket or anything right now but if you go into my profile and look at my pics you can see my dogs. I have 5. My doberman is Amos Kong, My min pin (my heart) is Chloe Rae My old doxie/beagle mix is Chelsea Marie And my 2 Italian Greyhounds are Satin Lace (gray/white) and Slate Lee aka "Punk" (slate blue).…
    in Pet Pics Comment by memaw66 July 2010
  • very sad
  • just plain old iced tea, no sugar, no type of sweetener, just good cold iced tea!!! Luv it!
  • I really regret letting myself gain back 15 of the 36 lbs I lost and now I can't seem to get a handle on losing again!!!
    in Regrets? Comment by memaw66 March 2010
  • After work we have some friends from church coming over. Then after that we are delivering some furniture that my MIL bought from me to her house. Tomorrow, no big plans, cleaning house, going to the bank, paying a bill or two, and maybe the library. Sunday morning bible study, then church, then Sunday afternoon another…
  • I have 2 cousins with Dawn as a middle name Brandy Dawn and Crystal Dawn.
  • People at work who take credit for the work I have done! (happened to me yesterday!)