mixed children

I was just wondering if there any other parents of mixed children, I have three! My oldest is 1/4 middle eastern and my two youngest is half African American. And I was also wondering how so you deal when the kids get older and ask something like "daddy why are you white and I'm black?". I love my children more then anything in this world and I wad just want to be the best father I can


  • Andythefitfamilyman
    Sorry about the typos
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Your children will never ask that question. I have a son that is biracial and he has never questioned why his parents are of different races. Race does not matter to children. Race is an idea that parents and other adults put in the minds of children.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    agreed. They wont even think about race
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    My dad's Native American and my mom's white, I honestly never even thought that my parents weren't the same color until I was probably in high school. I think as long as you love them and instill pride in them in both/all of their backgrounds you'll be doing your job!
  • 73vanessa
    73vanessa Posts: 50 Member
    I love my children. As long as your children are shown love and respect... who cares the color of their beautiful skin. They were created for a reason and just love them and respect them and they will grow as they should.
  • lbelfrey
    lbelfrey Posts: 63
    Teach them about both backgrounds and that will give them pride in themselves. But you have to do this at an early age before TV gets to them! Not all races are depicted equaly on most TV programs and even cartoons have subliminal messages.
    Most of all show them that you love eachother and that color, race, sexual preference, doesn't matter, everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    I was adopted, My dad is Japanese and my mom is Nigerian, I always kinda knew we were different and they were not my blood parents, but in the end it didn't matter, tell them the truth and love them, that is all parents can really do.
  • Jennifer19761
    If they ask, just tell them.. My children are bi-racial, it's never been a big deal for us anyway. I've always told my children that people come in many packages but we're all the same on the inside. My girl has said, ''I'm dark like my dad and my sister is light like you'" I say yes and you're both beautiful:)
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    My sons bio dad is half white and half korean. Even though he looks more white, when he smiles or laughs you can def. tell he is mixed with something :P. I don't think he will ask, or even care for that matter. I teach my son race doesn't matter, it is just the color of our skin/ our ethnicity .. just like the color of our hair or eyes.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    Ty everyone
  • Hanne76
    Hanne76 Posts: 10
    My little girl is mixed as well. I'm white and her father is African American and I also wonder if one day she'll start asking questions about this. She's 3 1/2 now and so far she hasn't. She did once tell me that I'm white and that daddy's black and that she's white and black, but she never questioned why.
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    My little girl is mixed as well. I'm white and her father is African American and I also wonder if one day she'll start asking questions about this. She's 3 1/2 now and so far she hasn't. She did once tell me that I'm white and that daddy's black and that she's white and black, but she never questioned why.

    She probably already knows to an extent , kids can simplify things easier than us.
  • BuddhaBabeee
    BuddhaBabeee Posts: 105
    I am black and white. My mom is white my dad is black. I never see my dad though, boo hoo lol.
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    I agree with everyone so far. The only thing that would have concerned me as a parent in prior years is OTHER children. My best friend since elementary school has a white mother and black father and kids would often tease her for looking different. I hated that for her, but she never really had issues with it.

    However now, 20 years later, I know lots of friends with mixed children and I think kids now have grown up seeing a little bit of everything. Different race parents, same sex parents, etc. The best thing is your children are loved!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My son is mixed. His dad is black and I'm white. He'll be 25 next month and has never had issues being bi-racial. Growing up most of his friends were mixed also so for the most part it was never a problem. There were a few exceptions which I dealt with promply but that was because of the area we lived in and it was over 15 years ago.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm a mix. My momma's filipino/chinese and my dad's white, maybe some french, irish, and all that.
    I've gotten mistaken for Indian, native american, mexican, hawaiian...
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    My family is mixed all over the place.

    My cousins are: Mexican American/Romanian, Mexican American/Bulgarian, etc. Race is never an issue for them and I am sure it won't be for you kids either :)
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    My children have different fathers. My son is all white and my daughter is half white/half puerto rican. My daughter has beautiful dark skin and she has always been very proud of it. They have never asked but they have always known why they look different. Kids adjust way better than adults! No worries!
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    Sometimes the kids ask. When I was little my brother used to ask why he was white and I was brown. My mom told me in a basic way and I really didn't care. What sucks about being mixed I think is how other people act. But teaching kids while they are young I think will make them be proud to be every single culture/race that they are. Being mixed is great!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Your children will never ask that question. I have a son that is biracial and he has never questioned why his parents are of different races. Race does not matter to children. Race is an idea that parents and other adults put in the minds of children.


    Kids just want to play with other kids. They don't care what color they are or how much money their parents have. How much nicer would this world be if we could all just see other people and not their things or their skin?