5 things you dislike this week!!!



  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    Only five items? Really? Well here goes...

    1) 16 year old girls......especially when said girl sees me as the AntiChrist!
    2) Doing my coworkers job and not getting paid for it--stop yammerring and work!
    3) When every weekend is booked with no end in sight!
    4) Allergies to pollen
    5) People who think that by changing the topliet paper roll will cause brain damage, so they don't do it.

    BTW--Harry Potter is awesome, and yes I'm going to see it with the rest of my nerd herd.
  • shelld70
    shelld70 Posts: 106
    1. My dog that just peed in the kitchen!
    2. My phone keeps dying. Needs a new battery.
    3. itunes and my ipod. Can't get them to sync right.
    4. The freakin' HOT weather here in TX.
    5. The teen drama/angst going around here.
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I can only pick 5... oh now that's a challenge!! :laugh:

    1) Rain: It's July damnit! It should be sunny all the time, I should not go out in a sundress and end up like a drowned rat.

    2) Money: Our "so called pay rises" got announced this week. Does not even come close to inflation but apparently we should be grateful we get one at all. Hmm, let me think...longer hours, double workload, 2% increase...not a good deal!

    3) Boobs: It seems everywhere I look people are talking about boobs, showing them off or otherwise! My other half wants me to get surgery. No thanks! I have reached my goal weight and seemingly every one of those 10kgs lost was off my chest. Not fair at all!

    4) The BBC: We scheduled our whole advertising and events plan for the winter around a series they SAID they would screen in October. Only now they have changed it to August. Makes my work life very difficult and us look totally useless at our jobs.

    5) A whole 83 days (and counting) until my holiday. Really? Do I have to wait THAT long??
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    1 - The Scale.. I gotta get a good analouge scale this Digital crap is pissing me off!

    2 - The Heat

    3 - Lack of Time (I feel like I need more than 24 hours in a day)

    4 - That right now is not 4:30pm Friday Afternoon

    5 - Lack of Sleep due to the Lack of Time in a Day!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    My back pain
    Knowing that I am backpacking this weekend with my back pain
    My super-grouchy boyfriend
    My back pain

    did I mention that my back ****ing hurts?
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    5. The Stampede is about to start and everyone is going to have to wear stupid cowboy outfits

    This is my FAVE part of the year!! :) Already took my cowboy hat out the other day. CAN'T WAIITT :):)
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    ooo i like this topic!!!

    1- Paying Bills- I work hard all monrth and my wages are gone within a few days ..but thats partial to saving for a wedding T it will be worth it !
    2- Being skint when everyone else is having fun
    3- Annoying myself by stressing out over bills and being skint when its not worth the stress.. i am healthy and have a roof over my head and people that love me .. what more can i need :)
    4-the rain- i would like some nice weather to do some running
    5- All of the above... i dont dislike too many things haha!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    1. My dog can't keep up with me on my runs anymore :(
    2. My roommate suddenly being allergic to my dog :(
    3. I haven't been to my family farm in ages
    4. I haven't seen one of my best friends in almost 2 years
    5. The phone at work keeps ringing but the only 'people' calling are automated voice message things...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    1. My retired neighbor who's always outside and wants to talk to me when I just want to lay in the pool with a book. I'm sorry. I'm just not comfortable talking to an octogenarian while wearing a bikini.

    2. Leaky roof. No money to fix it for a long time. Long story behind that I'd rather not get into here.

    3. Nasty biting bugs. Apparently, I'm delicious.

    4. Ear infection. Annoying in itself, but it aggravates my TMJ jaw problems.

    5. Too hot to run. Too hot to even walk the dog. He has a smushy face and can have trouble breathing if he over-exerts himself in the heat.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    1. Trying to figure out new computer program at work.
    2. The fact that I have absolutely no will power around food.
    3. The fact that bad food tastes so good!
    4. I haven't been in the pool all summer cuz i feel so fat.
    5. That my mom is no longer here for me to talk to! ( I miss her every day so she will always be on my list).

  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    1. parking tickets
    2. license plate sticker not being renewed on time tickets.
    3. skipping my lunch to party at the DMV for TWO hours to prevent anymore tickets!!
    4. Casey Anthony. (seriously people?)
    5. The state of decay of my fave running trail. (no on likes running over crack needles and king cobra bottles!)
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    1) Having a summer cold
    2) Not having any energy to exercise due to said cold
    3) Not sleeping due to said cold
    4) The fact that it's actually rubbish weather in London (so why do I have freaking summer cold? LOL)
    5) Being super busy at work as we are person down this week. (she has a summer cold!!! eeeeeekk!)
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    1. People who yack away on their cellphones while pretending to work out at my gym

    That's all I've got!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    1. parking tickets
    2. license plate sticker not being renewed on time tickets.
    3. skipping my lunch to party at the DMV for TWO hours to prevent anymore tickets!!
    4. Casey Anthony. (seriously people?)
    5. The state of decay of my fave running trail. (no on likes running over crack needles and king cobra bottles!)

    Crack you smoke, HEROINE you shoot....I know cause I don't just can't deal with the track marks and next time Ill leave you a half empty bottle of Old Engrish
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    1. my fat flappy arms
    2. my expired inspection sticker
    3. my messy desk
    4. a chick at work that reminds me of lurch
    5. the fact that i cant be at home for the summer with my kids!
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    1. That right now isn't 5:30 pm on a Friday!
    2. That right now isn't 5:30 pm on a Friday!
    3. That right now isn't 5:30 pm on a Friday!
    4. That right now isn't 5:30 pm on a Friday!
    5. That right now isn't 5:30 pm on a Friday!

    It's 5:30 somewhere and if you say you have to go home sick, it will feel like Friday! Don't be jealous, my Friday was June 2nd. My Sunday will be August 8th!
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    1. parking tickets
    2. license plate sticker not being renewed on time tickets.
    3. skipping my lunch to party at the DMV for TWO hours to prevent anymore tickets!!
    4. Casey Anthony. (seriously people?)
    5. The state of decay of my fave running trail. (no on likes running over crack needles and king cobra bottles!)

    Crack you smoke, HEROINE you shoot....I know cause I don't just can't deal with the track marks and next time Ill leave you a half empty bottle of Old Engrish

    I have totally been exposed for not understanding needle injected drugs, haha! And to be honest, when it is hot enough, even a half drank 40 starts to sound refreshing!!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    1. Humidity...it's a real b*tch on my hair and mood!

    2. TOM..mixed with humidity just makes me in a more crabby mood!

    3. My ankle is being a DB....haven't been able to get any good exercise since the weekend.

    4. I have to close at PT job Fri and Sat night. Boo for having no life those two days.

    5. My car is satanic and likes to test my patience.
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    1. This cough I can't get rid of, which brings me to
    2. Having to quit smoking soon
    3. The girl at work (who also says she's trying to lose weight) always baking treats and bringing them in (my own fault for having a cookie, but come on).
    4. My sister being a grudge-holding, angry person, and not being able to see my niece and nephews bc of it.
    5. Not being out enjoying the summer, instead sitting in a freaking cube day after day.
  • Smittyinthesun2