Stranger or Spouse?



  • Here_kittykitty
    Here_kittykitty Posts: 53 Member
    Some people are really, really weird.

    Are you hitting on me??? o.O

    Off topic: My moon crabs are named Bubbles and Sergeant Meowenstein.

    I don't know what moon crabs are, but they must be AWESOME
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Some people are really, really weird.

    Are you hitting on me??? o.O

    Off topic: My moon crabs are named Bubbles and Sergeant Meowenstein.

    I don't know what moon crabs are, but they must be AWESOME

    Are they crabs FROM THE MOON?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Some people are really, really weird.

    Are you hitting on me??? o.O

    Um. Yes. :blushing:
  • peripah
    peripah Posts: 120
    Some people are really, really weird.

    Are you hitting on me??? o.O

    Off topic: My moon crabs are named Bubbles and Sergeant Meowenstein.

    I don't know what moon crabs are, but they must be AWESOME

    Are they crabs FROM THE MOON?

    They are both awesome AND from the moon! Or Costa Rica; I can't quite remember.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    from my spouse. Only because it doesnt happen very often and sometimes we get comfy in our relationships and i want to know he still has the hots for me.

    When others do it its nice too but more meaningful when its your SO!
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    Random question & I want the truth! No PC answers allowed. Does it make you feel better to be desired by your spouse/partner or by a stranger... i.e. If your husband whistles at you, you're like 'yeah whatever' but if a stranger does it, you're like a giddy schoolgirl/boy. I have no specific examples to share & nothing happened that prompted me to ask... just curious! And however you answer, why do you feel that way?

    I find catcalls from strangers a little icky.. and threatening actually... someone winked at me on the tube the other day and although i think that is quite funny i got off the other side of the carriage to avoid him.

    i love it when my boyfriend ogles me, makes me feel unbelievably horny, and sexy, because he's very sexy and i love our chemistry together so I feel good knowing that the one person i think is DIVINE thinks the same of me...
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Really good question!!

    I'm going to have to say stranger, but with some explanation/qualifications, LOL.

    First of all, I've never been hit on by a stranger in a dirty way, it has always been sweet and kind. And I've NEVER been touched- I would FREAK if someone randomly came up and touched me in ANY way.

    Secondly, my husband is completely honest with me about everything. He never says things just to say it or because he has to. And I love that about him. So when he says random things that he actually notices (because usually, he doesn't), it totally makes my day. The other day, he was putting cream on my legs after I got out of the shower, and he commented about how my legs are so skinny. I couldn't stop smiling. :happy:

    And lastly, I never "look my best." I don't do anything with my hair- half the time, I don't even brush it. I never wear makeup. I never dress "sexy." So when a stranger goes out of his (or her) way to tell me that I'm cute/gorgeous/etc., something that NEVER happened before I lost weight, I get all flushed and embarrassed and flattered by it. It tells me that what I'm doing is working, and I love that. On top of it, my husband loves it when that happens, because it just makes him even more proud of me and it gives HIM an ego boost too, because he's lucky enough to have me! :wink: :laugh:
  • PottyMrs
    PottyMrs Posts: 55 Member
    i think everyone likes the attention off others, be it a smile from a good looking guy or a chat up line, it makes us feel good about ourselves. I love it when my husband compliments me, but he compliments everyday and it doesnt matter that much really as its something he does. But a stranger, thats different, its nice to know that somebody other than a partner finds you attractive, its a bit of a boost aswel as flattery
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I wouldn't know, I never get either :cry:
  • charmainecurrie
    you are kidding...stranger...of course...
    My husband is often telling me how great I look
    (I don't believe him) but when a stranger tell you...
    that's a different story...
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130

    It's nice to be noticed by strangers because then I know I must be looking good for some guys to take a double look! I also love it when my boyfriend tells me how good I look because it's nice to have that affection from him. :love:
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    My husband is a BIG guy. He outweighs me by over 100 pounds. And he's hairy. Not quite "wearing a sweater" hair, but he's a wooly mammoth. And he gets bacne.

    And I think he's absolutely gorgeous. He has amazing green eyes with long thick lashes. A fantastic smile. Great bone structure. Incredible, muscular legs. A wide, strong back. An adorable cleft in his chin, even though it's covered with a goatee at the moment. He's a beautiful person, and whether he's overweight or not, I don't care. I don't look at him and think, "Ew. Fat hairy guy with pimples on his back." I see... my honey. :heart:

    If I'm biased, it's because he's an amazing man who holds my heart. I can't see that as a negative!

    And I know he feels the same way about me. He adored me when I was skinny. He adored me when I was fat. He adores me now that I'm fit, and is proud as hell because he knows how hard I work to be this way.


    LOVE this post..
    That is the way it should be.

    ^ Agreed!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    My spouse any day. Why? Because he has seen me without makeup, cleaned up the puke when I was pregnant, held my hand while I was in the ER (more than once), massage my temples when I have a headache, held me when I cried, brought me breakfast in bed when I was feeling blue and the list goes on. When he gets that look :love: it's coming from someone who has seen me at my worse and quite honestly, that look, happens even when I'm not looking my best. Some random person who only looks at me because I'm all fixed up for the day? Who cares.

    To paraphrase Marilyn Monroe "If you don't desire me at my worst you don't get me at my best."
  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    Depends on the stranger....Clive Owen = Husband who? Fat guy at beach in speedo = vomit in mouth while running to husband for comfort.

    That is funny!!
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Someone who is still attracted to me after years of seeing me daily... now that is awesome. Change the outfit, the makeup or whatever, and that same stranger might not look at me twice.

    Well put and so true!
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,911 Member
    My spouse any day. Why? Because he has seen me without makeup, cleaned up the puke when I was pregnant, held my hand while I was in the ER (more than once), massage my temples when I have a headache, held me when I cried, brought me breakfast in bed when I was feeling blue and the list goes on. When he gets that look :love: it's coming from someone who has seen me at my worse and quite honestly, that look, happens even when I'm not looking my best. Some random person who only looks at me because I'm all fixed up for the day? Who cares.

    To paraphrase Marilyn Monroe "If you don't desire me at my worst you don't get me at my best."

    Well put!!!
  • Northantsman
    But a stranger does cause a special, unique feeling... you are always sure your being told truth by an absolute stranger.

    Not really. 99% of men who check out and/or whistle at random women are NOT thinking "She's beautiful." They're thinking "She's bangable." To me, that's gross. It doesn't make me feel attractive at all; it makes me feel cheap.

    Hey! Hang on a moment. We don't all drag our knuckles in the dirt!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'm sorry, I still can't get over the number of people who openly admit that a stranger's opinion of them means more to them than that of their spouse.

    "My husband tells me I'm beautiful all the time, and I don't believe it. If a stranger whistles at me, that means something." Excuse me, but WTF? A man who loves you and tells you you're beautiful every day deserves much better than that. Maybe he'll wise up and stop telling you how beautiful you are since it clearly doesn't matter to you at all what he thinks.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    But a stranger does cause a special, unique feeling... you are always sure your being told truth by an absolute stranger.

    Not really. 99% of men who check out and/or whistle at random women are NOT thinking "She's beautiful." They're thinking "She's bangable." To me, that's gross. It doesn't make me feel attractive at all; it makes me feel cheap.

    Hey! Hang on a moment. We don't all drag our knuckles in the dirt!

    Well, I did leave room for 1%.
  • Mattsetterquist
    Why women always have a headache? When you're dating you give it up like nothing, then once you say "I do", it's all of a sudden some prize to be won...